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Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - OOC

Cor Azer

First Post
Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - OOC

The campaign is set on an isolated peninsula created by a mostly dormant volcano and two huge fjords - think Norway or Iceland, except the water-side cliffs are incredibly high, steep, and with rocky coasts - no sea access. The land, called Oka Kjurama, was founded long ago, but almost two centuries ago, a curse fell upon the land as the thane and most of his family died. This curse is almost like an overhanging doom (frequent poor crops, two-headed goat births, badly timed building collapses), but is most evidently personified in Kamidottr, a fearsome and eldritch troll that lives somewhere within The Great Twilit Bridge - a massive (almost a day's walk to cross) stone bridge spanning one of the fjords, connecting Oka Kjurama to the mountainous Trollwalls and the tundra beyond - the only real access in and out of Oka Kjurama. The entire peninsula is now informally called the Trollfed Aerie, because it is effectively up to Kamidottr as to whether supplies come and go.

Despite Kamidottr's presence, Oka Kjurama hasn't completely succumbed to the curse yet; the various peoples that live within the Trollfed Aerie have just enough industry to get by, although they are in decline. Occasionally, a larger armed convoy has attempted to cross the Great Twilit Bridge to gather supplies from the mainland, and Kamidottr hasn't bothered them in any significant way, but smaller groups have been driven off or killed. Not that the larger convoys help much; the last one, several decades ago, came back with the devastating news that the Kangel orc hordes had laid waste to the lands beyond the Trollwalls. So the peoples of Oka Kjurama stay and live as best they can, taking what joy they can in small hopes.

There are a few communities within the Trollfed Aerie - Kjuriyo is the main town, located at the western tip of the peninsula overlooking the Gods' Wrath Sea far below and focused around two main buildings - the great sake hall of Valhama and the Keep of the Last Sight, with the once-awe-inspiring Heavenhung Tower hanging precariously over the edge of the cliffs; Durel-dor-shima is an undergound mining village partway up the mostly dormant volcano Kjur Peak that dominates the northern side of the peninsula that is the center of smithing and industry for the Trollfed Aerie; Kawasiddr is a nearly hidden forest village sheltered deep within the Aelfkami Woods to the south, and is more grown and spun from trees and silk than masonry and carpentry; and Fryjjarwa is a small village that sits on a series of islands in the river that runs through the middle of the peninsula and serves as the crossroads between the other three main communities and the Great Twilit Bridge to the east. There are several other thorps within the land, but none deserving of a name and few are more than a longhouse or two. Outside of these, the land is fairly dangerous - especially to non-adventurers: goblins inhabit vast caverns beneath Oka Kjurama, occasionally surfacing to raid; malicious fey and shadow spirits roam the Aelfkami Woods, preying on the weak-willed; and carnivorous drakes hunt along the slopes of Kjur Peak, picking off inattentive travelers.

The land is as cosmopolitan as such a small area can be (roughly 40 miles east-west, 20 miles north-south); all standard races are present in some number (which may only be 1 or 2 for some of the more exotic ones - ie, you can be any standard race, but you may be the only one left of your kind in the Trollfed Aerie). Culturally, the peoples of Oka Kjurama are a mix of Norse and Japanese traditions, although various races embody certain aspects more than others (for example, the dwarves enjoy sumo wrestling and great tales told within sake halls; the eldarin perform a complicated, mystical, and little understood, tea ceremony; the bodies of the dead, particularly thanes and other respected persons, are typically set afire on funeral boats and sent over the waterfall to plunge into the storm-tossed sea below). The main crop is rice (for food as well as sake), although goats are bred for meat and milk. The vast majority of buildings are single room longhouses, possibly with rice paper screens for privacy, in which multiple families may live. Players are more than welcome to expand on these cultural traditions, should they choose.

All of the Player's Handbook gods exist, although their depictions might vary, but there are no real temples as such - instead, all worshipers are invited to silent prayer inside sacred gardens gated by brilliant vermilion torii and watched over by various mystical spirits known as kami. The four major communities each have such a garden, and a mostly abandoned one can be found near the Great Twilit Bridge in the east. Beyond the gardens, numerous shrines can be found dotted throughout Oka Kjurama, nearly anywhere a kami has taken residence or a touch of divine is felt.

The land is not excessively rich, and even the largest community, Kjuriyo, is barely classified as a town, but there is evidence of an even older peoples having lived on the peninsula long ago, so plenty of magic items can be found in the deeper wilds, caverns, and ancient ruins. Still, there is enough goods production that pretty much any sort of mundane equipment can be found somewhere.

I like running games with a good mix of combat and non-combat encounters, so expect such. From the setup, it is likely that confronting Kamidottr will be an eventual goal in the campaign, but not necessarily the ultimate one. There will be plenty of other bads (both big and little) trying to throw their weight around the Trollfed Aerie.

