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Literary Model for Happy Barbarian


A friend of mine is making a barbarian character losely based on Monkey B Luffy. But the original is not a barbarian, so I am looking for literary models for happy-go-lucky barbarians. No angst, no deep resentment or anger, just a strong guy with a big sword and passion. This is for Skull & Shackles, the Pazio adventure path.

One of the few ideas I've come up with is Sir Francis Haddock from Tintin, but there must be more. Preferably female, if possible, as the character is female.

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A suffusion of yellow
Obelix was the first to come to mind

can't think of any female barbarians, although the Big Momma type might be adapted


Happy-go-lucky barbarians? Have you checked out The Barbarian Brothers? That's a classic.

Joe Abercrombie's book feature loads of barbarians, with varying degrees of moodiness and angst. Whirrun of Bligh and (for a female character) Wonderful, both from The Heroes, might be examples.

Alternatively, look up some Celtic mythology.


Staff member
Not really literary per se, but Marvel Comic's take on Hercules was pretty jovial.

At one point, he wandered the galaxy, bar hopping and looking for beings who were worthy enough for him to bestow upon them "The Gift"...which is to get into a good natured fight with a demigod (namely, him), then celebrate afterwards.


A case could be made for Conan himself, he could be pretty jovial when people weren't messing with him.

Of course in most of his stories, someone IS messing with him.

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