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Outsiders of Aera


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The continuing adventure of the Outsiders of Aera from the old boards. The old link can be found here and I'll work on putting the complete story into a single document.

The campaign takes place in my own campaign world called Aera, and those interested about some of the details can browse them here. It's not much to look at, but it provides some basic info on the world (and allows me to be vague so I can throw in twists and turns).

From time to time I'll post NPCs in the Rogue's Gallery, here. Feel free to post requests if you want to see a character posted!

Since some of you may be new here, I'll introduce the characters! (In alphabetical order).

Austarian Galanodal (male elven Rogue 8): The talented rogue often goes by the simple name of Star while around the campfire or in the local inn. His skills are exceedingly adept for the art of stealth and sleight of hand, sometimes too good. Star is especially knowledgable about organized crime and has pulled off a heist or three in his past. Star is currently in possession of the Amber Flame of Kurisk, the Kurisks being the dwarven mafia family of Saven, a Polarian city

Canthor (male elven Cleric 9): The elven cleric of Bryle was something of a lost soul until he came to Aera. His past had been locked away by a strange form of amnesia that has since been cured, but the road has been long with still more to go. An ex-cleric of the deity of war on his home plane, Canthor abandoned his ways of evil by joining the church of Bryle and works to protect his fellow party members and serve the church of Bryle.

Gale Glory (male human Fighter 9): The strong, silent Gale is somewhat of a mystery. During his relatively short time in Aera, Gale has proven his valor in combat time after time. His beloved double bladed sword once held a piece of his very soul, however when his sword was shattered in a recent battle against a pair of dwarven brothers, Gale lost part of his essence and strives to recover it.

Gwenlarianna Melaidon (Gwen for short) (female elven Ranger 9): This elven lass has a talent for handling animals and exploring the wilderness. On her home world she had trained as a Pathfinder, an elite group of guides and protectors who escort caravans and others on the road. During her time on Aera, she has become interested in the Riders of Gryphon's Nest, and one day hopes to become a Gryphon Rider. Gwen currently carries two pieces of the Medallion of the Gods, a powerful artifact in the land of Aera.

Lorethian Eldanesh (Lor for short) (male elven evoker 7/War Wizard 2): Lor is a frail wizard of war who has been immersing himself in magic his entire life. A distant relative to the king of his native kingdom, Lor has fallen into his element in the current chaotic war situation in the Free North of Aera. Lor's weakness is his frail health and will cough up blood on a rare occasion. One of Lor's goals is to find a cure for his malady.

Remus (male human Fighter 9): The tall, strong Remus has only recently overcome his fear of fire (thanks to the help of some fire resistant chainmail). In combat, Remus serves as the party's tank and has been referred to as the party's "blender". Remus is also an accomplished blacksmith and is one of the few people on Aera who has been able to use the legendary Forge of Liquid Fire. His greatsword emits an eerie green glow and at odd times he has been caught talking to his weapon.

Tarmus Woodblood (male human Bard 9): Tarmus is a seasoned bard. He has travelled the world and sailed the great sea to lands beyond. Originally from a farming family near Mydrana, Tarmus set out for adventure instead of continuing to work on the dying soil. His knowledge of Aera and support role in the group has been invaluable. He has an especially strong disgust for the Phantoms (assassins organization). Recently, Tarmus was reunited with his younger brother Yeric, a skilled swordsmen.
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The Story So Far...

Summoned by a gate spell gone awry, our heroes found themselves in the midst of a battle that would have severe repurcusions for the rest of northern Aera. The wizard who had summoned them was imprisoned by an elven archwizard, sealing off their way home.

Since their abrupt arrival to this foreign plane, the Norther Alliance suffered the loss of Gryphon's Nest, its most powerful member, due to a "change in government" involving a discreet elven extremist group known as the Sulimarin. The withdrawal severely weakened the Free North, as the remaining cities could only wait for what was to come.

In the meantime, our adventurers traveled Aera, clearing out an old dungeon, making deals with a certain Polarian ambassador (Lady Lia Quickwater), and exploring the war oriented Polary.

As half the party emerged from Polary, the kingdom attacked its first free northern city: Ralanov. After a week of fighting on the walls, the party witnessed a man known only as the Dark Wizard, Polary's only recognized wizard (and apparently only wizard), use his magic to slay the main gate's defenders and allow the invaders into the city. The city fallen, our adventurers reunited in Aenith. After a week or two of preparation and adventure in Aenith, the inevitable occurred and Polary set their sights on the Aenith, the city of Bryle.

Thanks to our adventurers, the city started their defenses with their most prestigious paladin, Katrina Purelight and the Summersword. Katrina served to inspire the other paladins of Bryle, while the Summersword served as the conduit for focuing the cleric's power to raise a barrier of light to protect the city from attacks.

