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D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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"No design credits"? Seriously? Again, if you're not going to bother actually making any effort to be educated, at least have the decency to not publicly demonstrate how ignorant you are.

I dunno. Stepping up and saying that a bunch of people are being jerks and should be ashamed of themselves seems like support to me. What kind of support are you thinking of? Perhaps just quietly telling her to ignore the trolls and be a good little girl would have been more to your liking?

No. Just no.

He did what EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE DONE. Call out bigotry for what it is and condemn it. Publicly and loudly. And often. No half measures. No waffling. No "oh, well, free speech .... err ... everyone's entitled to an opinion... oh we should respect..." NO. :):):):):):):):). These idiots publicly humiliated one of his staff and he called them out for it.


And watching the peanut gallery try to second guess him while avoiding the issue just panders to these idiots. They count on folks like you. They NEED folks like you. You are part of the problem.

Try being part of the solution.

I said D&D design credits. What D&D books has she done please enlighten me? Feel free to include D&D cousins like Pathfinder, OSR, or 13th Age.

IDK what their criteria are or what they are looking for, I can just think of better candidates including females. IDK if they applied or are available though so there is that or maybe they just did not interview well.

All I am saying is she skipped the path more or less every other member of the D&D team walked on. Name a WotC D&D employee that has been hired that has had no experience at designing D&D product before they got the job (freelance, 3pp, Adventurers League etc). Has Kate worked on another major RPG, either an older one or one of the top 5 (Fantasy Flight, Paizo, etc).

It doesn't bother me they hired her (I don't care one way or the other), but I can understand why some people would question that. I'm a bit behind the curve in terms of knowledge of the newer crowd coming through so feel free to enlighten me. Mearls for example love him or hate him he paid his dues in the trenches. Same with Crawford (And Cook, SKR, Bauer, Weiss, most of the 3E and 4E designers etc).

Its not unprecedented (TSR did it on occasion) and its not like they are parachuting her into lead designer or getting her to write a book solo AFAIK.

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Sigh. I should have known better than to try to engage here. All this is doing is raising my blood pressure and annoying the crap out of me. It absolutely astounds me that this is actually a conversation that we're having in 2018. Group of idiots publicly humiliates some poor woman and you folks actually DEFEND them?

Good grief.

I know whgat you mean. He has his foot in his mouth right up to his knee and the idoiots are still lapping it up.


I dunno. Stepping up and saying that a bunch of people are being jerks and should be ashamed of themselves seems like support to me. What kind of support are you thinking of? Perhaps just quietly telling her to ignore the trolls and be a good little girl would have been more to your liking?

Personally I would not call her a good little girl. Seems pretty patronising to me. But otherwise congrats, you got the job, welcome to the team, dont worry about those fools, lets make some DnD seems like a much more logical reasponse then to turn into a psycho ranger on the internet. Since when has that ever worked?

He did what EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE DONE. Call out bigotry for what it is and condemn it. Publicly and loudly. And often. No half measures. No waffling. No "oh, well, free speech .... err ... everyone's entitled to an opinion... oh we should respect..." NO. :):):):):):):):). These idiots publicly humiliated one of his staff and he called them out for it.

Sure man, if he had done that then good for him, well done, pat on the back. Turning psycho ranger however does nothing for no one. Less then nothing because now you look like an idiot as well. "Firing" people from DnD? Really? Eyes really are not designed to roll that much or so hard.

And watching the peanut gallery try to second guess him while avoiding the issue just panders to these idiots. They count on folks like you. They NEED folks like you. You are part of the problem.

Try being part of the solution.

People keep on telling me that WotC never comes to these forums. They keep saying that the people represented here are less then a percent of a percent.

And yet, at the same time they are complaining about the firestorm on the internet where one thread on reddit was closed.

So what is it? A firestorm sweeping through less the a percent of a percent? Why dont you come back to me when you actually have something worth complaining about so I can be part of the solution. Or maybe Mearls can quit posturing and looking like a fool and get back to actually making some DnD with his new hire.


First Post
She can literally do whatever she wants - from arguing to giving up social media - and expect to be supported. I am flabbergasted that you don't understand that or think it's a dodge.

A target of harassment's only duty is to themselves - self-care and self-protection, as they see fit. Anything else they choose to do (or not do) for whatever reason or out of whatever set of emotions (fear, anger, whatever) they are feeling is their business and their business alone. I am not going to waste time theorycrafting scenarios or playing what-if games with you when I've said no less than three times now that they can do what they want, and expect support.

The responsibility to confront the antisocial behaviors at play rests with the community at large, not with the target (except insofar as they themselves decide to take part).

