W2: The Search For Tomas Quinn (Rae Judging)

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I think that a fight to the end is prefered as i have a videtta to try and accomplish against the rogue wizard at the bequest of another player

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I am sory. I have heard nothing. Rea is busy with work I have seen in the strange shovel thread. I have been following that story for some time and they have occasional word about wik but not as of late.


Glum consumer of scotch.

I miss this thread!!!!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
ooc:Is this where everyone slumps shoulders, drops weapons and walks home for dinner?

That is pretty much what i have done. I am wanting to get pendrake in another thread, but even the judge has been slow to respond ... at least his reason is the r.l. dragon named Occupationus Overworkus.


First Post
That is pretty much what i have done. I am wanting to get pendrake in another thread, but even the judge has been slow to respond ... at least his reason is the r.l. dragon named Occupationus Overworkus.

ooc:I have battled this same dragon. Just when you think you have vanquished it, there it is in your face.

At this point it may be better to collect xp for time and move on. :erm:

Rae ArdGaoth

Tomas, seeing his rescuers so near, and seeing the many dangers approaching and at hand, decides that the ship is no longer the best place to be. He darts away from the Blacklilies, jumps on the ships rail, and teeters for a moment before closing his eyes and leaping forward.

For one sickening moment, the boy sails through the air over the perilous, stormy water.

Then he lands on the dock, slides a little on the slick stones, and slams into Aiken's legs. Hukk shouts, "Tomas! Quick! The magic door! Where's the rat?!" Tomas gives Hukk a rather mature look and says, "There's no magic rat, Hukk, just open the door!" Hukk, surprised, looks at Tomas, then the advancing goblins, and then opens a concealed trap door in the ground. The party rushes in and slams the door shut behind them, bolting it.

The door leads to a long tunnel beneath the streets. Possibly part of the ancient minotaur city foundations, some of you think. Because of the storm, the tunnel is ankle deep in rushing water. With Hukk in the lead, you dash down the tunnel.

After some time, you emerge from the tunnel in an alley. You hear shouts and stomping feet. As you leave the alley, you see guards and pedestrians, stomping through the wet streets towards the docks. "A goblin uprising!" "A bandit guild!" "A demon!" The people clamor.

You head towards the Temple, with the boys in tow. The Temple Moms are there, they receive the boys with great thanks, and Tomas' mother is quickly summoned. She and Tomas are reunited, and they hug tearfully. She holds her son by the shoulders and says, with a bit of wonder in her eyes, "Tomas. You've grown." The boy says nothing, just nods, and lets his mother hug him.

"Thank you all so much," she says, turning to you. "How can I ever repay you?" The Temple's head priestess puts a hand on her shoulder. "You won't have to, of course. We will repay them."

[sblock=OOC: ]This has gone on long enough. Many apologies.

I will be the first to admit I haven't been paying attention to this thread as I should have. Will somebody please remind me what rewards you were promised and what battles you haven't been given XP for?

Once I have that information, I'll wrap it up for real with XP, Real-time XP, and rewards.

EDIT: Add one more thing to that list: the last time you received Real-time XP (if ever).[/sblock]
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First Post
Link to last exp. awarded: http://www.enworld.org/forum/living...h-tomas-quinn-rae-judging-29.html#post3941951

exp not awarded for storming the blacklillies hideout starting here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/living...h-tomas-quinn-rae-judging-34.html#post4008560 ends at post 773 where we are awarded some scrolls and potions of our choice up to 150gp value but no exp awarded.

docks fight starts here http://www.enworld.org/forum/living...h-tomas-quinn-rae-judging-40.html#post4227791 and saddly never ends :.-(

I think we have already received all treasure that was promised as a hook to get us to help. :hmm:

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