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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


Dual Request

Here's a couple of characters from a campaign that has just started up, if anyone could manage a quick sketch I'd be grateful.
I might even give it a try myself though my attempts are very basic.
Shift - Deva, male (human esque but with different coloured skins and solidly coloured eyes)

Height, Build, hair colour, skin colour.
- 6ft , 3, slim, White long hair tied back with a doubled banded silver circlet, light blue skin on what little you can see of his hands and face.

Clothes/armor Description, including shoes and jewellery
Shift is mostly clad in a long light-grey hooded cloak leaving only his face and feet (which are clad in grey supple leather boots) visible, when he opens up his cloak during a fight, underneath can be seen a multi layered segmented pale grey set of armor which is otherwise unadorned.

3 most notable physical traits/features - Hairless apart from his long white locks on top of his head, Blue skin solid blue eyes which change shades, a Graceful Stride and pose.
3 most noticeable social traits - Impassionate, slightly condescending, intelligent

Weapons/implements of choice
- A plain steel longsword with a black handle/a Wand which is a polished Birch stick inlaid with a black spirals laquered along its length

Reputation - Strange, Experienced, knowledgable, Aloof.


Cairn - Shifter, male (furry humanoids with human faces with lionel flat nose)

Height, Build, hair colour, skin colour.
- 5'8" fully erect, Sandy Brown, tanned, muscled and squat.

Clothes/armor Description, including shoes and jewellery
Thick leather hide tunic, with tufts of black fur in the shape of a claw on the back, hide thigh plates attached to the tunic and hide bracers on the arms and long fur boots bound up with leather thong, wooden shield with a symbol of Erathis (a tower) on a carved background of bricks. Jewellery - Long chunky metal medallion of Erathis. A pair of thick metal braclets, thick copper sprial of wire at the back holds together his ponytail.

3 most notable physical traits/features - Stooped, Shifter features, pronounced canines and long flat nose, well groomed.
3 most noticeable social traits - Calm, considered and easy around people, but warey for danger when out of civilisation.

Weapons/implements of choice - Huge glowing, rune inscribed one handed hammer behind a shield.

Reputation - Friendly, pro empire/protectorate situation, honest.
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First Post
I've never been one to post in a portrait request thread. I always figured it was like when people asked me to help them with math, I'm good at it and its not easy but some days I just wish theyd let me do my own. That speel being said I've helped lots of people with math over the years, and don't really regret it so I'm gonna do it anyway hahaha. So if anyone feels so inclined, I submit for illustration Vashik One Eye.

Human Male Wizard
65 years old
Tall (6' ish)
145 lbs
Missing one eye (left)

Vashik is rapier thin, and usually wears a loose militaristic type uniform, and carries a wand. While he appears to be 65 years old, he is much younger, having lost his eye and his youth fighting a creature from the shadowfell. His one eye is a deep brown, he has sharp eyes, and thin lips that are almost permenantly frozen in a sardonic smile. His limbs are just a little bit gangly.

So thats what I've got. Anything beyond that is up in the air. If theres anyone interested I'd love to see what you come up with. And if not well, didn't take much effort to ask.
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Saba Taru

[SNIP] So if anyone feels so inclined, I submit for illustration Vashik One Eye.

Human Male Wizard
65 years old
Tall (6' ish)
145 lbs
Missing one eye (left)

Vashik is rapier thin, and usually wears a loose militaristic type uniform, and carries a wand. While he appears to be 65 years old, he is much younger, having lost his eye and his youth fighting a creature from the shadowfell. His one eye is a deep brown, he has sharp eyes, and thin lips that are almost permenantly frozen in a sardonic smile. His limbs are just a little bit gangly.

So thats what I've got. Anything beyond that is up in the air. If theres anyone interested I'd love to see what you come up with. And if not well, didn't take much effort to ask.

Ok. I'll apologize in advance. I used you as a test for my new laptop and how well it played with my 3D software. :)

I read the more detailed bio you have of your character and noticed you had both fire and frost spells, so I picked fire. It was more evil-ish to me than frost (but if you ask me tomorrow if that's the case, the answer may be flipped). :p

Hope you like it (at least a little bit). I had to do some major compressing to get it to the right file size. If it's too squished, I do have the higher resolution image. Just let me know. Original size was 8x10 300 dpi (for printing). Here's hoping I got the attachment right...


