E2: The Secret of Gemhold [Patlin Judging]


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Ridik continue to attack the bugbear next to him until he fall down, but doesn't want to enter the zone created by Percy.

"Does these tentacle know your enemy?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Attack rolls: 1d20+14=26, 1d6+5=10, 1d20+9=13, 1d6+5=9

That includes divine power, prayer and bless bonus, but doesn't include the bonus from the magical mace found in the cave earlier in this adventure.[/SBLOCK][/QUOTE]

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[Round 6 Cont]

Nars wails on the bugbear, beating it down with ferocity.

Percy fires a well placed magic missile and the beast falls. His flaming chains burning the bugbear's flesh as purple testicles overwhelm it.


The two bolters either submit, if quarter is granted or fall beneath the tentacles and blows rained upon them. The halls are quiet as Percy's spell dissipates.

Map note: not updated.

[sblock=ooc]Rolls: none needed...

Percy - 48/55hp (AC24) - bless, prayer
Rodimus - 39/74hp (AC17) - prayer
Ridik - 58hp (AC19+shield bonus) - bless, prayer
Nars - 49/49hp (AC20) - bless, prayer

Hobgoblin 1 - 80 damage - DEAD
Hobgoblin 4 - 78 damage - DEAD
Hobgoblin 5 - 81 damage - DEAD
Hobgoblin 6 - 27 damage
Hobgoblin 7 - 27 damage - Grappled
Bugbear - 78 damage - DEAD
[sblock=no peeking]Hobgoblin Bladebearer 6th level
Init +7; darkvision; listen +1; spot +1
AC 19, t12, ff18
hp 56
f 7, r 5, w 3
spd 20
melee +1 short sword +11 (1d6+6)
Full: +1 short sword +11/+6 (1d6+6) and +1 short sword +11/+6 (1d6+6)
base +6/grp +8
feats: toughness, 2w defense, 2w fighting, wf (short sword), ws (short sword), improved init, impr. 2w fighting
skills climb12, jump10, listen1, ms9, spot1, tumble8
possessions 2 +1 short swords, +1 banded armor, ring of protection +1, potion of cure moderate wounds

Hobgoblin Bolter 6th level
Init +7; darkvision; listen +1; spot +1
AC 19, t12, ff18
hp 56
f 7, r 5, w 5
spd 20
melee short sword +10 (1d6+5)
ranged +1 crossbow +11 (1d10+3 + poison)
base +6/grp +8
feats: toughness, point blank shot, rapid reload, wf (crossbow), ws (crossbow), improved init, iron will
skills climb12, jump10, listen1, ms9, spot1, tumble8
possessions +1 heavy crossbow, +1 banded armor, ring of protection +1, potion of cure moderate wounds, vial of poison (3 doses purple worm poison)

Bugbear Slaver 7th level (CR 9)
Init +1; darkvision, scent; listen +4; spot +4
AC 21, t11, ff20
hp 71
f 7, r 6, w 3
spd 20
melee +1 flaming spiked chain +14 (2d4+1d6+10)
Full: +1 flaming spiked chain +14/+9 (2d4+1d6+10)
base +7/grp +12
feats: alertness, weapon focus (spiked chain), weapon specialization (spiked chain), combat expertise, improved trip, exotic weapon prof (spiked chain)
skills Climb +10, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4
possessions +2 breastplate, +1 flaming spiked chain[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Percy peeks timidly out the door and down the hall, before dismissing her tenticles. Then she takes charge again.

"Nars, please search those bodies. Is everyone OK? Ridik, I think I got poisoned. This right here, it really hurts. Can you have a look?"


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Nars turns toward the bodies, but pulls up short when Percy mentions being wounded and possibly poisoned. His face is pained with concern and he half turns toward Percy before remembering himself and dutifully searching the bodies. While going about his work, he casts glances back at Percy and Ridik to make sure Percy is ok.

Search +13


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"Sure, I can... well... you know, I'm a book worm more than an healer. And there is nothing Russna can do for you at the moment. But I might try. You are not the first to ask." Ridik work a bit on the wound and Percy feel a bit better. "It's the best I can do I think."