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It was a yes or no question. And yet, you still did not answer it. Yes, she can expect to be supported... but you refuse to openly and plainly state your support for her. This tells me that you actually do not support her in this.

And, really, you're surprised? I outright called you on lying earlier in the thread. Why does it surprise you that someone who has openly stated they think you're a liar doesn't trust you when you refuse to give a simple statement?

So, yes. You've proven you won't support her in this. That your support is conditional. And at this point, I don't think we really have anything further to say to each other on this matter.

Good grief @ArchfiendBobbie talk about mountains out of molehills.

You want to completely derail this person's career so that we can use her as a poster child for equal opportunity? Are you serious? Talk about letting the trolls win. They wanted to gate keep the hobby to make sure that gurl cooties don't spread to published works and you want to make this poor woman a token?

Since when is WotC or any RPG company in the business of being at the forefront of social change? Why would you expect them to be?

No, sorry, this response is far more direct, and far more effective. As a community, when we see behavious like this, EVERYONE should call it out and condemn it. Force these people out of the community and make it abundantly clear that they will not be tolerated, catered to or even engaged.

Talk about humiliating. Someone gets a new job. Bunch of self-righteous Internet trolls jump up and down on their favorite political hobby horse and you want to force this poor woman out of the job that she applied for so that we can parade her in front of everyone to show how inclusive we all are being?


There is only one proper response to this sort of thing. Complete ostracisation from the group. Publicly and openly. Let everyone know that NO, we do not tolerate this. NO this is not anything I want associated with my hobby and chosen social group. This is 2018. If you didn't already know that publicly humialiting and denigrating women was bad, well, you're (and I don't mean you, I mean that in the generic sense) no longer a paid up member of the human race. Either pay up and join the human race or piss off.

She would have the option of whether or not she would accept it. It would be a different position, but also with different pay.

The thing you're missing is, you're playing right into troll hands. They want her invisible, or eliminated from the hobby. What is her job? It's a design position that doesn't necessarily involve much customer interaction. Basically... just doing her job. she would be effectively invisible. They can claim victory afterward, when she's not a visible component of the game. Just like they did with the Ghostbusters remake; the Ghostbusters fanbase is primarily conservative, so a feminist-oriented remake was never going to do well. And just like they did with Marvel; the comics in question were comics that were going to be cancelled anyway eventually, and Marvel has had a bunch more problems that suggest the company doesn't really support any "SJW" causes (the vice president of sales is not the only one to drop a hint the company really backs a more conservative stance in who it hires).

It's part of a strategy. Take on battles where a normal operation or easily-predicted result will come about anyway, but set it up so that when it does you can take credit and build the illusion of power from it. And, realistically, a lot of real world power is purely the perception of power; if people perceive you as having a lot of influence, you suddenly do because the mechanisms of society react accordingly. Someone who understands this, understands social media, and is of enough of a predatory mindset can use this to their advantage to fight savagely against a cause they do not like.

So, my strategy is to use that same thought line against the trolls. They want her to be some kind of visible problem? Poof. She's always visible, always engaging, always there. Suddenly, instead of being someone who disappears like they expect, she's someone they can't get rid of. They want to argue WotC is going too far with "affirmative action" and similar "SJW" actions? Well, suddenly, it is going a lot farther than it was. It's open about it, always following that stance, always engaging. And, hey, look... the game improves as a result. So not only do we get to spite the trolls, but we also get to improve the game itself and include some material it has been needing. And by engaging the fanbase in creating some of that material, the relationship between company and fanbase strengthens... which, in turn, quite likely translates to even more sales.

Really, there's actually a number of good reasons for WotC to adopt some parts of what I wrote up, even if it's not to counter trolls; they serve as a form of advertisement, help strengthen the franchise, and serve as a way to encourage the fanbase to be more engaged with the company and in turn buy more products. Admittedly, at least half of what I wrote up is basically a complex marketing strategy. But, then, I did state earlier in the thread that one of my goals is to have WotC survive this conflict, so it does make sense that at least some of what I do would be groundwork for growth of the franchise.

Hey, I never claimed my actions would be entirely altruistic. Especially since half of that plan has origins in pure spite. But if there's an opportunity to support diversity, be spiteful to a bunch of trolls, advance the career of an employee now in the spotlight, and grow the franchise? Too good to pass up.

Unfortunately for your argument, the ship on a company being at the forefront of social change sailed years ago. Paizo makes it part of their mission, and I've heard several people say Evil Hat does as well. Though, if so, Evil Hat is even sneakier than Paizo is, and Paizo is pretty damned sneaky about how they project the message; you almost don't notice the areas it crops up in Pathfinder. I've always been a fan of Paizo's approach to this. But, anyway, WotC following Paizo's lead is only a natural evolution of the hobby at this point.

