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D&D 5E What does balance mean to you?


Yes indeed. It's just unfortunate that its this painful to get into any discussion about balance as it pertains to anything in 5e. Its totally unlike any other game forums I have been in, usually such discussions are welcome and immediately lead into meaty exchanges. Oh well :)
Just as there are some systems/editions better suited for certain types of individuals, maybe the same can be said of game forums? Just a wild theory...

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Err... no, it can mean a DPR difference of around 50 to 90.

So you deliberately target PC weaknesses as a metagame contrivance? I would never play with a DM who does that and I would never do it as a DM. I find the entire concept of it abhorrent and, quite frankly, more than a little immoral.

Immoral? Seriously? That's where you're going with this one? Wow.

Who said anything about metagame contrivance? I simply create adventures that contain EVERY pillar. When you have adventures that aren't simply endless streams of combat, then characters that laser beam focus on combat get their butts handed to them outside of combat. Like I said, variable terrain in the adventure - pits, things to climb, EVERY dungeon I make now has water hazards, so on and so forth.

It's funny how you can pretty easily achieve balance in the group by simply reducing the focus on DPR and broadening your adventure design to include skill checks that matter. Oh, you dump statted your social skills - cool, that means that you fail to convince the NPC's of the danger they are in and you get to watch their village burn while you run away in the night. So on and so forth.

While I am a big believer in mechanical balance in the game, I also realize that adventure design plays a HUGE part in maintaining that balance.

But, hey, I'm just immoral, so, what do I know. :D :p


Who said anything about metagame contrivance?
You did. By saying you focus on PC weaknesses you're choosing to metagame deliberately to punish players for character choices. I consider that an abuse of DM power and responsibility. Now, if you're turning around and restating your position by saying you don't do it deliberately and simply include all aspects of the game as an organic construct then that's a different story and the responsibility falls back to the player to manage the consequences of their choices.

But I stand by my assertion that deliberately punishing players for mechanical weaknesses in their PC's in order to "balance" a game is immoral.


Magic Wordsmith
4e for sure was, mostly due to there hands-on approach for correct imbalances.

As for why I don't play it: My group doesn't. Otherwise I would (except for the need for a character builder because of the following point).

I've still got a DDI account, so let me know when you run a game on Roll20. I'm in!


You did. By saying you focus on PC weaknesses you're choosing to metagame deliberately to punish players for character choices. I consider that an abuse of DM power and responsibility. Now, if you're turning around and restating your position by saying you don't do it deliberately and simply include all aspects of the game as an organic construct then that's a different story and the responsibility falls back to the player to manage the consequences of their choices.

But I stand by my assertion that deliberately punishing players for mechanical weaknesses in their PC's in order to "balance" a game is immoral.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :p

But, in any case, umm, why wouldn't you challenge your players this way? If the players choose to hyper focus on X which results in weakness Y, why would you not exploit that in order to make the game more challenging? Isn't this pretty much basic DMing 101?

What's the alternative? We only design adventures that fall squarely in the player's wheelhouse? Every encounter can only be designed in such a way that it plays to the PC's strengths and never their weaknesses? Now, obviously there are all sorts of shades of grey in between here. Some encounters should play to the PC's strengths - let them be the Big Damn Heroes is pretty cool. By the same token though, some encounters should play to their weaknesses as well.

If you have a player who creates a one trick pony character, do you automatically design scenarios that play to that character's strengths? How is that not just as meta-gaming? Encounters should be complex enough that strengths and weaknesses are targetted, shouldn't they? So, you have a PC that goes the Great Weapon Master Raging Barbarian route, does that mean I can never use ranged combatants? What about the caster that hyper focuses on, say, a single element like fire spells. Does that mean I can never use monsters that are immune to fire?

Are you seriously suggesting that it's actually immoral to use fire immune creatures in this case?

Tony Vargas

Yes indeed. It's just unfortunate that its this painful to get into any discussion about balance as it pertains to anything in 5e.
I feel 5e deserves some slack on the issue of balance, since a major goal was to evoke the classic game and support styles of that era.

Its totally unlike any other game forums I have been in, usually such discussions are welcome and immediately lead into meaty exchanges. Oh well :)
I take it these are broader-appeal games, rather than TTRPG?

