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D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

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First Post
My point is only that prudery is contrary to the essence of this hobby, it's counter-cultural. The idea that I should listen to people on this message board tell me what ideas are acceptable to express is ludicrous.

So you would totally support it if the industry switched over to appeal to women's eyes and started publishing only yaoi manga games with hot young men in sexy or homoerotic poses? While fighting Orcs? Because not to support that free expression of sexuality would be prudery?

I suspect by 'counter cultural' you mean that you've been privileged to have the direction of sexual gaze in RPG's catering to you at the expense of making women look ridiculous, and you are angry at the idea that anything might change about that. Because you like having it all your way, and you don't care who that excludes or alienates as long as you get to continue having it all your way.

You'd think that with how easy it is to get whatever flavor of porn you like over the Internet, people wouldn't mind keeping their in-game porn to non stupid contexts and depicting female adventurers as if they were actually normal and sane.

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Yes, absolutely, if anything showing guys and gals both, in semi-naked poses ala Boris Vallejio would attract more gamers of all persuasions, IMO. (or maybe not...who knows?)

A bit of the old' rumpy pumpy is the least of the filthy things we've done in our D&D games over the years. But you're right, if showing some cleavage and some nips is fair game for us guys, then surely what's fair's fair. My girlfriend 5 years ago loved the raw sexuality of my Conan barbarian character. Why not? Bring it.


First Post
Yes, absolutely, if anything showing guys and gals both, in semi-naked poses ala Boris Vallejio would attract more gamers of all persuasions, IMO. (or maybe not...who knows?)

A bit of the old' rumpy pumpy is the least of the filthy things we've done in our D&D games over the years. But you're right, if showing some cleavage and some nips is fair game for us guys, then surely what's fair's fair. My girlfriend 5 years ago loved the raw sexuality of my Conan barbarian character. Why not? Bring it.

This is just my opinion as somebody who has been playing D&D since the last 70s. Since the illustrations/artwork has become less sexual/sexist in nature, especially in regards to "chicks in chainmail," the amount of women in gaming has correspondingly gone up. (not saying the artwork is perfect by any stretch, but it's better than it was in the 70s and 80s) My college had a big D&D club on campus in the mid 80s and I only remember one woman out of over 100 gamers. Nowadays, it seems like it's pretty common for gaming groups to have at least 1 or 2 women in it.


First Post
But, I do think that at over 50 pages, we may have reached this stage by now:



Are you serious? I don't think a single person in this thread has said anything about how sex and nudity is bad, except for a few people who pointed out that it made the game less kid-friendly. Which it does, but that's beside the point - they can still publish material aimed for an adult audience. No one in this thread has expressed any problem with that. Nudity and sex in a non ridiculous in-game context is not a problem in an adult game and no one cares.

Yes, I am serious. Prudery is the surface manifestation of deeply ingrained bigotry. And I maintain, some of the biggest prudes are also the worst hypocrites with their own skeletons. My wisdom over the years has taught me to ignore liars completely.

Mod Note: See my post below. ~Umbran

I think by 'prudes' you mean 'people who object to the unnecessary sexualization of women as a general theme in RPGs', because I suspect you would probably start hollering pretty loud if the genders were switched and suddenly only males were depicted in inappropriately sexualized or homoerotic poses and looking ridiculous in every fight with arched backs and hipshot poses and come-hither sexy looks. And making out with other hot, scantily dressed men. Hey, this is really starting to sound like a game made for my entertainment, at the expense of putting every single bit of sexy man-flesh on display for me whether it makes sense in context or not. No male is allowed to be depicted in my game unless he's showing skin for my amusement. That's what men are for, my personal amusement. They aren't allowed to be anything but pretty sex toys, even if they're supposed to be strong adventurers. Never mind that, put him in a cute stripper thong and nipple tassles and have him fighting monsters that way. I want his hot abs showing. Armor? Pffft. Hot men don't need armor. So what if it's stupid to go into combat with your belly button showing? It's much more important that I get my eye candy than any man in the game be dressed sensibly.

Human beings are sexual though, both men and women. It's the basic truth of the matter. Art should reflect that, we are all animals who find various aspect of each other either attractive or repulsive. But neither did I say we need or should want outright pornographic art in the rules books (because, frankly, some DMs already have enough of a hard time keeping their player's focus!!)

If you would have a problem with the entire industry switching to this model overnight and your being unable to buy any material that doesn't look like this, would that make you a prude?

I'm neither a prude, nor a hypocrite, so I wouldn't have any such problem. D&D is not a child's game, children play with iPads these days, and have ready access to far more filthy material a few clicks away. Nobody's tender young mind is going to be blown to hell from seeing a nipple (sheesh).

Tasteful nudity would (should) even be OK, but that's not even what I'm advocating. I want art to have a variety of subjects represented, from the seductive succubus to the swarthy pirate. Denying attractive model's attractiveness is removing one of the central themes of art, in general though, and that's as old as the human race. Painting beautiful art of attractive models is hardly new or controversial.