Anyways, on to more administrivial stuff:
1. All WotC sources (Essentials and pre-Essentials) are ok for races, classes, feats, etc, except:
1.a. Backgrounds are ok, but only those classified as General (no Forgotten Realms, Scales of War, etc), and
1.b. Themes are ok, but only those classified as General (no Dark Sun, Neverwinter, etc)
2. Normal point-buy method for attribute generation from the Player's Handbook.
3. No alignment restrictions, but don't be a jerk - Your characters don't have to be nice, but they should be willing to help others (even if it is just because they're being rewarded)
4. Standard starting gold
5. I don't have access to D&D Insider, so I won't necessarily be able to double-check everything on your character.

In general, for character concepts, anything that could easily fit into Japanese tales of ninja and samurai or Norse sagas of Viking warriors and troll-slayers should be golden (except for Viking longship raiders - there'll be some barges on the river, but no seaborne raiding). To be sure though, those aren't the only concepts allowed, just a starting point for anyone needing a seed for an idea.

I have plenty of other details for the setting worked out if anybody wanted something expanded to spark more ideas; I just didn't want to overwhelm this first post.

So, anyone looking to step up and perform deeds to be song of in the sake halls?

August 31st: Recruitment closed
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Walking Dad

First Post

Would you be fine with a Dragonborn Blackguard (Domination)?

A strong fighter that beliefs that strict order and power are the only way to battle the current situation (unaligned). More samurai than viking themed. Willing to help others to show that he has the might and right for leadership.

Background: Pending
Theme: Guardian

[sblock=SHEET]Daigon, level 1
Dragonborn, Paladin (Blackguard)
Vice: Domination
Dragonborn Power Selection: Bonus Dilettante At-Will / Encounter Power Power
Background: ?
Theme: Guardian

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 29 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 7

Athletics, Bluff, Endurance, Intimidate


Level 1: Heavy Blade Expertise

Vice at-will 1: Dominator's Strike
Paladin At-will 1: Vengeance Strike
Racial Power: Dragonbreath
Guardian Encounter: Guardian's Counter
Paladin encounter 1: Dread Smite
Paladin Utility 1: Shroud of Shadow

Adventurer's Kit, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Scale Armor[/sblock]
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First Post
I am also interested.

I'm up for discussion on party roles and the like. I tend to prefer not-striker.

Current thought is a slightly re-flavored Telepathy Psion who knows Odin's sixteenth rune.

ETA: Alternately, I always love me some TacLords.
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Walking Dad

First Post
For party roles, Blackguard is a striker, but if we in a need for more Defender stuff, I could change race to human and pick a defender at will that gives him a mark ability.

Cor Azer

First Post
Both of those ideas sound like they can work.

I'm a big fan of slipping in an order-vs-"do what you can" into my games; not usually at a cosmic scale, with the divine versus the divibe, but at the mortal community level. I don't pick a side in it though, just let it linger as an undercurrent to other ongoing plots.

I also plan to do a fair bit with runes in the game; some will be flavoured as rituals, others as magic items, and still others as clues or loci of power. Having someone keen on runes will be nice.


First Post
I am definitely interested in this. Not sure about a character concept yet, but I've been playing a lot of Strikers lately, so I'm seeing something in the Defender or Leader line, perhaps a Warlord or Fighter. I'll go tinker around with some concepts and see what works.


First Post
I'm split between two.

1.) Liosalfar Noble Warlord: As I said, I love me some TacLords. This will mostly work out if the Striker is adept at MBAs. Walking Dad , how does the Blackguard look for MBAs?

2.) Human that managed to see/hear the 16th Rune/Song of Odin. Changed (mechanically) to a Kalashtar TP Psion with influence over the minds of mortals. Probably also going with noble theme. I'm also not sure how well a single target Controller works out.

Hopefully it comes across that these would be drawing from the Norse aspects of the land.
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Cor Azer

First Post
Attached (should be) a bad scan of a rough bird's eye map of the Trollfed Aerie. Dunno how legible it'll be to you.


  • okakjurama.JPG
    45.7 KB · Views: 272


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Been playing with a couple of ideas. Two that stand out are:

A. A man born under the full moon, as a gift from the Moon Kami(perhaps even found, as a babe, in a sacred garden). Probably taking a radiant based divine class(looking at cha-paladin, maybe invoker or cleric) and flavoring it as lunar radiance rather than astral or solar.

B. A fox spirit taking humanoid form to live among the people(and thus away from the more malicious spirits of the Aelfkami Forest). This would likely also focus on radiance, looking at Invoker, Druid, Wizard, maybe Avenger or White Well Hexblade.

Thoughts, anyone?


First Post
1.) I think that sounds pretty neat. Drawing inspiration from anywhere in particular? I'm thinking of Yue from Avatar season 1.

2.) My knowledge of Japanese mythology isn't too sharp (for a geek at least). Fox spirit would likely translate well as a Changeling, neh?

I'm trying to sort out what would mesh well with the Blackguard and, now, the concepts presented above. It looks like the Blackguard would appreciate someone who can grant THPs. If I go the leader route, I may go with Cleric (Sacred Flame) of Bard (Virtue of Valor) to grant some much needed THPs to the Striker. It looks like the Black Guard uses plenty of them.

Sun Cleric with Lance of Faith and Sacred Flame may work out well for everything presented so far. Hrn... I've never played a Cleric...

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