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Eleanore's Request (Fantasy MnM 3E, Recruiting)


First Post
The innkeeper, Marius, smiled to see the party's return. He had been quite friendly with them, and offered them rooms and meals free of charge, ever since they had helped clear out that horrid rat infestation in his cellar.

"No trouble with those goblin raiders, then?" he asked, bringing each adventurer's favorite drink to their usual table. "I knew they'd be no problem for you."

But Marius was far from the most interesting thing in the Hanged Boar's tavern. In a corner, with a few tables pulled together, were a group of travel-worn looking people in heavy armor, with dirty backpacks and traveling cloaks hanging from their chairs. The group consisted of both men and women, mostly human but with a few exceptions to that.
And the most intriguing of these people was a woman who, after some rapid whispering with her comrades, stood up and approached the party's table.
Her armor was elaborately enameled, mostly with pink floral patterns, but obviously quite serviceable and not merely a ceremonial piece. In fact, it showed minor battle damage, some of which looked fairly fresh. The shield on her back, visible for a moment as she turned back to look at her friends, bore a familiar coat of arms. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was unkempt, and looked like it had only just been loosed from a tight braid or bun to fit under her helm. The helm in question, held under her arm, was studded with small gems in a circle near the top, giving the impression of a crown.
Even the sword at her hip, old and rusted though it appeared, was a hint to the young woman's noble identity.
Princess Eleanore, youngest of the king's three children and his most trusted knight, had captured just such a magical sword from a traitorous duke she defeated some months ago. Her showy armor was itself well-known, at least among those familiar with the workings of the knights, and it was intended to ensure her followers--and her foes--never lost sight of her in battle.

"Good evening gentlemen, ladies. You are... adventurers, correct?" the princess said, somewhat nervously. "The ones the innkeeper told me about, in fact?
"Normally I like to handle these things personally, but my services seem to be required in two places at once, and so... I have a proposition. I'd like to hire you for a quest."


So I'd like to get some more GMing experience. And specifically try out using MnM (my favorite system) with ideas that are a little bit outside of its default genre.
Is anybody interested in a short (relatively) 3rd-Edition Mutants and Masterminds game in a fantasy setting? I have one or two adventures in mind, but if we're all interested in continuing at that point that may be on the table.
3rd Edition MnM is the same system as DC Adventures, so if you have that one you're good to go. There's also an online SRD available here.
I am also quite willing to help new players with the system and character creation. If the players are new to the system and want to practice a combat, I do have stats for that goblin raiding party briefly mentioned in the teaser. We can do that fight as an in-game prologue and then move to the meeting with Eleanore, if that's wanted.

Power Level will be 6 with 90 Power Points to start. Maximum tradeoff +/-4. Given the lower-than-usual PL, the rule restricting Accurate, All-Out, Defensive, and Power Attack from more than doubling a bonus will be ignored (at least for major characters with the Advantage... I'll probably still let the restriction apply to NPC/monster minions and such).
PCs should be capable good adventurers. That means at least being close to your basic combat caps and being the sort of person that might accept Eleanore's quest (possible motivations for that include altruism, patriotism, greed, and old-fashioned thirst for adventure).
MnM is flexible enough that it can be broken easily if you try--please don't. Anything the book suggests GMs should be leery of, I am. That includes time travel (I'll probably just rule that one right out), unrestricted Precognition, and characters with Sidekicks or Summons that let them have multiple full-power actions at a time. Run this kind of thing by me first, and we'll work it out.
Unless it's central to your character concept (in which case, talk to me), disregard the Technology skill and Inventor advantage. Sleight of Hand can be used to disable simple mechanical locks, traps, and other devices.

[sblock=Setting]Setting information is pretty open to player input at this point.
I'll lay out some well-known NPCs and locales that may be relevant to the adventure ideas I have in mind.

I do have some basic ideas for a major religion, but if players (particularly one wishing to play a divine-themed PC) have something they prefer I'm willing to reconsider.

Brisbane is the nation that the adventurers call home. It has natural borders and was originally shaped as one nation almost two centuries ago by a dragon with silvery scales creatively titled the Silverscales. She named a human as the king of the nation for day-to-day affairs, but has emerged from her home to defend the nation and its population when the need was great several times in those 200 years.
The people of Brisbane are relatively happy with a royal family who enacts and enforces fair laws and defends them well.

Brisdale is the capital of Brisbane and the site of Brisbane Castle. The castle grounds are walled, but the city is not and the gate is often open.
Peace-bonding weapons is strongly encouraged, and may be ordered by city guards if an armed individual is in deemed suspicious.

Madehst is a small settlement about three days' journey from Brisdale. Given the dangerous surrounding area it is a walled settlement, although much of the farmland is outside the walls.
It is the home base of at least one successful party of adventurers.

Silver Keep
Silver Keep isn't actually silver, although it is home to the Silverscales. Or, more accurately, it is built above a cave complex that is. The fortress has no front door, instead it is accessed from underneath through the caves. It houses the Silverscales humanoid entourage.

Hanged Boar
The Hanged Boar is a popular inn in Madehst. Not many people travel through the settlement and need a place to stay, but the tavern that takes up the entire ground floor is a popular place even with the locals, with great ale and even better food.