Considering I used to work in raves, the things I've seen (and participated in), would make you blush. It would take a LOT to shock me, but if we're going to let D&D be D&D, we shouldn't expect it to change social norms for us. I'm already liberal enough, I don't need a lesson on gender equity, or tolerance for other people's sexuality. In terms of middle-of-the road art, though, there should be nothing wrong in portraying the occasional bikini chainmail or pirate with his shirt off. That's all I meant about shying away from prudery.

I feel sad for the human species if we are so easily offended at the prospect of seeing beautiful or disturbing subjects portrayed in art. It's art, nobody ever died from opening their eyes (and their minds).
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This is just my opinion as somebody who has been playing D&D since the last 70s. Since the illustrations/artwork has become less sexual/sexist in nature, especially in regards to "chicks in chainmail," the amount of women in gaming has correspondingly gone up. (not saying the artwork is perfect by any stretch, but it's better than it was in the 70s and 80s) My college had a big D&D club on campus in the mid 80s and I only remember one woman out of over 100 gamers. Nowadays, it seems like it's pretty common for gaming groups to have at least 1 or 2 women in it.

I hope that's true, but I'm skeptical. 1 or 2 women, in a group of 4? or 6? From my experience at various gaming stores, there are women there, but they usually aren't playing D&D. It's not incredibly rare, but it's more rare than you make it out to be, and I don't think it's changed much since 3e, when they really went full bore to appeal to girl gamers and it barely made any difference at all. Who'd want to be subjected to sexism? Not I.

But saying the art or the language needs to be refined further than it already is, in the goal of attracting more women to the game, is delusional IMO. I think we're already at saturation point, who knows maybe I'm wrong. Almost every woman I've known has tried it once, and does otherwise pretty much what they want, but don't keep playing for long. I know a few girl-only gamer groups too, so who knows? Maybe there is an entire world out there of gamer girls playing together that we're not privvy to. I don't have that data, all I have is asked women to join us over the years and they sort of yawned, maybe tried it once or twice.

Art and language are not turning women off D&D, it's just D&D itself. It always makes me smile when I hear people say -- or imply -- that all discrepancies in hobbies or professions are due to The Man, keeping women down. It's just not true.


First Post
I'm neither a prude, nor a hypocrite, so I wouldn't have any such problem. D&D is not a child's game, children play with iPads these days, and have ready access to far more filthy material a few clicks away. Nobody's tender young mind is going to be blown to hell from seeing a nipple (sheesh).

We're not even speaking on the same subject here. I don't consider sexuality or any depiction of it 'filthy'. My issue is solely with the mandatory sexualization of women in fantasy art to the detriment of all other qualities of the character being depicted. Eg, she is suicidally stupid because she dresses in lingerie and makes provocative poses on the battlefield. Lingerie has a really sucky armor class. The problem here is not nipples, or sex. The problem here is showing one gender and not the other as being stupid, and prioritizing their sexual attractiveness over their survival and their effectiveness in accomplishing anything except looking hot. While being riddled with Orc arrows and freezing to death. Sexuality is good, but stupid is bad. How hard is that to comprehend?

Considering I used to work in raves, the things I've seen (and participated in), would make you blush.

Let's just say I have significantly more experience than that in the alternative lifestyle department and there is nothing you could possibly do to make me blush. Yawning would be more likely. Way to go making assumptions about other people, there.

The issue is not about sex or sexuality or nudity in any way, and it is seriously weird that you refuse to see that and keep talking as if you were arguing with the Moral Majority. You aren't, not by a long shot.
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Yes, absolutely, if anything showing guys and gals both, in semi-naked poses ala Boris Vallejio would attract more gamers of all persuasions, IMO. (or maybe not...who knows?)
And I take it you'd be totally okay if WotC filled the pages with semi-naked men rescuing totally naked men? Like, no women anywhere.


El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Prudery is the surface manifestation of deeply ingrained bigotry...

D&D is not a child's game...

First, D&D IS a childs game. That it's also a game for adults does not exclude that.

Second, sexual mores are different from place to place, and person to person...and nobody's preferences on that are wrong, whether conservative or liberal. WotC needs to be able to market their game to as wide of a group as possible, so as to maximize their sales. Alienating portions of their potential customer base so as to satisfy someone that just wants to spit in the eye of those they think are less enlightened or more repressed than them, would be phenomonally stupid.

Also, it's incredibly inappropriate and offensive for you to say that those who aren't as "liberal" as you must be prudes or bigots. The owner of this site asked you to stop doing that, yet you keep doing so. I'm asking also: PLEASE STOP!

With the right to express your opinion also comes the responsibility to use it with the respect it deserves.

Human beings are sexual though, both men and women. It's the basic truth of the matter. Art should reflect that...

You are right that Humans are sexual beings, but wrong that Art should reflect that. Art should only reflect that which the artist wants it to reflect.

You are not the authority on what art should or shouldn't reflect!:erm: With the exception of any art which you personally create.
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