  • VashikOneEye-WEB-v1.jpg
    198.1 KB · Views: 374


First Post
Wow, I just wanted to resay here what I already messages to you. This is amazing! It's almost exactly what I envisioned! Feel free to experiment on any of my PC's again. I have a very vivid imagination but no artistic skill, so this really brought personality to Vashik, thank you.


First Post
I'm new, here, but I looked through ALL 40+ pages of this thread, and Wow! You people really knock my socks off. (Or maybe it's just that those of us who have no artistic talent are particularly impress by those of you who do.)

I thought I'd try throwing my own request into the ring:


Etienne is a human-looking half-elf. The only traces of his elvish ancestry are his slender build, beardless face, and very slight point to his ears. His hair is short and dark brown. His eyes are green. He is lithe and flexible, just under 5'9" (174 cm) and 143 # (65 kg). In D&D terms: St 11, De 16, In 14, Wi 14, Co 12, Ch 12.

He is decidedly not muscular, and is self-conscious about it. (He is diffident about his abilities, generally, even where competent.) Accordingly, he dresses to conceal, not reveal, himself. His prize possessions are a black mithril chain shirt (+2, with a shadow dweomer) and a masterwork lute. He wears his armor under a leather jacket. Shirt and trousers, both of sturdy cloth, and low-cut boots complete his ensemble. He spurns a cloak but will wear a broad-brimmed hat if outside in the sun for an extended period.

Etienne is mildly psionic, possessing a precognitive sense, and the abilities to shield his thoughts, temporarily enhance his attributes, and heal his own injuries. The only psychic ability whereby he can affect others is in his ability to manifest soul knives.

He fights unarmed or with dual soul knives that look like stilletos. (He may also manifest them as gauntlets.) In ranged combat, he either throws the knives (at short range) or uses a sling (at long range).

I'll not tell an artist how to do his or her work (especially not one working without thought of a reward), but the style I had particularly in mind for this character was something like Chain Lightning's Shadowrun-Akeru.jpg from a few pages back. However, don't let that constrain any willing provider. :)
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Portrait request

I need a favor, if anyone would be able to help me.

Coinspinner is a dragonborn starpacted warlock who terms itself an "agent of fate".

Coinspinner is of indeterminate gender: think Vaarsuvius from OotS.
Coinspinner wears heavy hooded robes "Because the north is too cold for civilized folk."
Coinspinner carries a short triple-bladed spear, like a phuurba, but with a spear length handle. Nobody knows why: Coinspinner has never used it in melee, or as anything other than a walking stick. Coinspinner's scales are black with faint purple highlights.

Coinspinner's warlock concealment is not a gathering of shadows: instead, ghostly duplicates of Coinspinner appear around it, doing actions related to, but not precisely identical to, whatever Coinspinner is doing. The more Coinspinner moves, the more duplicates appear and the more widely varied their actions become. (Long walks with Coinspinner become disturbing.)
To compensate for this, Coinspinner stays absolutely still until in intends to move.

If anyone felt able to do a portrait or a sketch of Coinspinner, I would be greatly appreciative.
Thank you for your help.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Anyone want to take a stab at drawing my Vampire character?

I like to call him Technomage, though that might be a bit misleading. He's a Tremere computer/tech freak. Young, as in some 25 years old male caucasian, with dark tussled hair and a soul patch. His style is a mix of computer geek and traditional tremere mysticism so I'd like him to have a long coat (possible very dark red in color) with some arcane symbols running at the hem and as highlights and perfectly round (sun)glasses. If you want to draw the coat open then he'd have dark/black jeans and t-shirt underneath. Also hightech VR Gloves on his hands and VR Glasses hanging from his neck and some modern details (talks to cellphone, has ipod (or similar) and a PDA etc). Also, he should have a satchel to carry his bigger stuff.

He's of average height but somewhat gangly.

Oh, you could add in an eyebrow or noce piercing
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First Post
I was wondering if any artist here would be interested in doing a series of 4 drawings of 4 different characters? All have a strong steampunk theme, and it would be much appreciated. PM me if interested =D

- Aedh

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