Marius Clayborne
The proprietor of the Hanged Boar. He does have a wife who supposedly runs the business with him, but in practice she mostly leaves it to her husband unless a particular crowd means he needs her help.
He owes a debt of gratitude to a party of adventurers that he wasn't properly able to repay, although in truth the services he's provided for them free of charge since that day have probably more than made up for it.

Princess Eleanore
The youngest child of King Alexander, Eleanore is a master of swordplay. While she did have an unfair advantage given her royal birth, Eleanore became a knight of Brisbane and has more than proven her worth. She often leads a squad of knights who are extremely loyal to her.
Eleanore is the most likely of the royal to be seen by the populace dealing directly with issues around the kingdom, given that she has the skill to deal with danger that she shares only with her eldest brother but doesn't have to deal with protectiveness from their father the way he does--although he certainly still worries about her.

Princess Heather
A new addition to the royal family of Brisbane, Heather was always a princess of the nearby kingdom of Calian. She was married earlier this month to the second prince and skilled ambassador Mercer. As the youngest of three princesses in a different country, Heather was never of much interest in Brisbane before her marriage. Little is still known about her, other than the fact that she dresses mostly in blue (including blue makeup and sapphire jewelry, according to some reports).
A rumor recently spread that she had gone missing, which might explain her sister-in-law's presence in Madehst.

The SilverScales
The original dragon with silvery scales declared the borders of what would become Brisbane. She protected the nation since then, although she only emerged from Silver Keep in times of great need--something that only happened five times.
She died last year, and the kingdom was in mourning for two months. She has a son who has taken her title, although he's very young for a dragon at less than 30 winters.

King Alexander
The current king of Brisbane. He's well-liked enough, although probably not as much as his father was. He doesn't have many enemies in any case. He's smart enough to know to listen to advisers who have skills and knowledge he lacks, and he's fair and kind.
He carries a rapier and supposedly knows how to use it, but he's no weapon master like his daughter.

Queen Lana
Lana was a baker who worked in Brisdale. Her sweet bread won the attention of the prince, and once she had that she won his heart.
Other than the fact that King Alexander loves her and that she's the mother of Anthony, Mercer, and Eleanore, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly fascinating about Queen Lana. Perhaps the best that can be said about her is that few people have anything negative to say about her, and maybe that's something.

Prince Anthony
The eldest son of King Alexander, Prince Anthony is the heir apparent to the Brisdane throne although his father is still young. He studied magic under the Archmage Marta of High Tower for a number of years, and he and his mentor still visit each other. While a gifted wizard, his father typically does not make requests of him that are in any way dangerous--not because he can't handle them but simply because the king does not wish to risk the crown prince.
Anthony followed in his father's footsteps by marrying a commoner from his own kingdom, although he was sadly widowed about a year later. They did have a daughter however, and she is now four years old.

Prince Mercer
The second son of the king, Prince Mercer is a gifted diplomat and will likely serve as his brother's lead adviser concerning foreign affairs. He already serves his father in that manner. He has taken a number of trips into the neighboring nation of Calian, often accompanied by his sister or another bodyguard given the brutal reputation of the kingdom. Mercer has made good headway in the area of friendly relationships with the Calanian queen, including more and better-trained guards on their side of the border.
Mercer recently brought Princess Heather of Calain home as his bride and claims their relationship has nothing to do with the subject of political alliance, a kind of marriage that Brisbane has historically frowned upon and refused to force its princes and princesses into. In fact, in response to his father's fear of the idea that Mercer and Heather could become king and queen of different nations at the same time and cause them to effectively merge into one large kingdom, Mercer has pledged that he will immediately pass his crown to the next in line (likely Eleanore) should that ever be the case. It's unlikely to come to pass given that Heather has two elder siblings, one of whom already has children, and that Mercer himself has an elder brother and a niece in line before him and a still-young father, but the extra layer of protection against such an eventuality seems to have put Alexander at ease.

The Intercessors
The Great One cared for all people, they say. But the Great One left the gods, led by the twins Allora and Quarn, in charge of the world. And they were distant, impersonal. Perhaps they cared about mortals and the Earth in an abstract sense, but they rarely cared about particular people.
Allora did see this as a problem, and she decreed that the gods would descend to the Earth to learn more about mortal concerns. It did not work as well as she hoped.
So she came to another idea. Instead of trying to understand mortal men and women in general through short-term contact, each would try to find one mortal to become a partner. And this person would become an intercessor, serving as an intermediary between that god and mortals.
Most of them followed Allora's advice and selected one person as a mate. Allora and Quarn elevated these individuals far beyond their mortal origin, although not quite to the power of the gods themselves. While it has been known to happen, it is rare for one of the gods to replace an intercessor. It is slightly more common for a god who never chose one to finally find a mortal to fill the void, and exactly one intercessor has been dismissed without a replacement in the millennia since they took their place at the gods' sides.
Most temples have shrines to the side dedicated to the appropriate intercessor. While services are rarely held at these shrines, they are where individual prayers are typically performed--with the possible exception of temples to Quarn and prayers concerning the recently departed.

