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Feylight and Dragonbreath 4E gaming thread


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Welcome to the Army part1

The grey spires and domes of Baeloth towers ever upward a light rain covers the entire city and Tersept Inflamari leads Eskaar and the tersept Kilord towards the Colisuem with statues of demons and demon masked gladiators can be seen in niches in the coliseum walls. He takes you up to the black circles box other memebers of the black circle begin asking questions about the state army and your religion where you trained at (Hiskaar, Daskaar,Ardusk or Andukaar) and other such questions they cease when the crowd begins to curse profanely as one gladiator falls to his knees the one standing does mock blows as he circle arounds the fallen the emperor in a seperate box puts his thumb to his thorat in a swift action. the gladiator proceeds to cut his enemy to pieces. (to make easeir everyone is at the Coliseum)
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Tersept imflamari turns his head to you we are going to to go to several taverns and noble estates know to celebrate the alliance would like to rest in your suite first before we do so what do you do?
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Tris sighed and swished her tail at the screams of the crowd. It was all a bit barbaric, she understood the why of it on an intellectual level, she was far from stupid after all, but it seemed silly all the same when viewing the gladiatorial matches in person. She'd much rather be home reading one of her books on the arcane, but she was a dutiful daughter, and that meant she had to accompany her father and the missonary from the Dragonborn empire, and make him feel comfortable regardless of her own wants in the matter.

"Do you have Gladiatorial fights in your homeland, Sir Pureflame?" the blue haired tiefling girl asks, attempting to show her family's guest the proper amount of attention.


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"I was talking to the estemed ambassdor child not to you your not in a postion were such kindness are extended to you I am sorry for my daughters rudeness she is always like this try to ignore it".he turns his head back to Eskaar" I a wait your direction for as long as you remain in the capital i am but your humble servant"
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"Don't be so hard on your daugther. I can forgive her breach to the etiquette when it come to curiosity to our great empire." replies Eskaar. He then truns toward Tris "No, we don't. But we have our own show of strength. We hold tournement. Each tournement have many event. Melee battle, archery, joust, running, jumping. The goal of such tournement is to find the best warrior among our ranks in each discipline and the best one overall."

Eskaar takes a moment to look at the exécution of the loser. "And generally, no one is killed. Accident might happen, but we try to avoid deads, as we want our soldier to fight for the glory of Karis."

He then come back to Tersept "I am well rested and this distraction haven't even started to affect my energy. I think it would be best to not make your people wait for my visit. I will trust your judgement to lead me to the first celebration."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kilord: Male Bugbear Ranger

At nearly 7 feet, Kilord had a rather unobstructed view of their surroundings which was a good thing as it made the constant shifting of his beady dark eyes less noticeable… Minus the graphic violence and bloodshed of those below in the pit of the Coliseum, which the massive bugbear never once watched choosing instead to let the crowd inform him of some particularly brutal event, looked like it would be a slow day. Though that bit of news didn’t keep Kilord from his persistent watching…

The shifting stopped as the guest took exception with Tris and the dark eyes focused on said guest and waited to see if there would be a need for him today after all but the moment passed and his beady eyes returned to their shifting...


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"My Estemed ambassdor we were not yet at a time of war although we have always feared the Eladrin I assure you that Coliseum will be emptied of the Gladiators in order to swell the ranks of our army."
"good he waves Kilord follow behind let us head to Comtesse Jenelle house her grand fete has yet to begin and I trust my daughter shall not interupt again. Jenelle Estate is a large palatial home human citizens in rags and house slaves lead you into a grand entry way where the hostess herself greets all her guest. Unlike Tersept Inflamari whos red skin, ram like horns and claw like hands the Comtesse herself could pass for human if it were not for those red eyes "has your youngest been keeping you busy again Terspet you are not normally late to my fetes. Lady I assure you that I was just showing the ambassador around a little before your fete began. It doesn't matter know although I believe I found something for her to do we shall discuss it private let her make the ambassdor comfortable while we discuss politic matters which bore her to sleep. With that the Comtesse and the Tris's father take off down the hall leaving the Ambassador the nobles daughter and our bugbear bodyguard alone. What do you do?
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"I can attest he has been distracting me and allow me to discover your great city, Comtesse. It is no fault of his daugther." tells Eskaar when the comtess asks about their delay.

After they leaves Eskaar looks around at the Comtess manor. He is not really impress, Baeloth being a nation absed on slavery, when you don't have to pay your workers, you have mor ressources to waste into such useless decoration made to impress the ignorant.


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At that she laughs true Chivalry has not existed in baelturath for centuries becareful somone may back stab you if your are not careful honored novice(to Eskaar)

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