After a month of on and off combat, our heroes have been staying at the Warrior's Courage and taking their turns on the walls. Our party has also become something of a celebrity in the town of Aenith, having saved Katrina from the Dark Wizard, and prevented the Summerswords theft by the Phantom Ellison Lance.

And so the story continues....


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The Conflicts Within...

Wings. Flapping wings. Many large flapping wings could be heard by the elven ears of Gwen and Star as they sat at their usual table in the Warrior's Courage. Peering into the continually lit sky, five gryphons and their riders passed through the barrier of light encompassing the city. The barrier turned aside half of all projectile hurled at Aenith, prevent translocation, communication, and scrying into the city, and was capable of resisting magical attacks. As a side effect, the town was bathed in continual daylight, with only the moon providing a hint to the time of day.

The five gryphons and their riders landed in the courtyard of the Temple of the Spirit, an elaborate temple dedicated to Bryle and projecting the barrier of light over the city. In total, nine people dismounted the five gryphons. Sheila Freefall, an elite gryphon rider, gave them a wave as she dismounted Winter, he white gryphon. Each of the other four gryphons had a rider and a passenger, but it was the passengers that caught the attention of the gathering townsfolk.

Two wizards, wearing the emblems of the Guild Wizard's of Gryphon's Nest dismounted. An elf in a green robe and a human in blue robes stretched their aching legs, as Olon Matran, the head cleric of the Temple of the Spirit, emerged to meet them.

Tarmus gave out a shout of excitement as the next passenger dismounted. Yeric, his younger brother, had managed to convince the Riders to give him a ride into the beseiged city. The brothers hugged as the two began telling their stories.

The last passenger to dismount was a strange halfling. Wearing bright blue clothing with a streak of blue hair in his otherwise brown mop, the other riders were keeping a watchful eye on the pint-sized curiousity. He fluttered about, often picking up mundane items to have a look, then returning them when he was through.

One of the riders asked the party about an inn to stay at, and the party suggested the Courage. Meanwhile, Olon was examining a sword that resembled the Summersword, obviously a sun blade as the guild wizard in the blue robes pulled the blade a quarter out of its scabbard for Olon's inspection. Olon shook his head, and the wizard placed the blade back on his belt.

The group made their way back to the Warrior's Courage. The pair of wizards sat at their own table and immediately started talking to each other, their voices low. The Riders retired for the evening, including Sheila, in order to sleep off the effect of riding the gryphons for hours. The halfling in the bright blue clothing introduced himself as Milo, and proceeded to examine various items of interests. Despite Star's attention to detail, Milo managed to examine his money pouch, but was caught putting it back.

"Nice pouch," Milo remarked.

"Give me that!" Star exclaimed. Needless to say, the party started paying more attention to the small pick pocket. He had this tendency to see something interesting, lift it off of someone, examine it, then put it back. Most of the time, this was done without anyone noticing.

The sound of bad pipe playing immediately behind him caused Tarmus to spin around in his seat. Milo had "examined" his pipes and was trying to play a tune.

"How do these things work anyway?" the halfing inquired.

"Here, let me show you," Tarmus sighed as he took up the pipes and began to play a melody. The sounds fascinated the halfling and held his attention through the entire song. During his play, Tarmus laced his song with the suggestion that Milo turn over his mace to him.

"No, I don't think so," Milo smiled at him. Apparently, Milo was strong willed.

Meanwhile, Star could see an old man, a patron who often told "ghost stories" and similar strange tales, and the blue robed human wizard apparently talking to themselves. "Odd," thought Star, what could he possibly be saying. Listening carefully to the old man, he could only hear that he "did not want to return" and that he "was too old."

"You there!" the elven wizard suddenly exclaimed, pointing at Lor. "Where did you get that?" he asked, pointing at Lor's wand.

"We recently rescued Katrina from the Dark Wizard, perhaps you've heard of it?" Lor inquired.

"No, I haven't. The wand, where did you get it?" the elf repeated.

"We recovered several items from the tent Katrina was in. This being one of them. If you know what to do with it better than I, then please," Lor stated as he offered the elf the wand.

The elf's anger drained from his face. Lor had reacted unexectedly, and offered the wand to him. Taking the wand, the elven wizard broke it over his green robed knee.

"Can you cast a light spell?" he inquired. Lor quickly went through the motions and summoned the cantrip, enchanting a copper piece with magic light.