Allora, Queen of the Gods
Goddess of the Sun, Day, Light, and Life

Allora is the goddess of the sun, from which light comes. It is thanks to her that the sun travels across the sky each day, although whether she throws it, carries it, drives it, or it is her is unclear from legends that have conflicting details. Most temples have an official theory, but they don't typically get too upset about congregants who don't subscribe to their version of the story.
While theoretically benevolent, Allora is distant and can therefore seem uncaring and neutral about the concerns of mortals.
She is the twin of Quarn, and the leader of the pantheon.

Jesper, Consort of Allora
Demigod/Intercessor of the Sun, Day, Light and Life

Jesper was once a jovial and friendly man, and is now a jovial and friendly demigod.
He remembers well mortal hopes and dreams, and gladly does what he can to aid mortals or to beseech his wife's aid.

Quarn, King of the Gods
God of the Moon, Night, Darkness and Death

Quarn is the god of the moon, to where the dead pass. It is thanks to him that the moon travels across the sky each night, although whether he throws it, carries it, drives it, or it is him is unclear from legends that have conflicting details. Most temples have an official theory, but they don't typically get too upset about congregants who don't subscribe to their version of the story.
While not evil, Quarn is distant and can seem cold and uncaring towards mortals.
Quarn is the twin of Allora. Supposedly the two have equal standing, but Quarn is a calm deity who typically yields to his fiery sister.

Miska, Consort of Quarn
Demigoddess/Intercessor of the Moon, Night, Darkness, and Death

Miska was a powerful sorceress on Earth, ruling over a kingdom that she had conquered with her own power. Given the death she had dealt, the god of the dead was unavoidably drawn to her when seeking a consort and asked her to take a place at his side. Demigodhood was the next step up for her, and she eagerly accepted.
She remembers well mortal fears and hatred, and angrily does what she can to curse the foes of those who pray to her and to enlist her husband's heavy hand.
Openly malevolent, people appeal to her less than to the other intercessors--or at least less openly.[/sblock]

[sblock=Sample Archetypes]Here are some example fantasy character types. These are certainly not the only way to build these archetypes nor are these the only possible character ideas, but if you’d like to use one with some tweaks I’d be glad to help with that.
I've also tried to leave some leftover points some there's room to personalize them a bit.

I'm including these since the archetypes in the core rulebook aren't really applicable. Feel free to completely ignore them.

[sblock=Holy Warrior]

Power Level 6/72 PP (18 Available)

Abilities: 28 pp
Sta: 4
Agi: 1
Dex: 1
Fgt: 2
Int: 0
Awe: 2
Pre: 2

Defenses: 7 pp
+4/2 (+1 Agi +2 Shield +1)
Parry: +4/2 (+2 Fgt +2 Shield +0)
Toughness: +8 (+4 Sta +4 Armor)
Fortitude: +6 (+4 Sta +2)
Will: +6 (+2 Awe +4)

Unarmed +7 Close, DC 17 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Sword +7 Close, DC 20 Toughness and DC 15 Will with Holy Smite, Criti 19-29, Slashing and Holy Energy
Bow +4 Ranged, DC 19 Toughness, Piercing Damage

Skills: 26 r = 13 pp
Athletics 6 (+8)
Expertise (Religion) 4 (+4)
Insight 6 (+8)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Persuasion 2 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Bow) 2 (+4)

Advantages: 14 pp
Close Attack 5, Equipment 3, Inspire 3, Interpose, Power Attack, Ranged Attack
Equipment: Heavy Armor (Protection 4; 4 ep), Heavy Shield (Enhanced Dodge 2, Enhanced Parry 2; 4 ep), Bow (Strength-based Blast 2; 6 ep), Alternate Effect: Sword (Strength-based Damage 3, Improved Critical; 1 ep)

Powers: 10 pp
Healing Hands
-Healing 5 [5]
--Flaw: Unreliable (5 uses)

Holy Smite
-Linked (to Strength-based Damage)
-Feature (Useable with Equipment) [1]
-Affliction (Will; Impaired, Disabled, Incapacitated) 5 [5]
--Flaw: Quirk (Only Evil Targets) [-1]

Costs: Abilities (28) + Defenses (7) + Skills (13) + Advantages (14) + Powers (10) = 72/90 Total Cost

This holy warrior is somewhat dependent on equipment. That saves Power Points, but it can be dangerous. Change it to devices for a higher cost with more reliability. Or even just a power with a Power Loss complication.
This is a pretty generic holy warrior. Some powers related to the object of his devotion might be a nice addition.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rogue/Light Fighter]

Power Level 6/88 PP (2 Available)

Abilities: 48 pp

Str: 1
Sta: 2
Agi: 4
Dex: 4
Fgt: 8
Int: 1
Awe: 2
Pre: 2

Defenses: 11 pp
+8/4 (+4 Agi, +4)
Parry: +8/4 (+8 Fgt, +0)
Toughness: +4 (+2 Sta +2 Armor)
Fortitude: +4 (+2 Sta, +2)
Will: +7 (+2 Awe, +5)

Initiative +8
Unarmed +8 Close, DC 16 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Rapier +9 Close, DC 18 Toughness, Piercing Damage, Crit 18-20 and Multi-Attack
Light Crossbow +8 Ranged, DC 18 Toughness, Piercing Damage, Crit 19-20