While, IMHO, balance is even more critical to RPGs than other games, the breadth and diversity of the fan base also has something to do with it. We're an aging hobby, we value familiarity (and the longest-running, most familiar eds werenweren't that balanced) and system mastery ( for which certain sorts of intentional imbalances are features, not bugs)

You did. By saying you focus on PC weaknesses you're choosing to metagame deliberately to punish players for character choices. I consider that an abuse of DM power and responsibility. .
It sounds like merely a use of the broad powers 5e leaves with the DM, and if it imposes balance in the context of the campaign, it meets a DM responsibility, as well.
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Just as there are some systems/editions better suited for certain types of individuals, maybe the same can be said of game forums? Just a wild theory...

"I know right? But then again, maybe all forums (like all systems/editions) should be accommodating of diversity? Just a wild theory of mine......."
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?!?!? Buuuuuuut I don't even own any granola ! And I like to leave my big fat carbon boot print everywhere I go !!!

Fine! Whatever !!!!!!.... (Steve storms off to sulk, using his best impression of his 13 yr old daughter)
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I know right? But then again, maybe all forums (like all systems/editions) should be accommodating of diversity? Just a wild theory of mine.......

AFAIK, this forum is accommodating to diversity. And not to interrupt your circle pity party you guys had going on there (that now have had some of the posts deleted), but accommodating of diversity doesn't mean you get to insult people and try to force your preferences as the One True Way. Of the two "sides" going on here, it's been your side that has said things like the following (insulting peopel not agreeing with you, implying they aren't as intelligent for just not getting it like you guys do, they live in lala land, accusing other playstyles of being immoral, etc), so can stop trying to paint yourself as some sort of victim who has been treated unfairly. No one else has treated "your side" like you guys have been treating others

Your arguments are so absurd that I genuinely can't argue against them. So how about a counter argument? A balanced system is one where the DM doesn't have to spend all their time and energy and effort in counteracting or counterbalancing the player character's imbalanced abilities.

I await your next ridiculously illogical response.

The "DM is subjective and everyone plays different" argument is a nihilist excuse for poor balance. .
Of course a silly DM can throw a monkey wrench into things by having all ranged combats or other ridiculous scenarios,and of course there are some people don't have combat encounters - but that doesn't then render balance pointless or subjective from a design view - it just renders it pointless to those people.

Why bother? His arguments are illogical. When people base their arguments on fallacy, you can't use reason or logic to argue against them, because it will just fall away like water off a duck's back.

What I find laughable is the game designers getting a free ride on not putting enough work into balancing things and then getting defended by people who say its not the designers' job to balance things its the DM's job.

The nihilism comes in when you and others pull out the "based on individual playstyle" flag on virtually every debate. Perhaps individually you are very prudent and selective in your critique - but together you come off as a pack of wolves dismissive of any perceived balance issues. These forums are a very hostile environment when it comes to balance, and it is frustrating to have the pack voraciously descend on critics with these en mass "based on individual playstyle" arguments. To me it shows a lack of empathy and inclusiveness of other perspectives and serves to divide us.

I think perhaps it comes down to left brain/right brain. Right brainers are much more quick than left brainers to throw up their hands and sling out the "its all up to your individual playstyle and DM choices" flag. Left brainers see balance achievable through examining norms and averages across playstyles and settings - we see it as challenging and complicated to do so, but definitively achievable. Right brainers see such endeavors as subjective folly.

For all we know these guys might live in THOM land where the DM has strict control over the story, or their players aren't that tactical/mechanics savvy (Most d&d players aren't in my anecdotal experience.

So you deliberately target PC weaknesses as a metagame contrivance? I would never play with a DM who does that and I would never do it as a DM. I find the entire concept of it abhorrent and, quite frankly, more than a little immoral.

Be sure of one thing dropbear8mybaby;7158600 - you will never get a satisfactory answer to that question....

Apparently "satisfactory answer" means someone agreeing with you, so no. You're not entitled that to that and it doesn't mean these forums aren't accommodating to diverse beliefs. You've also been quick to make up strawmen, like the few times you keep saying that "our side" has said D&D is only an RPG. No one has ever said that. What we have said, many times, is that D&D is designed to be a certain way, and if you play in a style that is deviant from how the game is designed, that means you need to use the tools given to you to tweak the game how you want. You are quite literally wanting the game to be different than how it is designed, then have made complaints in this thread about how it's an incomplete game. You've insulted people who don't agree with you, said your way is the only right way and others' just don't get it while accusing others of One True Wayism, and then try to play the victim by saying you're being attacked and treated as unwelcome.

Cognitive dissonance. Look it up.

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