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Dark Heresy FOR THE EMPEROR!!! OOC thread - always recruiting, give a shout


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It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die.Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Rogue Gallery
Hi there.

Dark heresy is a very very dark, gothic setting. It is also very very cool, with a very simple crunch and huge amounts of fluff.

I'm looking for a few players, experience with the setting or system is NOT required. I'm aiming at one or two maior posts per week, and a few updates, depending on my work schedule.

Character creation depends on your experience with the system. Experienced players start with 120 pt buy, anything randomly rolled will have to be rolled with the ENWORLD dice roller.
For those that are new we can start on char creation, or I'll use one of many characters I have laying about and we'll work from there.

More info:
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First Post
It certainly sounds like a cool setup / world. I'm especially intrigued by the psykers. I have zero experience with the system, though, so I'd need a lot of help, and possibly an archetype with a possession / psychosis mechanic on top of everything else might be too complicated for a noob?


I've enjoyed 40K in the past so I'm definitely interested, but must second Shayuri's question. Aside from the basic 40K setting, what's the campaign about?


First Post
The premise is that you are emperor-fearing, loyal citizens of the empire. Each will have his own reasons to be at Archon V, an imperial world , fairly backwater, notable for a huge mountainrange which is extensively mined. There is some farming as well, and there is a fairly large city surronding the spaceport.

Then something happens, and you will react as true loyal citizens, thereby being recruited by an inquisitor.
There will be some combat, and some investigation as to what the hell is going on. You will not have the protection of the inquisition at first :).

What you need to play is a character with a reason to be on the planet. As of yet nothing is carved in stone. I'd say nothing too exotic, but this is warhammer 40K after all. Nothing too powerfull might be a better way to put it. You can use all origins from the basic rulebook and the not-too-funky ones from the inquisitor's handbook. Background packages are on a case-by-case basis

[MENTION=2710]jkason[/MENTION] : psykers in w40k are very tricky to play. The rules are brutal and lethal, about as dangerous for the caster as for his opponents. What you do as a psyker is open a conduit to the warp in order to use your powers. The warp is inhabited by shitloads of very strong and very nasty demons, looking for a way into the prime material. Only those that are strong enough are trained and conditioned to use psychic powers, and that training and conditioning leaves them damaged in body and mind. They are universally feared and reviled throughout the imperium.
Don't say I didn't warn you :). But you're more than wellcome to play one :). Do you have access to the books? If not, I'll type a long post tomorrow and we'll get cracking at char creation.
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JKASON : Imagine Psykers as being a Magical equivalent of D&D Berserkers - Exceptionally powerful, but potentially even more dangerous (Both to their party and to themselves) than the Party's opponents.

DocZ: Is it possible to start as a character who's allready working with the Inquisition or would you like us all to be working outside of it at the beginning?


First Post
I am interested in joining. how much experience are we being given to start with and how much thrones? also do you have certain roles you have in mind that you want to be filled for our party (techmarine, scribe, etc.)?


Ruik, part of that was posted in first post:
Character creation depends on your experience with the system. Exoperienced players start with 120 pt buy, anything randomly rolled will have to be rolled with the ENWORLD dice roller.
For those that are new we can start on char creation, or I'll use one of many characters I have laying about and we'll work from there.


First Post
It would be nice if one of the players who knows a lot about the setting could play a scribe or another 'knowing' character, but that's not required.

Feel free to shout ideas about backgrounds and characters, and to hook-up your backgrounds together.

At the moment I'd rather not have anyone connected to the inquisition before play starts.


First Post
Inquisitor, eh? HMMMM.

Well, I was thinking of trying a psyker, but Jkason can have that if he likes. There's other archetypes I've been wanting to try. An assassin could be fun...or a techpriest...hee...

I take it all back. Assassin. Totally an assassin.

But I'm looking through the book, and I'm not sure where the Point Buy rules are. The attributes are randomly rolled...
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