Skills: 30 r = 15 pp
Acrobatics 6 (+10)
Close Combat (Light Blades) 1 (+9)
Deception 2 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 6 (+8)
Ranged Combat 3 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+8)
Stealth 6 (+10)

Advantages: 10 pp
Agile Feint, Equipment 2, Evasion, Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved Initiative, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack, Uncanny Dodge
Equipment: Light Armor (Protection 2; 2 ep), Light Crossbow (Blast 3, Improved Critical; 7 ep), AE: Rapier (Str-based Damage 2, Improved Critical; 1 ep)

Powers: 4 pp
Devastating Strike
Multi-Attack on Strength-based Damage [3]
-Feature (Useable with Equipment) 1 [1]

Costs: Abilities (48) + Defenses (11) + Skills (15) + Advantages (10) + Powers (4) = Total Cost 88/90

There are multiple ways to do a Sneak Attack-like effect in MnM. The obvious one--Damage with a Limited or Quirk Flaw to only work in specific conditions--is probably my least favorite and one I didn't give it to her. But feel free to use it if you want. The default descriptor for the Multi-Attack extra is obviously attacking quickly, but I think the mechanical effect of dealing extra damage when you land a particularly accurate strike sounds just about right. Power Attack, which can become extra damage when you're confident in hitting a more vulnerable foe, also works. So does Improved Critical, I think.
I put several of those on this build. Simplify it to less of them for some points to play with some different skills.[/sblock]


Power Level 6/84 PP (6 Available)

Abilities: 18 pp
Sta: 0
Agi: 0
Dex: 2
Fgt: 0
Int: 3
Awe: 2
Pre: 3

Defenses: 10 pp
+8/4 (+0 Agi +6 Magic Shield +2)
Parry: +6/3 (+0 Fgt +6 Magic Shield +0)
Toughness: +4 (+0 Sta +4 Magic Shield)
Fortitude: +2 (+0 Sta +1 Magic Shield +1)
Will: +9 (+2 Awe +7)

Initiative +0
Unarmed +0 Close, DC 14 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Staff +0 Close, DC 15 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Magic Blast +5 Ranged, DC 22 Toughness, Magic Energy Damage
Dominate Perception, DC 16 Will, Magical Mental Control
FireBall Ranged Burst, DC 16 Dodge half and DC 21/18 Toughness, Magical Fire Damage
Absorb Energy +3 Close, DC 19 Fortitude, Magical Energy Drain
Chill Wind Close Cone, DC 16 Dodge half and DC 16/13 Fortitude, Magical Cold

Skills: 18 r = 9 pp
Expertise (History) 2 (+5)
Expertise (Magic) 10 (+13)
Investigation 1 (+4)
Perception 2 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 2 (+5)
Sleight of Hand 1 (+3)

Advantages: 8 pp
Beginner's Luck, Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Equipment, Extraordinary Effort, Ranged Attack, Ritualist, Well-Informed
Equipment: Staff (Strength-based Damage 1; 1 ep)

Powers: 39 pp
Magic Shield
-Linked Enhanced Dodge 6 [6]
-Linked Enhanced Parry 6 [6]
-Linked Enhanced Fortitude 1 [1]
-Linked Sustained Protection 4 [4]

-Blast 7 [14]
-Alternate Effect: Unreliable (5 uses version) Perception Affliction (Resisted by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Controlled) 6 [1]
-AE: Unreliable (5 uses) Ranged Area (Burst) Damage 6 [1]
-AE: Unreliable (5 uses) Close Area (Cone) Cumulative Affliction (Fortitude; Hindered, Immobile, Incapacitated) 6 [1]
-AE: Unreliable (5 uses) Accurate Weaken (Fort; Stamina) 9 and Reaction (Target fails resistance against Weaken) Limited (to Self) Healing 2 [1]
-AE: Flight 2 [1]
-AE: Sustained Comprehend 7 (Animals 2, Languages 4, Spirits 1)
-AE: Environment (Bright Light) 3 [1]
-AE: Teleport 7 (1/2 Mile) [1]

Costs: Abilities (18) + Defenses (10) + Skills (9) + Advantages (8) + Powers (39) = Total Cost 84/90


Power Loss: Spells when unable to gesture and speak.

Notes: There's not always that much difference between a DnD sorcerer and wizard in terms of what they actually do. To make this more like a wizard, a highly intelligent person who learns spells by figuring out how magic works and studying formulae from a book, increase Intellect and related skills and advantages, decrease Presence, and add a Complication about needing your spellbook. For a sorcerer, somebody with natural magical talent and high Charisma, reduce Intellect and improve Presence and related skills and advantages.
This mage has defensive magic that he can use indefinitely and at the same time as other spells, some utility spells that can't be used at the same time as any magic other than the shield, a simple blast of magical force that can be used at will, and some stronger spells that can be used a total of 5 times per day. For magic that's limited but more than 5 times total, use a complication instead of a flaw.
This mage is also pretty all over the place with spell effects, to give a variety of examples. Something more limited thematically would not be a bad idea. He also has four different spells useable a total of five times per day, which is probably more than enough. Remember you can use power stunts for less-utilized spells.[/sblock]


