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Rediscovery of the World - 4e (OOC)


First Post
Iandain - Male - Human – Rogue (Artful Dodger) – Level 1

Str 12
Dex 16
Con 11
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 15 (+2 racial)

Ac 15 (+2 armor, +3 dex)
For 12 (+1 str, +1 racial)
Ref 16 (+3 dex, +1 racial, +2 class)
Will 13 (+2 cha, +1 racial)

HP: 23
Healing surges/day: 6

Languages: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Good
Patron Deity: Ioun

Racial features: Bonus At-Will power
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill
Human Defense Bonus: +1 to Fort, Ref and Will defenses

Class features: First Strike: combat advantage against anyone who hasn’t acted yet
Artful Dodger: Bonus to AC vs Opportunity Attacks equal to CHA mod (+2)
Rogue Weapon Talent: +1 to attack with dagger, shuriken one damage die higher
Sneak Attack: +2d6 with light blade, crossbow or sling

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics* +8
Arcana +4
Athletics +3
Bluff* +7
Diplomacy +4
Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +2
Heal +2
History +4
Insight* +5
Intimidate +4
Nature +4
Perception* +2
Religion +4
Stealth* +8
Streetwise* +7
Thievery* +8

Feats: Jack of All Trades: +2 to all untrained skill checks
Human Perseverance: +1 to saving throws

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will: Deft Strike (melee or ranged weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. AC, 1[W] + dex modifier damage, You can move 2 squares before the attack

Piercing Strike (melee weapon, standard action)
Dex vs. reflex, 1[W] + dex modifier damage

Sly Flourish (melee or ranged weapon, standard action)
Dex vs. AC, 1[W] + dex modifier + cha modifier damage

-encounter: Positioning Strike (melee weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. Will, 1[W] + dex modifier damage, and you slide the target 1 square

-daily: Easy Target (melee or ranged weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. AC, 2[W] + dex modifier damage, and the target is slowed and grants you combat advantage (save ends both)

Equipment (100 gp):
Leather Armor (25 gp)
Short Sword (10 gp)
4 Daggers (4 gp)
Sling (1 gp)
Bullets (1 gp)
Standard Adventurer’s Kit (15 gp)
Thieves’ Tools (20 gp)
Lantern (7 gp)

Background (brief is enough, more accurate is better though):
-What does the character look like? (pics welcome if you have a clear idea)
Isdar is young and rakish, with a pronounced stubble on his chin and a lop-sided grin.

-What's his story? Where does he come from?
His father was a priest of Ioun, a true-believer in the power of knowledge and its importance in any attempt to restore the world to its past glory. He spent his life learning everything that was available in the city of Blenir (or is it Berlin?), but he lived a frustrated life as he was unable to discover new knowledge for himself. Isdar witnessed this and decided that acquiring knowledge was the greatest pursuit, and that sometimes bending rules to do so was necessary. He took up the adventuring lifestyle in order to seek such knowledge, especially in the ruins of previous civilizations.

-What's his personality?
Isdar is a seeker of knowledge, but he has enough of his father’s ideals to believe that any knowledge gained needs to be turned over to the priests of Ioun. He falls short of zealotry, but only just. Despite this passion, he is a charming man with a tendency to befriend those around him. He would rather charm you into doing his will than try to muscle you into it.

-Why is he an adventurer?
To gain knowledge of past civilizations, in hopes of helping the current one. A little personal fame or fortune wouldn’t be bad, either.

-Any hooks or plot devices you'd like to include will be considered
His father’s quest for knowledge, a strong tie to the temples of Ioun, and possibly a history of “liberating” historical artifacts from less scrupulous owners.
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First Post
hey, I'll take a back up spot in case someone drop out, since you already have enough players. I'd be interested in playing an artificer

I don't think this is first-come-first-serve, Sarah, so you should post your character concept. That also allows the GM to make a choice which characters fit into the party and which does not. Better to have too many choices rather than too few, right?


First Post
I guess. seems like we're only a handful of players playing all the games here XD. I see the same people all over the place. kindda fun.