Lor picked up his spellbook, placed it in his pack and joined the other wizards at their table. Lor's manners and decor managed to ease the wizards' moods, and stories spilled forth. The magic just destroyed was known simply as "dark magic." It was discovered long ago and was once the cause of some distress among the Gryphon's Nest Guild Wizards. The guild eventually banned the use of the alternate form of magic, but the troubles didn't end there. A long war ensued, with renegade guild members driving the practicioners of dark magic to extinction. The "war" had happend over a hundred years ago, but the memory was still fresh in the minds of several wizards, including Avery, the elf in the green robe who had just broken the dark magic wand over his knee.

A man matching Lor's description of purple clothing and a black mask had come to Gryphon's Nest. Apparently, he managed to buy his way in, which is normally refused. While in the town, he conducted some business, and left with a few magic items. Regardless of if he was a dark magic user or not, the blue robed man stated flatly he did not wish to see another war.

The blue robed human, who did not give his name, went on to tell of his position of leadership in the guild, not a position he wanted. The previous leaders of the order fled Gryphon's Nest when the elves came, and leadership fell to him and two other wizards. He and Avery had come to Gryphon's Nest to deliver a sun blade to Olon Matran and conduct their own business. They would be in town until their business was completed. Lor thanked them for their company, and wished them well as he rejoined the his friends.

"You heard that?" Lor asked, seemingly no one in particular.

"Yes, all of it," answered Star, who had successfully eavesdropped on the entire conversation. Lor nodded and returned to his seat.

The hours rolled by. One by one the adventurers retired for the night. However, one of them had an unexpected visitor. As he entered his room, Gale could hear a clear voice.

"Come in, close the door, and listen to what I have to offer," the voice stated. The Dark Wizard's voice was in the room, somewhere in the dark corner, but Gale could not make out any shape. He did as he was asked.

"What do you want with me?" he asked in his usual grim manner.

"It is what I can do for you. I have something that might interest you....a piece of your soul." Calmly the Dark Wizard proceeded. "I came across it unexpectedly, and I can restore it to you. I'm offering you the chance Gale, the chance to join the winning side. Join me and the Mithral Blades, and you'll be well rewarded for your efforts."

"What do I have to do?" Gale inquired.

"Not so fast. I require an answer, now. This is a one time offer. Join first, then you get the assignment," he replied. The silence only hung over the room for a moment before Gale opened the door and walked out. He proceeded out into the night air, needing to clear his mind and think about the things that are important to him.

Star found him wandering around the city, and the two returned to the Courage. Star learned of the events in his room, and Gale eventually passed out on a table.

The next morning, the party members exchanged information. The fact the Dark Wizard was in the city concerned the party, however there was little they could do about it. They had informed the Temple of the Spirit, which already had at least a couple dozen clerics around at all times several city watchmen. The party proceeded to gaurd duty on the walls, and the watch passed uneventfully.

As the party's shift ended, they saw Katrina heading for the center of town, the Temple of the Spirit., with a city watchman She gave them a smile and a wave as she went. Normally, she would have gaurd duty, but perhaps she was summoned to the temple today? Lor's mind began to race, but it was only a smile and a wave right?

Canthor and Gwen wished to talk with Katrina and decided to tag along with her as the rest of the party returned to the courage. They three talked for a bit about the attack, the arrival of the wizards and other small chat. As the conversation progressed, additional watchmen started to walk with them. Five, then ten, then fifteen, and finally twenty watchmen were escorting Katrina and the other watchman to the temple. As the group approached the temple, Gwen started to get worried.

"Excuse me, Katrina," Gwen started, looking around at the numerous watchmen. Katrina kept walking as the watchmen barred Gwen and Canthor's path with quickly drawn shortbows and arrows. As Katrina and her accompanying watchman entered the temple, the watchmen attacked.

Why the watchmen were attacking them raced through Gale and Gwen's minds. These were true members of Aenith's defensive force, they had seen them on the walls, around town on patrol. Their more immediate concern quickly became survival.

The swift moving Gwen quickly informed Canthor she was going for help, and did so. Meanwhile, Canthor had used his magic to protect himself from his attackers as numerous arrows, grapples, and longswords deflected off of his armor. He held them off valiantly until for a long minute until his companions arrived.

The rest of the party, excluding Remus who moved slower in his armor, quickly arrived back at the temple. The watchmen were split in two groups, one around Canthor flailing on him with longswords, and another aiming their bows at the rest of the party. The party swung into full action, Lor unleashing a fireball killing half of the watchmen instantly. The explosion made the remaining watchmen look at the carnage, and only one fled in terror. The remainder were quickly slain by the rest of the party, however two were subdued as Remus, the party leader, arrived on the scene and gave the order to do so.

The party quickly proceeded to the temple's main entrance. The temple was generating the barrier of light that was protecting Aenith, if anything were to happen...