Power Level 6/74 (16 Available) PP

Abilities: 38 pp
Sta: 5/7
Agi: 2
Dex: 0
Fgt: 5/3
Int: 0/-1
Awe: 2
Pre: 2

Defenses: 8 pp
+6/3 (+2 Agi +4)
Parry: +7/4 (+5 Fgt +2)
Toughness: +5 (+5 Sta)
Fortitude: +5 (+5 Sta +0)
Will: +4 (+2 Awe +2)

Raging Defenses
+4/2 (+2 Agi -2 Rage +4)
Parry: +5/3 (+3 Fgt +2)
Toughness: +7 (Impervious; +7 Sta)
Fortitude: +7 (+7 Sta +0)
Will: +5 (+2 Awe +1 Rage +2)

Initiative +6
Unarmed +5 Close, DC 18 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Greataxe +5 Close, DC 22 Toughness, Slashing Damage, Crit 19-20
Throwing Axe +3 Ranged, DC 20 Toughness, Slashing Damage, Crit 19-20
Unarmed (Raging) +3 Close, DC 20 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Greataxe (Raging) +3 Close, DC 24 Toughness, Slashing Damage, Crit 17-20

Skills: 18 r = 9 pp
Athletics 10 (+13/15)
Perception 4 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Throwing Axes) 2 (+3)

Advantages: 7 pp
Equipment 2, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Power Attack, Ranged Attack, Startle
Equipment: Throwing Axes (Strength-based Blast 2, Improved Critical; 6 ep), AE: Greataxe (Strength-based Damage 4, Improved Critical; 1 ep)

Powers: 12 pp
Speed 1 (4 miles/hour or 60 ft/Move) [1]

Flaw: Activation (Move Action) [-1]
All Enhanced Traits Linked
Enhanced Strength 2 [4]
Enhanced Stamina 2 [11]
-Extra: Impervious (Toughness) 7
Enhanced Will 1 [1]
Enhanced Advantages (Improved Critical: Axe 2) 2 [2]
Flaw: Reduced Fighting 2 [-4]
Flaw: Reduced Intellect 1 [-2]
Flaw: Reduced Dodge 2 [-2]
Leaping 2 (30 ft) [2]

Costs: Abilities (38) + Defenses (8) + Skills (9) + Advantages (7) + Powers (12) = 74/90 Total Cost


Rage: The Berserker can not use any skills other than Athletics, Close Combat, and Intimidation while raging. They also can not use the Accurate or Defensive Attack maneuvers, and must make a hostile action each round if able.

Disability: Illiterate

Notes: This berserker doesn't get much more powerful when raging, but how she fights changes. She might choose not to rage all the time, especially if she has better uses for her move actions.
You might want to add some complications related to rage. Like that the berserker can't just end it at will or how she'll always attack the closest enemy or the one that attacked her most recently without regard to tactics or planning.[/sblock]


Power Level 6/90 PP

Abilities: 32 pp
1 (3 Shifted)
Sta: 3
Agi: 3
Dex: 1
Fgt: 4 (6 Shifted)
Int: 0
Awe: 4
Pre: 0

Defenses: 10 pp
Dodge: +7/4 (+3 Agi +4)
Parry: +5/3 or +7/4 Shifted (+4/6 Fgt +1)
Toughness: +5 (+3 Sta +2 Protection)
Fortitude: +6 (+3 Sta, +3)
Will: +6 (+4 Awe +2)

Initiative +3
Unarmed +4 Close, DC 16 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Bestial Claws/Thorn Strike +7 Close, DC 20 Toughness, Slashing Damage, Crit 19-20
Grappling Vines +5 Ranged, DC 17 Dodge, Snare
Devolve +5 Ranged, DC 17 Fortitude, Nature Magic

Skills: 30 r = 15 pp
Acrobatics 2 (+5)
Athletics 2 (+3/5)
Deception (+0/+2 vs Animals)
Expertise (Magic) 2 (+2)
Expertise (Nature) 8 (+8)
Insight (+4/+6 vs Animals)
Intimidation 4 (+4/+6 vs Animals/+8 Shifted/+10 vs Animals while Shifted)
Perception 4 (+8/+10 vs Animals)
Ranged Combat (Nature Magic) 2 (+5)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Treatment 3 (+3)

Advantages: 7 pp
Animal Empathy, Diehard, Favored Foe (Animals), Fearless, Great Endurance, Ranged Attack 2

Powers: 26 pp
Nature Magic
Entangle: Quirk (Only near natural surfaces) Snare 7 [20]
AE: Devolve: Ranged Affliction (Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Transformed) 7 [1]
AE: Summon Nature's Ally: Ranged Heroic Summon 4 [1]
AE: Shapeshift: Enhanced Strength 2, Enhanced Fighting 2, Enhanced Intimidation 4, Strength-based Damage 2 with Improved Critical, Speed 1, Senses (Low-Light Vision, Acute Olfactory, Danger Sense: Auditory, Tracking Olfactory, Ultra-Hearing) 7 [1]
[sblock=Nature's Ally]Power Level 4/60 PP