Meriadeth Brigid - Female- Human - Artificer - 1

Str 10
Con 16
Dex 10
Int 20
Wis 8
Cha 10

Ac (17)
For (15)
Ref (16)
Will (12)

HP: 28
Healing surges/day: 7/9

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Draconic, Giant
Alignment: Good
Patron Deity: Atheist

Racial features:
+2 Intelligence
+1 trained Skill
+1 feat
+1 at-will power
Human Defence Bonus: +1 will, reflex and Fortitude

Class features:
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiency: Simple melee & ranged
Implement: Orbs, Wand, Staff, Rod
Bonus to Defence; +1 will, +1 fortitude
Arcane Replenishment
Healing Infusions; Restorative Formula, Curative Mixture
Ritual Caster
Repair Rote

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics + 2
Arcana* + 10
Athletics + 2
Bluff + 2
Diplomacy + 2
Dungeoneering* + 5
Endurance* + 8
Heal* + 5
History* + 10
Insight + 2
Intimidate + 2
Nature + 2
Perception + 2
Religion + 7
Stealth + 2
Streetwise + 2
Thievery* + 5

Jack of all Trades +2 all untrained skills

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will:
Thundering Armor. Ranged 10
Primary; 1 ally gain +1 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Secondary; +5 vs Fort. 1d6+5 Thunder damage. (against an ennemy adjacent to primary target)
Effect: Target is pushed 1 square away

Aggravating Force. Ranged weapon.
+7 vs AC. 1d6+5 Force damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the next attack against the target by an ally gains +2 to attack roll

Spike Wire. Ranged weapon, burst 1.
Each Ennemy in Burst; +7 vs Fort. 1d6+5 Force damage. Attacks made against the target(s) gain a +2 bonus to damage until the end of your next turn.

Repair Object.
Target object regain HP equal to your healing surge value. Item reduced to 0hp cannot be healed.

Healing Infusions: (2/encounter)
Restorative Formula. Close burst 5, 1 target or self
Effect: Target spends an healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hp.

Curative Mixture. Close Burst 5, all alies and self.
Effect: Each ally can spend a healing surge and gain 4 temporary HP.

Scorching Burst. Burst 1 within 10
+5 vs Reflex; 1d6+5 Fire damage.


Life Tap. Ranged 10.
+5 vs Reflex. 2d10+5 and an ally within 10 ft of me gain 10 temporary hp.
miss: ally gain 5 temporary hp.

Equipment (100 gp):
Leather Armor; +2 AC
Hand Crossbow. +2 proficiency; 1d6; range 10/20
Dagger. +3 proficiency; 1d4; 5/10.
Crossbow Bolts (20)
Standard Adventurer's Kit
Ritual Book
Ritual Components; 30gp


Make whole. 10mins, Arcana (no checks)
cost: 20% of original cost
effect: an item fitting in a 10foot cube is completly repaired.

Tenser's Floating Disk. 10mins, Arcana.
cost: 10gp
duration; 24hours
9 or less: 250lb
10-24: 500lb
25-39: 1000lb
40 or more: 2000lb.
Disk floats within 5 squares of me, using my speed. 3 ft wide disk.

I'll work on the background tomorow. I have to get up for work in a few hours... But she could very well be part of a warforged's backstory as she's a techno-junky person :p

Background (brief is enough):
-What does the character look like? (pics welcome if you have a clear idea)
Meriadeth is a young woman in her mid 20s, standing roughly 5'5" tall, with blond hair and Heterochromian eyes; one being Green, the other being Hazel (varying from brown to golden green) She carries a large back pack and many smaller bags which seem to be filled with weird objects, gadgets and components.
-What's his story? Where does he come from?
Merideth comes from a large city in which she worked for one of the high noble of the place. She spent most of her days experimenting and creating new objects, or repairing other ones. It was a fairly simple job for her and she was quite happy with her life. Until the day she accidentally set fire to the mansion causing important damage and destroying her laboratory. The lord was most displeased, and fired the poor young woman. Finding work became impossible as the lord made sure to put a bad word about her through the town.
-What's his personality? Why is he an adventurer?
Merideth is a fairly happy go lucky person, beleving there is a rational scientifical explanation behind everything. She decided to take on the Guild offer because she could not find any work anymore due to her little mistake, and wants to discover the mysteries of the world. She beleives our ancestors hid secrets that should not be discovered and that she will be digging them out. She's a real tech junky and really really wants to meet a warforged, but never met one yet.
-Any hooks or plot devices you'd like to include will be considered
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First Post
I guess. seems like we're only a handful of players playing all the games here XD. I see the same people all over the place. kindda fun.

Yeah, kinda like looking for players at the town's store...

Anyway, an Artificer would be nice since it would give us the opportunity to playtest it and send our thoughts to wotc. A race different from human would be better, since the preview class only has two at-will for now :p

Reclaw: Very good, but if I'm not mistake, yours'a 22 point-buy. Don't you like 25 point-buy better? ^__^ Also, yeah, Blenir was really easy ^^

Also: Guys, please, if you want to edit your characters, please don't. Just repost them, or I may end up missing them.

