Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1


And don't forget guys, you add one-half your level to AC, attack rolls (but not damage rolls) and skill checks, so since you're now level 2, that's a +1. I notice that Mowgli, in particular, needs to give himself this +1 boost on skills, and I imagine that some of the rest you do as well.
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First Post
no, it is correct as rangers get 6 surges and his con mod is +1 so that equals 7

also 12(base hp) +12(con score) +5(hp gained at lvl up) =29. right?

I moved around the stats points as you can see to this array(16,16,12,12,10,08) if that is ok?
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
And don't forget guys, you add one-half your level to AC, attack rolls (but not damage rolls) and skill checks, so since you're now level 2, that's a +1. I notice that Mowgli, in particular, needs to give himself this +1 boost on skills, and I imagine that some of the rest you do as well.

Nope - I'm good. (e.g. DEX=10 (+0) + ½Lvl (+1) + Bard Bonus (+1) = +2 Acrobatics)


Tarrk should be ready. Can someone give me our XP count? I think I missed something.
The official current count is 1,132. For future reference, I'll take a tip from Rhun and try to keep a current total available for everyone in Post #2 of the RG. (I knew I wanted to reserve that post for something!)


What's a good feat for wizards? Anything cool in PH2 or PH3?

Level 2 Utility spells: Feather Fall (D) and Shield (E)--any other sugestions from PH2 or PH3, etc?
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What's a good feat for wizards? Anything cool in PH2 or PH3?

Level 2 Utility spells: Feather Fall (D) and Shield (E)--any other sugestions from PH2 or PH3, etc?
I don't have PH3 yet, so someone else will have to tell you about that. And Arcane Power is what you want instead of ph2 or ph3 for wizard spells. The most interesting L2 wizard powers in Arcane Power are:

Float - Wizard Utility 2 - you hove 6 inches above the ground, have no movement restrictions for terrain, don't set off pressure sensitive traps, and gain a bonus to Stealth equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can't cross pits or chasms, and it lasts until the end of the encounter or until you fall.

Guardian Blades - Wizard Utility 2 - Until the end of the encounter or until you become unconscious, each adjacent enemy that attacks you (whether it hits or not) takes force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. No enemy takes this damage more than once per turn.

Feats from PH2, at least the best ones you can use --

Surging Flame - When you hit a target that has fire resistance with a fire power, the fire power deals an extra 5 damage against that target until the end of your next turn.

Timely Respite - When you use your second wind or use the total defense action, you can make a saving throw.

Weapon Expertise - Choose a weapon group. You gain +1 to hit with any weapon power using a weapon from that group (light blades-dagger- is about all you can take, I guess?)

Othwise, feats from PH1 are your best bet. Scratch that, forgot to check Arcane Power for feats!

Destructive Wizardry - when you use an arcane power that hits 2 or more opponents you gain +2 to the damage rolls.

Eladrin Sword Wizardry - You can weild a longsword as an arcane implement, but you do not gain your proficiency bonus when so doing. Any class features that add a bonus when you use a wand also apply when you use a longsword, but only when you use it as an implement, not as a weapon.

Enlarge Spell - prereq. Wisom 13 - Before using an arcane attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can't use this feat for a power that doesn't roll dice for damage.

Twist the Arcane Fabric - prereq. Eladrin, arcane class - only applies to an area or close power - Fey step an ally out of your power's area of effect. This is a free action, that teleports the ally 3 squares
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Walking Dad

First Post
Implement Expertise: +1 on all to hits with chosen implement.
Unarmored Agility: +2 AC when wearing no or cloth armor.

Skill Power:Arcane Muttering 2
1/encounter use arcane for bluff, diplomacy or intimidate.

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