Abilities: 16 pp
Sta: 4
Agi: 2
Dex: -2
Fgt: 3
Int: -4
Awe: 2
Pre: 0

Defenses: 2 pp
Dodge: +2/1 (+2 Agi +0)
Parry: +3/2 (+3 Fgt +0)
Toughness: +5 (+4 Sta +1 Protection)
Fortitude: +5 (+4 Sta, +1)
Will: +3 (+2 Awe +1)

Initiative +6
Unarmed +3 Close, DC 18 Toughness, Bludgeoning Damage
Bite/Gore/Claws/Thorns/Etc. +4 Close, DC 19 Toughness and 14 Fortitude, Piercing Damage and Poison

Skills: 16 r = 8 pp
Acrobatics 1 (+3)
Athletics 4 (+7)
Close Combat (Bite) 1 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 2 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+4)

Advantages: 11 pp
All-Out Attack, Animal Empathy, Defensive Attack, Diehard, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Startle

Powers: 13 pp
Natural Attack with Nature's Venom
Strength-based Damage 1 [1]
Linked Affliction (Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed) 4 [4]

Speed 1 [1]
Senses (Low-Light Vision, Accurate Auditory, Acute Olfactory, Tracking Olfactory, Danger Sense) 6 [6]
Protection 1 [1]

Costs: Abilities (16) + Defenses (2) + Skills (8) + Advantages (11) + Powers (13) = Total Cost 60[/sblock]

Nature's Blessing
Protection 2 [2]

Costs: Abilities (32) + Defenses (10) + Skills (15) + Advantages (7) + Powers (26) = Total Cost 90/90

Notes: DnD-style druids can do quite a lot of different things. This one has some minor shapeshifting ability (but I don't see him actually turning into an animal, just gaining bestial traits), some summoning ability, and some ability to attack directly with magic. Just not all at once. You can easily make a druid that focuses on just one of those areas.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Races]You don't need specific rules for races in Mutants and Masterminds, since all character traits are bought from the same pool of points regardless of their in-character origin.
Your elf character has high Perception and some minor Senses powers because he's an elf? Fine.
Your elf character has even higher Perception and quite a few points in Senses because she's got particularly good eyesight even for an elf? Fine.
Your elf character has no ranks in Perception or Senses because he's mildly disabled--eyesight no better than a human's? Also fine.

This also means that more unusual character races, such as centaurs and pixies, might be easier to work with than they are in DnD.

You don't need to spend points for your character to be a member of a long-lived race, since normal aging won't come up in game anyway (the other PCs would all be dead by the time it mattered). You might instead want to put some points in Expertise (History) or something along those lines to reflect your character's age.

Here are a few suggestions. These are by no means requirements.
Elves are particularly graceful but not particularly durable. They frequently have a talent for magic, especially nature magic. At home in forests, they are well-adapted to that environment.
Elves have higher average Agility and Dexterity, and very slightly higher average Fighting and Awareness, compared to the human average. However, their Stamina is lower on average, and so is their Strength (but only slightly). Elven heroes tend to have especially high Agility. They might have lower Stamina compared to other heroes, but then the adventurers are the most hardy of them all and so perhaps not. Elves frequently have high Perception.
They frequently have Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) for 1 Power Point, and particularly perceptive individuals might have more ranks in Senses.

Dwarves are particularly sturdy, but gruff and prefer the direct approach. They are adapted more to living underground than most common races.
Dwarves have higher Stamina on average than humans do, and slightly higher Strength. Their Presence might be slightly lower on average, and their Awareness varies more--humans tend toward Awareness 0, whereass a dwarf is more likely to have 1 or -1--even if the average is the same. They also see especially well in the dark, tending to have Senses 2 (Darkvision) for 2 points. Dwarves frequently have high Athletics.

Halflings are small, nimble humanoids that can be surprisingly courageous (or at least certain individuals of the race can be). Halflings almost always have Permanent Innate Shrinking 4 for 9 points. This already gives them +2 to Dodge and Parry, +4 to Stealth, -1 to Strength, and -2 to Intimidation.
In addition to these traits, halflings have a higher average Dexterity than humans, typically have a few extra ranks in Perception, and might have a rank in Close Attack to signify that everything else is a bigger target to them. They also have slightly lower average Stamina--they just aren't as able to stand up to physical punishment as big folk--but sometimes have an extra rank of base Fortitude to make up for it.

I may add some more as I think of them.[/sblock]

[sblock=Equipment and Treasure]I'm fine with just assuming your characters have basic gear like rope, food, water, torches, bedrolls, and backpacks to carry it all in, including a knife that can be employed as a weapon in a pinch.
Equipment that actually has game stats should be purchased with ranks in Equipment or as powers with the Removable flaw. Remember that Equipment gets a huge discount in exchange for being subject to GM whim without any additional compensation, and go with a device if that worries you.

Treasure can be an important feature in typical fantasy games, but not so much in MnM.
I'm good with leaving treasure acquisition as an in-character flavor thing, but if some players want to make finding magic items more meaningful we might be able to work something out... ;)[/sblock]

[sblock=Lethality]MnM reflects the low lethality of superhero comics, but a genre where combatants frequently swing point bits of metal at each other is often a bit more lethal.

