In Defiance of Dragons--Protectors IC


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"Let's head back to town then," Osric rumbled- though his angry glare still faced the direction that the kobolds had (presumably) come from. "I don't know how well we'll do without your keen eye for a trail, and your steady hand with a bow," he said to Immeral. Then, to Penance, he added "I saw the symbol- old man ain't made a blade in ten years or so, dragon or not, far as I know. Maybe these little critters dug up somebody's grave goods- I'd hate to think all our tribute-paying is going to waste, and the dragon is givin' stuff to these little beasts. Do we want to drag some of 'em back with us, let the folks back in town see we weren't just telling tales?"

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Mirna's been standing off somewhat sheepishly, she seems to have been looking at the back of Valamir's head, where her magic missile vaporized several locks of hair.

Mirna has been hovering around Valamir staring as he examines the wand.
Pulling the wand out to let the tiefling see, Valamir speaks. "I found this wand. It seems to increase the effectiveness of attacks that target the mind. I can hold on to it for now if nobody minds."
No no. Of course. You should have it. She smooths her pseudo-robe down and smiles brightly.

I everyone knows I don't know any real magic; I wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do with it.

Penance takes a look at the sword. While not trained in it's use, he often thought about learning the art of swordplay. Then he sees Ander's sign. "Have you seen the symbol? It is Ander's work. And I thought all his old swords were tribiute to the dragon. Perhaps these creatures worked for it." Penance says.
Mirna looks closely at the sword... fingering the symbol for a minute.

After hearing Immeral's words, he thanks him for his help. He understands the elf's reasons, but is sorry to loose such an able companion.
Mirna doesn't look like she understands the rangers decision at all and favors the elf with a sullen glower/pout.

Valamir nods. "Perhaps we should go back home then. We can let the elders know what happened. Surely if the kobolds are working for the dragon, and the dragon wants to start preying on the townfolk, things are more complicated."
If you think that's best... then... Mirna looks around the faces of the group. Of course we should go back. That's the smart thing to do....

She looks a bit dejected as the group heads back to town.


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Decision made, the party members gather themselves and begin the trek back to Evenfall. It is uneventful, and Immeral guides them unerringly through the dense forest. There is something different about them as they walk, however. Only a few short hours ago they were mostly untested, and clearly knew each other only slightly. Now they walk with confidence, almost swagger, and show signs of anticipating each others' movements.

Eventually, they emerge onto the Forest Road, and find it undisturbed. Even as they come within sight of Evenfall, all is as they left it. A few interested villagers watch their approach, some even smile and wave to Osric or Penance. Peace and comfort start to return to the adventurers, who hadn't noticed how tightly their nerves were wound until they started to relax.


Mirna has made a half-hearted effort to pluck herbs and put them in a little bag. She follows a bit behind the others, obviously torn between walking with them and pretending that she just happens to be following behind them.

Walking Dad

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Penance hides his holy symbol beneath his clothes and walks home, looking for his parents. But before that, he asks the others, if they all want to meet later or tomorrow.


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Valamir walks alongside Osric. When the sight of the town came into view, Valamir let his shoulders slump slightly, knowing they were not in danger any longer. Looking to the sky, he says a silent prayer to Pelor, thanking him for the luck in the battles they faced. Another prayer follows shortly thereafter, but this one was to the unseen beings that granted him his otherworldly powers. "Let's speak with the elders first, then we'll see about getting the goods back here."


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Penance finds his parents, working as usual. They are pleased to see him, but seem concerned by the damaged state of his clothing and armor.

The village is in a state of agitation, and Philian is not in his tower. It doesn't take much effort to learn that there has been a disturbance at the home of one of the guards, a dragonborn named Sravress. Everyone of any importance appears to be in the middle of sorting out what happened.

Walking Dad

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"Mom, dad, everything is fine with me. I will repair the clothes and armor, when I have time. But now I have to speak with the others to the elders. I will tell you more afterwards. Be back soon." Penance says to his parents, before he tries to follow the others.
What about the combination with the other group?

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 11 Will 15
Hit Points: 22 / 22 Bloodied: 11
Healing Surge: 5 Surges per day: 3/7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Divine Glow, Healing Word 2/2, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune, Turn Undead)
Daily Powers: Guardian of Faith


Mirna goes to the tower and tries to leave some evidence that she's been around. A pot of boiling water, some hastily chopped herbs left out to dry before rushing to site of the excitement.

Ooc: sudden trip 'net contact will be erratic. Please npc

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