Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
What are the levels of the party at this stage? And how far behind is this update now?

Really enjoying the story and looking forward to learning more about the Maw. :)

Thanks for sharing.
The party had recently hit 18th level at this point -- the fight against the Guardian of the Maw was their first combat at 18th.

The Story Hour is about 25 runs behind the actual game; in "real life" the party is one more session away from achieving 20th level.

In terms of real time, the party entered the Crimson Maw on September 1, 2008. So, still plenty of catching up to do!

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Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Thanks :) How's play been at nearly 20th level?
Challenging! :)

At 18th-20th level, and with a 6-PC party that includes two high-level clerics and two high-level wizards (plus an effective spellsword, an optimized-for-sneak-attacks rogue/lasher, and a rogue NPC), there's very little the party cannot do if they want to. Also, with so much divination magic at their disposal (commune, legend lore, vision, etc.) there's very little they can't find out. On top of that, I'm a total softy when it comes to handing out loot, so the party is loaded down with powerful magic items. And, finally, if I challenge them too much, they can whip out miracles and wishes.

The sorts of adventures I can challenge them with have become harder to invent, and I often solve that problem by giving them quests in Unique And Epic Locations(tm) that have unusual rules. The Crimson Maw, for instance, is a demi-plane that prohibits flight and teleportation.

It's a fine line, though. On the one hand, limiting the party's toolset makes them approach problems in new and fresh ways*, and often improves the game. On the other hand, they've earned that toolset, and it's pretty unsporting to keep nerfing their powerful cool abilities.

* In one of the next couple installments, you'll see how the party figured out how to completely do an end-run around an absolutely majestic set-piece I had envisioned. And you know what? It was my own damned fault! You could hear the sound of my head-smack from three blocks down when they realized they could [details redacted].


First Post
I know what you mean. I've never played or ran games at that level before (usually end a campaign around early teens) but I am use to players completly bypassing set-pieces and encounters by coming up with ideas I hadn't anticipated, or something I had forgotten about; and I too have been generous with loot in past games (but not so much these days, I make them earn every item) and regretted it later. Having more political games helped, since they couldn't just slaughter everyone, and having consequences as a result of their actions can help make them think twice about their tactics [burn a village to kill a demon, the king's not going to look kindly towards you, that sort of thing].

Looking forward to seeing how they tackle the Maw and the head-smacking :)


Congratulations folks! That's what, 2 levels every year you've been playing aye? I wish I had a game whose story was worth that...

Hey PC, what are the odds of Dranko re-earning his fame as some sort of epic reward? For extra points, make him choose between the possibility of recognition, or a colossal elemental's eyeball :D


We did it!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I'd ever want to run a campaign at this level..I'm not sure how Sagiro does it. From my side at least our combats frequently feel like mad scrambles through our character sheets to pull out SOMETHING that will keep us alive a bit longer. We have some combinations that get used repeatedly but we have to come up with new things all the time in order to make it through.

Everyone except the NPC rouge is a spellcaster and the number of variables we can pull out to try in combat is pretty overwhelming. I won't give away too many spoilers..but last nights combat had a team of Ellish priestesses helping out as there were something like 17 spell casters on our side of the fight.

The Octesian fight has been hanging over us for just about 5 months in real time. It lasted 3 sessions..and the sessions were very spread out due to a lot of people being busy with their real lives. One big reason for a lot of the delays was Grey Wolf and I having a baby :) Our baby is 4.5 months old now and we've finally finished the fight!

I feel like we worked hard and did justice to the story and that feels great! (and after the last combat I think I am maybe even looking forward to sitting back and casting HEAL, HEAL, MASS HEAL, HEAL for a bit!!!)

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