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D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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Mansplaining is a sexist and embarrassingly pathetic term used to try and silence male voices by feminists.

BTW on a side note Mearls is getting into crap from women who felt he insulted their intelligence by suggesting women can't handle rules complexity.

They have a point. Modern feminism is so mysgonistic and paternalistic, not just mysandrist.

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Tanin Wulf

First Post
What? The point of knowledge isn't to sniff out the "fake geek girls", or posers as you term them.

Never did I ever mention "fake geek girls." Nor did I say the point of knowledge is...

I said the function of a gatekeeper in an inclusive community was often to find who is not really a member and is pretending to be one, NOT to put down those who want to become members, who are learning to become members, who don't care about being members, etc. Etc. The gatekeeper's role was often to be the welcoming one who would help you get in and learn, rejecting only those who are obviously fake (and usually not by denigrating them... there's actually quite a fascinating art to this whole topic in "polish school").

Please read the words I wrote and not your own terms for them.
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GM: so, what is your character going to do, Mike?
Mike: I want to explain to the people of Twitter that using rules to keep people, especially women, out of D&D is wrong.
GM: roll a persuasion check.
Mike: ouch. A natural 1.
GM: unfortunately, your passionate argument ends up offending both women gamers, who feel like you're underestimating their skills, and elitist gamers, who are reminding you that you can't fire loyal, paying customers. Your bosses might not be happy about this...
Mike: crap...

Never did I ever mention "fake geek girls." Nor did I say the point of knowledge is...

I said the function of a gatekeeper in an inclusive community was often to find who is not really a member and is pretending to be one, NOT to put down those who want to become members, who are learning to become members, who don't care about being members, etc. Etc. The gatekeeper's role was often to be the welcoming one who would help you get in and learn, rejecting only those who are obviously fake (and usually not by denigrating them... there's actually quite a fascinating art to this whole topic in "polish school").

Please read the words I wrote and not your own terms for them.

Bolded, because you don't seem to understand the issues with your own words. Again, the gatekeeper using knowledge to keep out those deemed "fake". Which in the past, his historically been women, who are subject to a battery of tests by creepy dudes. Far more than any guy would be.

NO ONE is pretending to enjoy D&D to get in the gamer club, and they don't need your help unless they ask. You might think you're being helpful, but lots of people feel this way...

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BTW on a side note Mearls is getting into crap from women who felt he insulted their intelligence by suggesting women can't handle rules complexity.


That's not what he suggested at all, and anyone (male or female) that came to that conclusion is misunderstanding him (understandable because he worded his tweet poorly). What he was referring to were those guys who use system complexity as their go-to tactic to keep women out, regardless if the woman understands or not. In fact, that's where mansplaining comes in. Explaining something to a woman like she doesn't know when she in fact does. But that doesn't stop these guys from doing it, which is what he is talking about.


Yeah, we need to focus on what's important here. Specifically, how this tweet affects your feelings and ego because of his choice of words.

That whole sexism and misogyny thing he was referring to? Entirely beside the point and not worth discussing.

This is about you and how you were personally bothered by his specific choice of words. Nothing else.

Because words hurt, and you have to make sure people know they can't just go around using words you don't like.

I guess this is a response to me. (If not I blame vanity.)

If Mike wants fairness and impartiality he would be wise to avoid loaded terms.

My feelings are not hurt and my ego is intact. I have said my piece I shall resume lurking.


Mearls' first tweet was awkwardly worded, and could be taken to mean he was anti-complexity and anti-lore. His follow up tweet about the role of "mentors" shepherding new players into D&D was more constructive.

D&D "gatekeepers" are bad. Our hobby is not under threat from "fake" gamers. There is no gate to be kept, and there is no value to self-annointed gatekeepers following criteria that exist in their own mind.

D&D "mentors" are much better. A good DM shouldn't be running rules-heavy lore-dense games for inexperienced players anyway.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
When I finally get HyperGlobal Mega-net up and running I'm going to fire any employee who uses Twitter. A true pox upon modern civilization.

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