OOC: Heal check: 1d20+3=19


Percy looks to the point at which the poison entered her system and notices that it doesnt hurt as much any more.

poison saves (1d20+6=24, 1d20+6=22) - Dont think I'd ever gotten a saving throw from you, so I rolled and you made it on the first try :)

ooc: thats the last combat encounter for the game :) How much of the denouement do you guys want to play out? We can go for a bit, but the really good stuff would've involved Gorefoot. Also can you do me a favor and report what the value of your accumulated treasure is? I'm going to add in the treasure I've already handed out and figure out how much you should have at your new level (which you'll gain another one with this battle). Any suggestions on what kind of loot you'd like would be appreciated.


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I have 600 gp of equipment and an unidentified mace and an unidentified shield. Over that, identifying those two items, an armor better then a masterwork breastplate, a periapt of wisdom, a ring of protection, boots of striding or a permanent not very popular magical item (I like to find new way to use such items) could all be welcome. For once, I could be at my treasure level.


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OOC: This adventure had some breaks, and lost some momentum. I'm ready to tie it up pretty quickly. It is a shame Gorefoot dropped. Percy doesn't have a lot of gear. She's got:
hat of disguise 1800
Acrobat rod 5000
amulet of charisma 4000
cloak of resistance +1 1000
scroll of haste & fireball 750
potion of CMW 300

That's 12,850, whereas a 10th level PC should have 49,000. She's 1 XP away from 10th.

Percy could use all sorts of stuff. A handy haversack or bag of holding would be nice. Decanter of endless water. A tomb of leadership & influence would be great, though expensive. I'll give it some more thought, thanks.


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Nars has around 18200 gp wealth, though over half (10320 gp) is wrapped up in Felhunter which is just a +1 short sword most of the time. He will soon be 9th level.

An item I am really hoping to get eventually is a ring of blinking though the price tag (27000 gp) is pretty steep for getting it now.

A ring of protection would be great for Nars, or a magic light shield.



With the last of the slavers dead, Percy's purple tentacles dissipate. The group breathes a sigh of relief. Gemhold is free; all goblinoids have been destroyed or run off. The two gnomes free the rest of their people. While they are battered and worn down, most want to stay and rebuild. Celebrian and the nomads offer to settle in the keep above ground and help. The Queen of the Forest even offers help to secure the area and watch over the fledgling community. The weapons recovered from the goblins and hobgoblins will help the rebuilding process.

One loose end is revealed when Nars produces the map of Gemhold that he has been holding from back in the Tomb of Chaos. The map shows a room that was unknown to even the eldest gnome that still lived (not very old unfortunately, the eldest having not survived slavery). The map also contains a phrase that is the key to opening the vault. Inside is a large sum of gems as well as an odd collection of old heirlooms and collected treasures. The gnomes offer anything in the room to their saviors, including gems of monetary value if requested.

[XP Reward]
For 7 6th level hobgoblins and 1 7th level bugbear as well as 7 months from July 7, 2008 - Feb 7, 2009.

Percy gains 5050XP (new total 50049XP) = 10th level
Nars and Rodimus each gain 5800XP (both now at 41799XP) = 9th level
Ridik gains 6300XP (new total 34299XP) = 8th level
Gorefoot and Nezrak do not gain anything, having not posted since the last XP award.

Ridik's mace turns out to be a +1 spellstoring mace and his shield a simple +1 shield.

From amongst the gear recovered and the treasure room he finds:
breastplate +2 4350
periapt of wisdom +2 4000
boots of striding and springing 5500
clear spindle ioun stone 4000
(any of which he can choose money of the same value listed)

Percy finds:
handy haversack 2000
decanter of endless water 9000
tome of leadership and influence 27500
(any of which she can choose money of the same value listed)

Nars finds:
dusty rose prism ioun stone 5000
ring of protection +2 8000
amulet of natural armor +1 2000
light shield +1 of bashing 4157
(any of which he can choose money of the same value listed)

Rodimus finds:
monk's amulet (as belt) 13000
bracers of armor +3 9000
gauntlets of dexterity +2 4000
(any of which he can choose money of the same value listed)

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