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Serious: D&D Addiction


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Please don't flame me, because I mean this seriously.

Lately I have been thinking that I am addicted to D&D. I am in my late 20's, not what you would consider a geek (like that even matters), but D&D takes up alot of my thoughts and time. I feel that it is starting to limit me, limit my topics of conversation and the people I hang out with. This is mainly because I get SO much enjoyment out of it. Before you say to yourself, oh man this guy is just wierd, can you say that D&D doesn't do the same for you to some extent? I am sometimes to the point of giving it up, but it feels almost like breaking up with someone in a way. One forges relationships with the people one plays D&D with, invests money in it, and this stuff almost seems to hold you into it sometimes.

I laugh at those who call D&D evil. It certainly isn't, but it seems TOO fun. Has this ever happened to anyone?

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Princess of Florin
I guess I don't understand exactly what your concern is. Consider any hobby, model trains, stamp collecting, knitting. If a person is into that hobby, they will spend a fair amount of money on it, read about it, hang out with other people who like it too, and maybe even join an internet message board devoted to it. So? No one thinks avid stamp collectors are nutty. How are we any different?

Stop worrying so much.:)


First Post
It is as possible to become addicted to D&D as it is to stamp collecting, car repairs, golf, or even poker.

Yes, it can and does happen. Any interest can potentially become addictive.

This does not mean that you are addicted, just that it is a possibility. My brother, for example, has a huge book collection devouted to the American Civil War, talks about it a lot with his friends, has joined a re-enactment group, etc., but I would not say is addicted. He can talk about lots of other things and if he misses an encampment, he just shrugs it off and looks forward to another time.

So just try the simple solution.

Don't game for a while. Give it a month, two, however long seems appropriate. Strike up conversations about non-gaming topics. I don't suggest 100% Cold Turkey -- it's still okay to check a messageboard now and again, but don't do it on a daily basis; try to do it, say, weekly.

But quite seriously, if you are worried, really worried, get professional advice.


:steps forward:

My name is GnomeWorks, and I'm an addict.

:steps back:


On a more serious note...

I second what Wombat said. Avid interest doesn't necessarily mean that you're addicted. Try not gaming for a while, though keep in touch with it, and see how that goes.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, though. If you focus on something else for a little while, chances are you'll be able to put gaming aside.


First Post
As mentioned above, any hobby will liit conversations and interactions with people who do not sahre the same hobby. That is why sports are so popular, it is a hobby/interest that you can talk to nearly anyone about.

Try picking something else you like to do or would like to do and add it to your life. It does not have to replace gaming, but should just be an addition. Life is always worth exploring.

Darrin Drader

I don't think you need to give up gaming for any length of time. If you're worried, just make sure that you engage in non-D&D activities when you aren't actually gaming. Don't worry about your character until ah hour before the game starts. Don't spend a lot of time on the message boards. In short, cut down the amount of time you spend preoccupied with D&D. Go catch a movie, watch some TV, or hang out with friends.

Personally, as a freelancer, it goes beyond a simple addiction and into more of a commitment. The main difference between your problem and mine is that there are definite times when I want to get away from it but I'm obligated not to.


First Post
How much time to you play, and how often?

When I was in high school I used to spend tons of time playing. An afternoon after school, every weekend, and would spend free time reading rule books and tweaking my character. In college I got a way from it a bit. Now that I'm married I keep it to once every other week so I can have some time with my wife as well.

I think the best advice is to set a limit for yourself and stick to it. What that limit is depends on you and how many other responsibilities you have. Certainly once a week or once every other week is not excessive. THen take knowthetoe's advice and spend some time doing something else - almost anything else. Learn a martial art. Go jogging. Read some good books. Listen to music. Go out with friends to bowl or play pool or even watch a movie.

In other words, let the game be part of a greater tapestry in your life. If it's not your whole life, you should be happy. If you find you can't game without spending 3 hours a day checkign these message boards, tweaking your character, or joining two or three games so you can play every other day then maybe you should take at least a brief hiatus. In any event, good luck.


First Post
Dude, it's 12:30. What are you doing here? You should be gaming!

Wait... what am I doing here? Oh quick! Somebody throw me a beholder... I'm jonsin'!!

PS: I had to give it up for two years. I maight have to do it again.

Mystery Man

First Post
I assume your asking as a plea for the truth and not looking for sympathy or validation then...

If you're spending your money on gaming products when the money should be going to feed yourself or wife and kids, pay the bills etc.

If your calling in sick to work or school or are losing jobs and flunking out as a result of gaming instead of taking care of your busniness.

If you feel you have to sneak around to game because you promised a loved one you would do something other than gaming.

If your life in unmanagable and out of control because of gaming.

You got a problem and you'll probably have to quit.

If you have to think about quitting because of any of these issues and are terrified, you have a problem and will most likely have to quit.

If none of these apply then you gots nothing to worry about.


First Post
I would not say that I am addicted, but rather annoyed by my enjoyment. Looking back on my life, I think the one mistake that I have made was letting my hobbies mess up my grades. Right now I am working hard to set things up so that I have an ongiong FR campaign that people can play in any day any time. I have a big binder and I am putting all my favorite published modules in it. I keep track of what has happened, where things are and generally what is going on. This way I am not always designing stuff. I just don't have the time or inclination. Once I am done with it, I will not have to do that much work to DM.

A lot of what John Four has put out and gathered has helped tremendously. I have cut my prep time and the way I run the game is far smoother than I did before.

In that respect, I think DMs deal with the addiction factor more than the players. And there have been several times when I have wanted to step down as DM just to get more free time.

Thinking about that now.

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