A wall of ice greeted the party as the doors were opened. Taking his greatsword, Remus proceeded to cut through the ice. The tepmle beyond was covered with ice, over a dozen dead clerics were frozen stiff, Olon stood in the middle of it all, Katrina was withdrawing the Summersword from the altar, and the Dark Wizard was waiting patiently in the corner with his hands on a blue staff topped with an expensive diamond.

"Katrina, what are you doing?!?!" Gwen cried out as she ran in. Unfortunately, she collided into a wall of force.

"I'm trapped in a sphere, go around!" Olon called. However it was too late. Katrina handed the Dark Wizard the Summersword, and he quickly cast a dimension door to take him elsewhere in the city.

"He's still in the city!" Lor called out. "He'll be close, within a couple hundred feet!" As the party spilled into the temple, they had another problem, Katrina was attacking them! Star left in search of the Dark Wizard, hoping to stop him before he unleashed his next plot, while the party had to fight a paladin of Bryle.

"She's being controlled, don't kill her!" Olon called from his force prison. Katrina nearly had Gwen on the ground before Canthor could heal her, but in the end Katrina was no match for the party and fell unconscious on the ground as the sky turned back to blue, the light barrier having disappated.

The party did what they could with the fallen Katrina, binding her with rope and removing her weaponry. The wall of ice and the hemisphere of force wore off around Olon, and he told the party he would handle the situation here. The party quickly set out, heading toward the main gates, the sound of increased fighting, and....loud footsteps?

On a cross street in front of them, a large, scaly, tailed cornugun turned and headed for the gates. Glancing over his scaly shoulder, he saw the threat, and turned to meet it. If pitty could be felt for devils, it would be here as he never had a chance despite his magic abilities, size, and deadly whip.

In the space of two short breaths, Gwen had fired her most deadly volley of arrows ever. Her mighty composite longbow obliterated the monstrosity by plunging several well placed arrows in the creatures skull.

Even after it fell, Star still held his drawn bow on the creature. "I'm worried, don't these get back up?" he inquired. Lor searched his memory, and Star was correct. Olon was quickly retrieved, and he blessed his a weapon and ended the creatures evil existence.

The party proceeded to fight on the walls alongside the people of Aenith. For twelve hours the onslaught raged on, the Polarians were pressing now that the barrier was down. Finally the retreat was called, and the Polarians withdrew to a safe distance. Heavy damage had been done on both sides, but the city was safe. A comforting thought as our adventurers drifted off to sleep...


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I'll give 500 XP to the first PC to register and post a reply.

I thought killing the watchmen was a little excessive. Anyone else think so? Out of 20 people, 17 died. The Dark Wizard made good use of dominate person, but his little band was quickly overrun.

The one who ran away actually succeeded in his Will save (natural 20). And as of the end of my last post, Katrina and the two watchmen who are still alive are in Aenith's jail, possibly still under the Dark Wizard's influence.


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Hello! I win! oh, also, my name is spelled Gwenlarianna, but you guys don't know that.

Hello to new visitors- and i hope you come back often... we don't bite... much. :D



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A reply typically involves answering the query in the previous post...(cough cough, wink wink, hint hint). Sheesh.

I spelled the name as I had it on the character info you sent me...copy paste in fact....


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heh, heh, now that i know i am the first poster, i can post an actual reply.

I did think that killing all those guardsmen was a little bad, but we couldn't do much about breaking the control. I guess we could have gotten a really big net and tried to tie them up. :) but I don't really know how well that would have worked.

Pretty cool with my bow huh? i kicked butt!! :D And now that i have leveled, i shall kick even more.

Oh, and the best thing about the adventure was that I got to say "hi" to Winter, Shelia's gryphon.


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Did anyone know the watchmen were being controlled before the fight was over?

[Edit]: In the spirit of giving (well, it was the holiday season), I'll give 300 XP to anyone that posts before this Friday's game. Game feedback, adventure ideas, character info and the like will all be appreciated. This doesn't apply to Gwen, as she has already posted and collected her reward.
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i had no clue... athough, i couldn't really figure out why they wanted to attack us either.

Lor thought that a) They were enemies in our uniforms or b) being controlled. However, he didn't expect to thoroughly slaughter them though...


First Post
For 300 Exp I'll bite... not that I'm selfish or need exp to motivate me... never. =)

As a quick note and follow up to last week's adventure: at the end of the fighting, exhausted, completely out of magic, and having been fighing for far too long, Lor demanded to go to the temple to check on Katrina. Upon reaching the temple he inquired as to her health and that of the other two caputred guards. Olan replied that they were fine, but had been magically bent to the Dark Wizard's will.

Lor, realizing what he had done, dropped to his knees mumbling under his breath incoherently. Remus had to phyisically carry Lor back to his room. Sleep offered no respite that night.

-Lorethian "Lor" Eldanesh

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