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Descent into Darkness : The Remnants of the dead


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Kerry nods to Carlos. "I'll leave you the talking. I think you are more used then me to these kind of relation. I used to talk to Qins more than humans lately." he tells before Carlos talk to the receptionist.

While Carlos asks his question to the receptionist, Kerry scan the area, looking at the people waiting.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
At the office, the large Ghost took some gloves and fibreweave, and took a Wasp for backup, concealing it best he could. Saying nothing else, he followed Suria down below.


On their trip downwards, the large man leaned over to Suria. I could yous somm hardier armer. Could use some hooch as well. Can you find a market?

When there were surrounded by the dregs of the society, Ghost looked around silently. Waiting.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Beaulac Clinic

Etiquette Roll (1d10=1, 1d10=5, 1d10=8, 1d10=7, 1d10=2) (2 success)

The weary receptionist took note of Carlos demand and forwarded them to a supervisor. Showing their trinity credentials seemed to grease the wheels of bureaucracy since they only had to wait ten minutes before a pleasant looking man of african heritage met them. He was a trained vitakinetics, though he was obviously Port-au-Prince trained*.

Carlos and the doc exchanged some pleasantries and the later obviously took a shining to the the claisentient. He made no fuss about the request and waved the red tape as he led the investigator to the morgue. It was a cold and vast clinical place. There were at least ine hundred meat lockers on the walls.

Moment later, they were in presence of John Doe, displayed for their inspection. Quite a sight. The man seemed athletic and fit, which only made the mutilation appear more bizaree. He had gaping holes in his arms, as if whole muscles had been removed. The doc, who was named Charles Joseph, flipped through the digital data in his mini-comp and shared the info within.

-''So, John Doe. Caucasian, 1'90 meter, 82 kilogram, late thirties. Was obviously fairly fit, he must have exercised regularly. My file says he was discovered by one Cesar Sweeney. He's a Norca on the joint patrol that first reached the site and killed the last aberrant.

He was killed by a ''massive neural trauma concurrent with bioware feedback syndrome''. That's what the autopsy says. That's weird, what bioware? Definitive cause of death couldn't have been established because some key nerves clusters have been removed or burned. Anyway, the dissection that you see was conducted post-mortem, obviously. Biceps, triceps, trapezeus and gluteus have been removed cleanly. Must have been done by someone with medical training. That's about it.''

[sblock=ooc]* Some vitakinetics can't accept the scientific and medical approach to their powers as it is taught at Basel, HQ of the Aesculopian order. These vitakinetic eventually leave the Basel academy and study in Port-au-Prince in Haiti where they learn a holistic and spiritual method of mastering vitakinesy.

They are the 'loyal opposition' to proxy Zweidler and are typically outisders in the hierarchy. You'll never see such a doc in a position of subtsantial power within the order.[/sblock]


First Post
Pat noticed the doctor's accent and other indicators of his alternate training, taking what care he could to not let that concentration flow into his features, which could be taken as insulting.

He looked down at the corpse, his body became suddenly weak as his subconscious began to imitate the surgical precision of the dead man's wounds. He forced his reluctant muscles to flex and remember themselves.

Besides, someone had to state the obvious. -"This...this seems deliberate, not just carnage..."

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Pat's Medecine check (1d10=5, 1d10=10, 1d10=10, 1d10=9, 1d10=5, 1d10=4) 3 success

OOC Pat: It appears as if the muscle never actually existed - there are no marks to show where they were removed, nor does any tissue remain behind. Yet the arms and legs are of normal volume. There had to be something there. You have no proof but the only explanation you can conceive is that powers were used. Either the Algesis mode or the aberrant equivalent must have been used in conjoncton with sophisticated surgical equipment to make such seamless cut.

Kerry's noetic skill check (1d10=2, 1d10=7, 1d10=6, 1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=9, 1d10=3, 1d10=7, 1d10=6, 1d10=6) 4 success

OOC Kerry: You are almost certain that there is no taint on this body. And you agree that the body seems to have been killed by bioware feedback, but the power of this feedback was so violent that it couldn't have been a mere gauntlet or bioweapon. It was something huge. Given the state of the body, you suspect that his missing muscles had been replaced by bioware equivalent and that these were then removed after death.

Replacing limbs or muscles with bioware is cutting edge and is usually done on handicapped people. But such limb functions like the original are incapable of causing lethal biofeedback. Beside, no one is born specifically without biceps, tricpes, trapezeus and gluteus. These were deliberately replaced and these bioware must do something more than merely replacing natural muscle if they can generate such powerful feedback.

Carlos Awareness check (1d10=5, 1d10=5, 1d10=8, 1d10=8, 1d10=2, 1d10=5, 1d10=5) 2 success

OOC Carlos : A janitor seems to have been intently interested when you started examining the body and is now just as determined not to even look in your direction.