So till now:
Walking dad - Jorje, Human Wizard (no background)
Garyh - Oak, Warforged Ranger (dual-wielder)
Velmont - Lucen Silverleaf, Elf Cleric
Lobo - Desh, Dragonborn Paladin
Bialaska - Grungni Goldtooth, Dwarf Cleric (no stats)
Shaggy - Ardan Silverbeam, Elf Fighter (no stats)
Geogator - "Blizzard the Lizard Wizard", Dragonborn Wizard (no stats)
Sarah - Human Artificer (no background)
Redclaw - Iandain, Human rogue
Ivellius - Aust Xilocent, Eladrin Cleric (no stats)

There's 2 controllers, 2 strikers, 4 leaders, 2 defenders... uhmmm

Walking Dad

First Post
the name of the cities are Partas and Blenir (for who hasn't noticed: all the geographic names but Barnost are anagrams; bonus points for those who guess them )

Partas = Sparta

Blenir = Berlin?

Will post background later today.


First Post
Sweet on the extra points! Anyway, here he is, new and improved. Anyone figure out my inspiration (and the anagram for his name, as I decided to follow the DMs lead)?

Iandain - Male - Human – Rogue (Artful Dodger) – Level 1

Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 16 (+2 racial)

Ac 15 (+2 armor, +3 dex)
For 12 (+1 str, +1 racial)
Ref 16 (+3 dex, +1 racial, +2 class)
Will 14 (+3 cha, +1 racial)

HP: 24
Healing surges/day: 7

Languages: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Good
Patron Deity: Ioun

Racial features: Bonus At-Will power
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill
Human Defense Bonus: +1 to Fort, Ref and Will defenses

Class features: First Strike: combat advantage against anyone who hasn’t acted yet
Artful Dodger: Bonus to AC vs Opportunity Attacks equal to CHA mod (+3)
Rogue Weapon Talent: +1 to attack with dagger: shuriken one damage die higher
Sneak Attack: +2d6 with light blade, crossbow or sling

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics* +8
Arcana +4
Athletics +3
Bluff* +8
Diplomacy +5
Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +3
Heal +2
History +4
Insight* +5
Intimidate +5
Nature +4
Perception* +2
Religion +4
Stealth* +8
Streetwise* +8
Thievery* +8

Feats: Jack of All Trades: +2 to all untrained skill checks
Human Perseverance: +1 to saving throws

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will: Deft Strike (melee or ranged weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. AC, 1[W] + dex modifier damage, You can move 2 squares before the attack

Piercing Strike (melee weapon, standard action)
Dex vs. reflex, 1[W] + dex modifier damage

Sly Flourish (melee or ranged weapon, standard action)
Dex vs. AC, 1[W] + dex modifier + cha modifier damage

-encounter: Positioning Strike (melee weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. Will, 1[W] + dex modifier damage, and you slide the target 1 square

-daily: Easy Target (melee or ranged weapon, Standard Action)
Dex vs. AC, 2[W] + dex modifier damage, and the target is slowed and grants you combat advantage (save ends both)

Equipment (100 gp):
Leather Armor (25 gp)
Short Sword (10 gp)
4 Daggers (4 gp)
Sling (1 gp)
Bullets (1 gp)
Standard Adventurer’s Kit (15 gp)
Thieves’ Tools (20 gp)
Lantern (7 gp)

Background (brief is enough, more accurate is better though):
-What does the character look like? (pics welcome if you have a clear idea)
Isdar is young and rakish, with a pronounced stubble on his chin and a lop-sided grin.

-What's his story? Where does he come from?
His father was a priest of Ioun, a true-believer in the power of knowledge and its importance in any attempt to restore the world to its past glory. He spent his life learning everything that was available in the city of Blenir (or is it Berlin?), but he lived a frustrated life as he was unable to discover new knowledge for himself. Isdar witnessed this and decided that acquiring knowledge was the greatest pursuit, and that sometimes bending rules to do so was necessary. He took up the adventuring lifestyle in order to seek such knowledge, especially in the ruins of previous civilizations.

-What's his personality?
Isdar is a seeker of knowledge, but he has enough of his father’s ideals to believe that any knowledge gained needs to be turned over to the priests of Ioun. He falls short of zealotry, but only just. Despite this passion, he is a charming man with a tendency to befriend those around him. He would rather charm you into doing his will than try to muscle you into it.

-Why is he an adventurer?
To gain knowledge of past civilizations, in hopes of helping the current one. A little personal fame or fortune wouldn’t be bad, either.

-Any hooks or plot devices you'd like to include will be considered
His father’s quest for knowledge, a strong tie to the temples of Ioun, and possibly a history of “liberating” historical artifacts from less scrupulous owners.


First Post
One warlock coming up in a couple of hours! Sorry for being a bit slow on posting a more complete character, but will be up soon!

Voidrunner's Codex

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