Incidentally, you say we should ostracize the trolls and not engage them, yet you are praising Mearls for engaging them and being critical of my strategy of ostracizing and not engaging them. I'm confused about which stance you actually back, because your words indicate one stance but your actions seem to indicate the other. I might just be misreading your criticism of me, but it's also early morning and I haven't had my coffee yet. And pure rage becomes a poor wake-up drug after the 67th time.

So, anyway... I gave a strategy for ostracizing them and not engaging them, yet still acting to counter them. Mearls... he pretty much told them to :):):):) off while wading in to engage them directly. So far, from your post, it seems you really don't like either solution... Do you have a plan of your own? One that doesn't involve the parts of my plan you detest, yet doesn't do the opposite of what you want like Mearls is doing?


First Post
The point was that even though how he did what he did warranted an eye roll, forcing a person to block him is bullying behavior. I have a personal policy of not blocking people. I don't do it. I don't want to do it. I don't want anyone else to bully me into doing it. This site makes it so that in order to block me, the person doing the block has to engage in cyber bullying and force me to block him against my will.

And for no good reason for setting blocking up that way on this site. The person won't see my response. All posts on a forum are open to discussion by anyone reading it, so even if I quote someone, when I respond I'm responding to everyone in the thread, not that person alone.

I don't think it was intended for cyberbullying, but it's not surprising it has proceeded down that path. I know of one website that had to take away their laugh button because it was being used for cyberbullying.

Personally, I don't care. Click laugh for my posts until you pass out from exhaustion. If I entertain you, I know I'm at least doing something positive with my life.

Sigh. I should have known better than to try to engage here. All this is doing is raising my blood pressure and annoying the crap out of me. It absolutely astounds me that this is actually a conversation that we're having in 2018. Group of idiots publicly humiliates some poor woman and you folks actually DEFEND them?

Good grief.

This surprises you? The are Star Wars fans who back the Empire. You know, the space nazis who blow up planets. There are Star Trek fans who back the Borg, a plague of cyborg-locusts. There are Harry Potter fans who were rooting for a certain Mr. Riddle. Bowser became a playable character in a lot of Mario games due to his popularity with the fanbase and the number of shippers who put him and Peach as their OTP.

In any situation where there is a perceived good guy and a perceived bad guy, some people will root for the bad guy. Even act to defend and support them. This is why I have never found it unrealistic how easily supervillains get minions in superhero works; they have a fanbase to draw on for volunteers in real life, so they probably have a similar fanbase in their own setting.


It was a yes or no question. And yet, you still did not answer it. Yes, she can expect to be supported... but you refuse to openly and plainly state your support for her. This tells me that you actually do not support her in this.

And, really, you're surprised? I outright called you on lying earlier in the thread. Why does it surprise you that someone who has openly stated they think you're a liar doesn't trust you when you refuse to give a simple statement?

So, yes. You've proven you won't support her in this. That your support is conditional. And at this point, I don't think we really have anything further to say to each other on this matter.
Am I going crazy? This has got to be what crazy feels like.

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First Post
Am I going crazy? This has got to be what crazy feels like.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

That was kinda my reaction in this post, before I finally determined that it was best to go full-throttle in trying to pin you down in this post.

Pretty much, I stated in this post that refusing to give a simple, clear answer would be taken as trying to lie. You did not disagree with that condition. But your reply also did not give a simple, straight answer.

In effect, I asked "Are you lying?" and you responded with "Yes."

That's the funny thing about my posts. Too many people don't read them fully or think through what I'm saying. Because really, openly admitting to thinking you're a liar was a pretty good clue I was trying to see if you were lying.


Morkus from Orkus
I don't think it was intended for cyberbullying, but it's not surprising it has proceeded down that path. I know of one website that had to take away their laugh button because it was being used for cyberbullying.

Personally, I don't care. Click laugh for my posts until you pass out from exhaustion. If I entertain you, I know I'm at least doing something positive with my life.

I don't think that was the intent, either. That's the result though. On top of that, if someone who has you blocked creates a thread, you can't even go into it. You get an error message. If someone who has you blocked is posting in a thread, the go to newest button, go to the xp or quote links, and go directly to a posted quote arrows will often not work right and you have to skip it or manually find what you are looking for. That's a lot of inconvenience so that someone who 99 times out of 100 won't even know you quoted him, doesn't get read or quoted.

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