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Carlos looked over the body briefly, remarking briefly on the handsome features to his team mates.

"So he is fully human, then? No chance of him being one of the attackers?"

But mostly, he left the body to those with more knowledge in the field. The lingering janitor triggered something in his mind though. He wandered off as if bored, but steered himself towards the janitor.

"Odd business isn't it?"


First Post
Kerry inspect the body. "Well, he is no abberant, that is sure. And the doagnostic seems good. He is dead by a violent feedback. Now, can he be one of the attacker..." Kerry stop to talk as he sees Carlos going to the Janitor. Wondering what Carlos is doing, Kerry give a quick look at Pat with questions marks in his eyes.


First Post
Back at Trinity HQ, Suria picked out a fiberweave jumpsuit and took a minute to try it on. Being whatever was available for field agents it wasn't nearly as form fitting or stylish as the one she came in, but protection is protection. And with that in mind she claimed a 9mm from what was on offer and tested it for weight before holstering it. When the groups were preparing to split, she caught her fellow Triton agent's attention. "So before we split up, Kerry you should know my Steinhardt has a built-in beacon. If anything goes wrong in the slums I'll activate it and you can find us on that frequency. Right! Good luck in the Clinic."

After the others left Suria examined Ghost seriously, but her face doesn't betray whatever she might be thinking about the creepy disfigured soldier she has been left with or his request for some hooch. "Ok Ghost. I want to grab a couple of things too before we head into Freak Alley. Flashlights for one thing... who knows if power will be up again yet? Maybe some food or medicine to get people talking. And as much as I trust a 9mm in a pinch, I'd rather have something non-lethal as a deterrent while we are dealing the homeless down there. Let's see what we can find." Her voice was pleasant and soothing with a mild Australian accent.

From HQ:
Fiberweave Jumpsuit
L-K Defender 9mm
Extra 9mm Clip

Orgotek Electric Eel Taser, Cost OO
Flashlight, Cost O
2 Glup packs (Core p 275), Cost O each
1 Bottle of Cure Alls, (Core p 276) Cost O
1 Pack of ant-pads, (Core p 276) Cost O
Then whatever Ghost wanted - a nicer armor, and some liquor.

After making the rounds, the mismatched duo set out for Freak Alley. One a small, attractive woman of Indian descent- non-threatening other than the taser at her side and the tell-tale bulge of the 9mm under her jacket for those with sharper eyes, while the other was tall, disfigured and... unsettling to say the least. Once she was reasonably sure they were in the right area, Suria slowed down and started looking for one of the little tunnel rat kids or an adult who might be approachable enough to deal with.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The big man doesn't say much, just keeps his eyes pealed. When they found a market—black, grey, or otherwise—Ghost was interested in finding some clothes with a bit stronger plating. Perhaps one of his buddies would know where to look. But the main thing he ask for: Glass (or similar) bottles of liquor. Strong liquor.

The stuff that burns.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Freak Alley

OOC : the purchases are good, all of it legal for your characters and you are already near a commercial sector so it doesn't take much time.

Ithuriel's Savvy check (1d10=9, 1d10=1, 1d10=8, 1d10=6) 2 successes. Lucky roll, it's just what you needed. Would have liked to see the alternative methods to elicit cooperation if this had failed. ;)


The locals were wary of strangers. Especially strangers asking question. But Suria disarmed the paranoia of a mangy underground urchin with kind words and a bit of spared change. He led the agents deeper in the labyrinth, chatting in a carefree manner.

-"Don't hold it against the mole people. There has been a lot of missing people around here so they are cautious. Me, I try not to think too much about it. Not much I can do about it, right? Plus, it's good for business, sort of. I'm turning almost into a tour guide! You guys are the third group I help, the second to go to freak alley. The other were reporters. Are you reporters? Nah, you have no cameras. Oh, here were are. Well, not much to see, eh? It's just a collapsed tunnel from where we stand. There are a few people around who witnessed the whole thing, though. That's what you are looking for, right? They all migrate back sooner or later. We are like a village here and people from the same warren are like family. Ah, here is one. Mac! Hey Mac! Man, I hadn't seen you since the collapse. Jenny said you made it out but I was starting to wonder."

The urchin was adressing a man in his late thirties who had a friendly face but confused eyes. Too much intoxicants, probably.

-"Huh, ho, hey Jimmy. How are you doin'? Me, I was at the clinic. I was pretty banged up. Just got back. Who are your friends?"

-"What? When did you go to the clinic? You weren't there on the day of the crash 'cause I was there checking on all the firends."

-"Oh... I went sometime later. Not sure. Like three days ago or something." he said confusedly.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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