I'm thinking that, unless an attacker makes a point of using non-lethal tactics, that incapacitated characters (particularly minor NPCs) are typically rendered dying, or outright dead if they're minions.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Sheet]I'm pretty flexible about character sheet format, as long as it's legible.
It seems like it's just polite for the GM to provide one, though, so here's one if you want it.

Character Name
Character Picture, if you have one
Power Level 6/90 PP


Brief Background:


Abilities: XX pp
Str: 0
Sta: 0
Agi: 0
Dex: 0
Fgt: 0
Int: 0
Awe: 0
Pre: 0

Defenses: XX pp
Dodge: +X (+X Agi, +X)
Parry: +X (+X Fgt, +X)
Toughness: +X (+X Sta)
Fortitude: +X (+X Sta, +X)
Will: +X (+X Awe, +X)

Initiative +0
Attack +X Close or Ranged, DC XX Defense, Effect Descriptor

Skills: XX r = XX pp
Skill X (+X)

Advantages: XX pp

Powers: XX pp

Costs: Abilities () + Defenses () + Skills () + Advantages () + Powers () = Total Cost

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Hey there SuperZero! Interresting idea, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring if I may: How about Baclava, your classic dumb-fighter-with-a-Big-Sword with a faery twist? Haven't built his full sheet yet, but here's what I have so far:

CONCEPT: An ex-convict who *escaped* from prison only to have an exiled faery king/noble forcibly trapped in his body as punishment (punishment for the king, that is). Baclava can't talk with the trapped fae (which he calls The Thorn King), but he's obviously a being of great good. His constant mental "aura" (and an endless series of strange dreams) have actually, gradually convinced Baclava to seriously try to change his ways, to do good and sort of compensate the world for what he's done before (*). (Of course, his inability to lie when the king is awake could have something to do with it as well). Baclava has joined a small, idealistic adventuring party and they've started slowly righting the wrongs of the world, together. So far it's been going really well.

(*) This, by the way, is probably the exact *opposite* of what whoever trapped the king expected (which was probably to force the trapped one to watch helplessly as his living prison committed crime after crime).

DESCRIPTION: A big guy, strong but surprisingly jovial given the curling line coarsely branded down his left eye -- forever marking him as an ex-con from the island prison-dungeon of Illsing. He's buckled into an impressive set of burnished plate mail with spikes jutting all over -- relatively fine ones, as far as spikes go, almost like giant quills... At his back is sheathed a large hand-and-a-half sword, the guard, wrapped in plain steel wire, peeking over his right shoulder. A full helm rests on the table under his casual elbow. It too sort of looks like a crown or circlet, but this one is made of piled-high quills instead of diamonds.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Convict brand across the left eye. Quilled armor (see Powers below).

POWERS: Baclava is hunted, both by the law (of the neighbouring kingdom/principality?) and the Thorn King's allies (he doesn't know, but he strongly suspects that extracting the king from him will be fatal to his unwilling prison cell). The presence of the king - perhaps unconsciously, as self-defense - does grant him certain powers though. Mostly, any armor he wears eventually grows spiky quills, which look impressive AND can be shot out from his forearms like arrows from a bow.

Quilled armor:
Full plate (Protection, impervious)
Impressive (Presence Attack? Bonus to Intimidate/Persuasion/Allies attacks? Straight boost to Pre maybe?)
Shooting quills from forearms (same stats as bow)​
Bastard Sword ("Can either apply heavy damage to one target or do a slicing, sweeping strike against multiple targets", i.e. Multiattack extra)
Dungeon Smasher (Weaken Toughness 6, only affects Objects +0, Linked to unarmed-attacks) 6PP

What do you think? Still early in the process, of course, so certainly not too late to tweak, correct, add or substract to what's above, i.e. inject some of your world's flavor into him if you want.


First Post
[MENTION=63746]Binder Fred[/MENTION]: Sounds good. My only concern about the hunted by the law part is that Eleanore kind of is the law, but if he's from a neighboring nation than there's no issue there.
As for the Impressive power... Enhanced Presence or related skills and advantages could work. It could also be an attack of some kind. I might make it a Close Visual Perception* Area Affliction. Resisted by Will, with the first degree condition being Entranced seem like good choices.
But there are several different ways to do something like that.

*That's the Perception area type not perception range. That's one flaw with this game, that there are three distinct things named "Perception".


First Post
Love me some MnM...I shall put something together. Perhaps 'roguish' or 'magish' or a mix. Rawr.

Might throw some fey in there too. Perhaps I can link with Binder's story somehow.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[MENTION=63746]My only concern about the hunted by the law part is that Eleanore kind of is the law, but if he's from a neighboring nation than there's no issue there.
Well, it's not really a Complication if it never comes into play, right? With your permission, I'd therefore like to move Ilsing as close to the game location as possible. Another principality/province/whatever-the-kingdom's-sub-divisions-are could be a good compromise? And we can say that *some* (very rare) people *have* been released/survived their sentence during the prison-dungeon's existence (So there's *some* unspoken wriggle room there). And while it's true the princess *is* the law, that's a bit like saying the president knows about a specific crime wave in Ohio; he *might*, but then again, he might not... At least at first :devil:. Up to Baclava to do some fancy talking just to let her let him go on that first mission with the rest, so he can, eventually, from his point of view, if and when he can prove himself and broach the subject of his exact status with her, get a chance at a (conditionnal?) pardon/stay of execution straight from the crown. He'd be very, *very* motivated to get this first mission just right... :devil: What do you think? Workable?

