D&D 5E Out of the Abyss OOC


I'm certainly up for the challenge of trying this without a healer! Veseh has the medicine skill & herbalism kit; we'll just have to be prepared to take some long long rests:)

[MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION] if Brinn doesn't use tools, what about cutlery? Or does he eat with his hands like an uncivilized barbarian! :)

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No pressure here. I just didn't want to get married to the idea until I was sure no one else wanted to do it. Now that I'm sure, it's all mine and you can't have it back!

Cleric is one of those classes I've only done a couple of times, but I want to get better at, so this will be a great opportunity for learning something as well as a chance to play an interesting character.

It's just before 5 am here, and we've just left New Orleans for home. Should take about 12 to 14 hours depending on how bad the roads are in Dallas and north of that. Rumor has it they're getting slick already. Assuming all goes well, I'll hopefully have a full concept up by sometime tomorrow.


[sblock=Speck]N Goblin Totem Barbarian 3

When the other foragers were earning their names, Eggswiper Six was learning to fence. Humans left all sorts of things in their barns, and if he could sell a saddle or a wheelbarrow as well as grab some dinner for him and the Queen, he’d be able to buy some lovely paprika and he’d eat better than everyone else. It was at that time that he was also learning to fence (why did Common use the same word for these two things? It made no sense). He was quick with a knife, quicker than most of his nestmates, and he would often draw bruises with the wooden blades they gave the tadpoles to practice with. But Eggswiper was soft, even if he was hard. As his nestmates thinned out (survival in a goblin nest is barely two in a dozen, making it to naming) the Queen noticed that he had killed none of his siblings. None of them! Three had killed over half. Six had the skills, but he also had a heart, and that doesn’t do for a budding gob.

Three was the first named, of course. Six was fast, and served the Queen well, but he had a more discerning palate than she, and his heart was never committed to the brood. His time amidst the humans had corrupted him, and he had learned “mercy” and “personal property” and other surface concepts that disrupt the flow of a smoothly-run goblin brood. When he was named, it was an insult – Speck. The smallest, most least substantial crumb of a thing. But the name meant he could go, and so he was finally off. Not to start his own nest, find a new Queen. Speck went back to the surface world. He liked it on the surface.[/sblock]

OK, so this is seriously fabulous. Love the goblin economy going on here. Love the cookery tools. Wonder if the "lovely paprika" was smoked or Hungarian paprika? Poor Speck; off to join the surface world only to find himself shuffled into the Underdark. Any further thoughts on whether to roll with Bad Reputation or with Discovery? What kinds of things will send Speck into a Rage, do you think (other than the obvious mechanic of being attacked)? Elk totem, with its extra movement, would combine in a pretty uber way with Speck's high hp and ability to Dash; he'd be like a petite whirlwind of death.

And, also: s'up with the shovel? There's a story there, I sense. :D

Here's a summary of what we've got so far for character concepts:

Kobold Stew: Solace, LG Aasimar Swashbuckler 3 │ Speck, N Goblin Eagle or Elk Totem Barbarian 3
GlassEye: Name, Race, Class
lowkey13: Brinn, LN Variant Human Monk 3 (done, waiting for DM to vet)
Yavathol: Kamael, NG Aasimar Wild Magic Sorcerer 3 │ Veseh, CG Air Genasi Deep Stalker Ranger 3
industrygothica: Kago, LE Orc Warpiest of Gruumsh 3 │ Orc Fighter │ Dwarf Cleric


[sblock=Speck]N Goblin Totem Barbarian 3

When the other foragers were earning their names, Eggswiper Six was learning to fence. Humans left all sorts of things in their barns, and if he could sell a saddle or a wheelbarrow as well as grab some dinner for him and the Queen, he’d be able to buy some lovely paprika and he’d eat better than everyone else. It was at that time that he was also learning to fence (why did Common use the same word for these two things? It made no sense). He was quick with a knife, quicker than most of his nestmates, and he would often draw bruises with the wooden blades they gave the tadpoles to practice with. But Eggswiper was soft, even if he was hard. As his nestmates thinned out (survival in a goblin nest is barely two in a dozen, making it to naming) the Queen noticed that he had killed none of his siblings. None of them! Three had killed over half. Six had the skills, but he also had a heart, and that doesn’t do for a budding gob.

Three was the first named, of course. Six was fast, and served the Queen well, but he had a more discerning palate than she, and his heart was never committed to the brood. His time amidst the humans had corrupted him, and he had learned “mercy” and “personal property” and other surface concepts that disrupt the flow of a smoothly-run goblin brood. When he was named, it was an insult – Speck. The smallest, most least substantial crumb of a thing. But the name meant he could go, and so he was finally off. Not to start his own nest, find a new Queen. Speck went back to the surface world. He liked it on the surface.[/sblock]

OK, so this is seriously fabulous. Love the goblin economy going on here. Love the cookery tools. Wonder if the "lovely paprika" was smoked or Hungarian paprika? Poor Speck; off to join the surface world only to find himself shuffled into the Underdark. Any further thoughts on whether to roll with Bad Reputation or with Discovery? What kinds of things will send Speck into a Rage, do you think (other than the obvious mechanic of being attacked)? Elk totem, with its extra movement, would combine in a pretty uber way with Speck's high hp and ability to Dash; he'd be like a petite whirlwind of death.

And, also: s'up with the shovel? There's a story there, I sense. :D
You expect me to heal a goblin? A GOBLIN?! Slaves, sacrifice, and cannon fodder are all goblins are good for, and now... this?

Oh, this will be fun!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Thanks a lot, for the kind words. I'm happy with either of these characters, and so maybe I'll stop there -- both are non-magical fighter-types, Speck better in the front lines; Solace more versatile and a "face". If either of those fits the group better I can co with that.

Any further thoughts on whether to roll with Bad Reputation or with Discovery? What kinds of things will send Speck into a Rage, do you think (other than the obvious mechanic of being attacked)? Elk totem, with its extra movement, would combine in a pretty uber way with Speck's high hp and ability to Dash; he'd be like a petite whirlwind of death.

And, also: s'up with the shovel? There's a story there, I sense. :D
I didn't want to force you into the Discovery (which is a very DM-specific background feature). Again, I'm content with either. (Similarly, I'm not expecting to find and guildmembers asking Solace for her 5gp).

For the rage, since it's not strength based and so he's losing two of the fetters associated with barbarians), he'll have less damage, but still be able to hold the line, I think. I see the rage kicking in with adrenaline. The Eagle ability lets gives opponents disadvantage on opportunity attacks, but I do love the extra speed, I have to admit. With a feat, he'd soon be up to a move of 65', which is just silly (I am not planning on the feat!).

The shovel is part of the standard fare for a folk hero -- the only story is yet to emerge; it was given to me.
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So I'm finally home and able to look at my books. I've been scanning the background to find something suitable, and meh...

My first thought was Outlander, because orc, but a lot of the suggested characteristics didn't fit like I wanted them to. Then I went to Soldier... because orc, but a lot of the crunch didn't fit so well. So, now I'm thinking I want to do some amalgamation of the two. Probably most of the crunchy bits from Outlander, and the fluffy pieces from Soldier, if that's ok. Maybe call the background "Orc Marauder" or something.

As for a musical instrument... I can't picture Kago being terribly musically inclined, but something like a bullroarer would make perfect sense, though it's not listed in any of the source material.

Any of this set off alarm bells for you?


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