Re the Impressive Armor: Ooh, Perception area is a very good idea! I'll think a bit more on the exact effect I want. Based on what characters we get too: wouldn't want to steal the thunder from a cleric's Bless/Curse power or anything like that.
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First Post
Yep workable. Actually, sounds perfect.

Prince Mercer, the second son of the king, is a gifted diplomat and will likely serve as his brother's lead adviser concerning foreign affairs. He already serves his father in that manner. He has taken a number of trips into the neighboring nation of Calian, often accompanied by his sister or another bodyguard given the brutal reputation of the kingdom. Mercer has made good headway in the area of friendly relationships with the Calanian queen, including more and better-trained guards on their side of the border.
Mercer recently brought Princess Heather of Calain home as his bride and claims their relationship has nothing to do with the subject of political alliance, a kind of marriage that Brisbane has historically frowned upon and refused to force its princes and princesses into. In fact, in response to his father's fear of the idea that Mercer and Heather could become king and queen of different nations at the same time and cause them to effectively merge into one large kingdom, Mercer has pledged that he will immediately pass his crown to the next in line (likely Eleanore) should that ever be the case. It's unlikely to come to pass given that Heather has two elder siblings, one of whom already has children, and that Mercer himself has an elder brother and a niece in line before him and a still-young father, but the extra layer of protection against such an eventuality seems to have put Alexander at ease.

Princess Heather is a new addition to the royal family of Brisbane although she was always a princess of the nearby kingdom of Calian. She was married earlier this month to the second prince and skilled ambassador Mercer. As the youngest of three princesses in a different country, Heather was never of much interest in Brisbane before her marriage. Little is still known about her, other than the fact that she dresses mostly in blue (including blue makeup and sapphire jewelry, according to some reports).
A rumor recently spread that she had gone missing, which might explain her sister-in-law's presence in Madehst.

That's probably not my best writing because I'm pretty tired, but it's the general idea.
(I don't necessarily anticipate all these royals actually being important to the adventure, but since the princess is personally involved it's information the PCs would know that might come up in conversation with her.)


First Post
Okay, I was inspired by your druid example, and now have an idea for a shapeshifter character of whimsical mien and mysterious origin. Not a spellcaster though. Skills focus on 'face' skills and some physical stuff like Acrobatics and Athletics, primary attributes of Awareness and Presence. Power is mostly an array with different abilities and enhanced attributes linked to different classifications of shapes. So 'bird' shape can cosmetically be any bird, but has Flight, boosted Agility, and so on. Not necessarily limited to just animals, but also can't just freely mix and match any powers he wants (ie - not a variable effect power).

Still also considering a feyish thiefly sort with a couple of magic 'knacks' but not focused on magic.

Also tinkering with a more conventional mage...perhaps a semi-arcane, semi-druidic 'white witch' sort of character. Not 100% sure yet.

The shapeshifter is probably the weirdest one, so I figured I'd see if it was even worth considering, or if you'd prefer more archetypical characters for this. :)


First Post
I've updated the OP with a bit more setting information, including some NPC profiles (the two above and a few more) and the basic ideas for a major religion. Again, if any player wants to do a religious-based PC and wants to go in another direction with that, that's fine too.
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]: No, I only included the archetypes because I figured not all potential players are as well-versed in the character creation system as I am, and the core archetypes aren't really applicable. I thought some examples of applying the rules to lower-PL fantasy characters might be a good idea. I also wanted to make sure that I could build decent PCs myself with the allotted Power Points.
I don't want to restrict PCs to those archetypes, and the shapeshifter is a great idea. If anything, I'd be wary of Variable which you said you're not using.
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First Post
When considering possible shapes for that character then, what kind of limits should I keep in mind?

In particular, what sort of creatures exist in this world? More or less normal D&Dish fantasy, or do you have setting-specific races and creatures?

Also, I am considering methods by which the character 'gains' new possible shapes. Mostly as fluff, though could also be considered a complication, I suppose. My first thought is that he has to imbibe some portion of the creature, though it doesn't necessarily have to be dead.

But then I thought, that might be weird if he wants to turn into, say, an elf.

So I'm thinking now of distinguishing a Morph power, which lets him change shape into humanoid forms but only for appearance's sake, as something separate from the more powerful...but more limited...shapechanging array, which gives him some of the power of the forms he takes, but requires that kind of physical 'sample' to be taken.

Or, alternatively, maybe just a physical touch is all that's needed? Or maybe touch to steal an appearance, or 'eating' to take the powers and abilities as well? I realize that to actually gain a new shape in the array, experience must be spent. This is just working out a system by which that takes place in-game.

Background-wise, I'd like this character's past to be murky even to himself. One of his big in-game motivations is to discover who and what he is.

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