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D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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...In short, I think everyone who posted on this thread has some soul searching to do. Myself included.
You should just try being absolutely right from the start. Then you don't have to feel bad.

I do however find it troubling when I see people speaking out for what is right not to champion the right, but because they want validation. They're the ones that respond without reflecting on the opinions of others and never question themselves.

Yes, that was intentional.

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First Post
This is a horrendous mis-characterization of basically everyone who has engaged in this thread, either with you directly or not. It's actually pretty interesting; everything you just said is completely wrong:

a) Nobody here wants Kate Welch to be victimized, because:
b) The people who are targeting her aren't trolls (a point in my previous post you ignored to instead give a history lesson), they're actually
c) a community of misogynists who don't crave attention so much as legitimacy, which they get by having their views be unquestioned (and why they thus use fear, such as through doxxing, as a tactic to cow others into submission)
d) and to make matter worse, you drag out the old crow of "virtue signalling" which is absolute rubbish; something that only people who can't imagine sticking up for anybody else for any reason other than out of personal gain accuse people who stick up for others because it's what's right of doing.

I was talking about my own stance and some of the uncomfortable things I came to feel about some of what I said when I spent some time considering. I did have supporters for it, too.

The fact you took offense so quickly and leapt to the defense so readily is interesting, but not my realm to question. But, it looks like you have some soul searching to do too


First Post
Oh wow no, not at all what I am seeing in any way. Not in the slightest. I haven't seen any indication of that from anything I've read here.

I won't speak to the motivations of others. For myself, I wish, unequivocally, absolutely nothing but the best to Kate Welch and the rest of the Wizards team. I was happy to see that she was hired. I was distressed to see a lot of wild speculations about her qualifications and the role her gender played in her being hired, as I've gone into at length about here and elsewhere. I don't really see my actions as "defending her." She's a grown human and it seems like the people on her team have her back on this issue unequivocally.

See my reply to Gradine. I am surprised people are not catching the icon bit, since I made a massive post detailing a strategy to use her that way earlier.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I was talking about my own stance and some of the uncomfortable things I came to feel about some of what I said when I spent some time considering. I did have supporters for it, too.

The fact you took offense so quickly and leapt to the defense so readily is interesting, but not my realm to question. But, it looks like you have some soul searching to do too

No, you were disparaging, in very strong terms, people who were standing up for what was right because they weren't doing it in the way you thought was the right way, for reasons that I have refuted multiple times now and that you have not even once responded to. Then, as the icing on the cake, you chose to cast aspersions on those people's motivations as well.

I am always doing soul searching, as should we all. I'm genuinely glad that you have too. However, you don't get to clearly and definitively insult that many people so harshly and then turn around and act innocent and pretend you were only talking about yourself.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
See my reply to Gradine. I am surprised people are not catching the icon bit, since I made a massive post detailing a strategy to use her that way earlier.

Honestly, do you hear yourself? And you wonder why your "strategy" was dismissed out of hand?

Edit: Sorry, being flip again. But seriously, how dare you cast aspersions on the motivations of people talking about supporting Kate Welch and women like her, while here you are talking about how to "use her" as a "strategy"?


First Post
See my reply to Gradine. I am surprised people are not catching the icon bit, since I made a massive post detailing a strategy to use her that way earlier.

See Gradine's post to you.

I don't know what "the icon bit" is. I saw your exchange with Obryn earlier where you accused him of wanting Kate Welch to martyr herself against and be subjected to all sorts of awful behavior and your statements seemed way off base and a total misreading of the situation. I read some of your "strategy" as well. I'm not going to comment on it.

I can't tell if you are engaged in some sort of long-con performance art troll, in which case, congratulations, you have succeeded on getting a bunch of people on the internet to offer sincere and thoughtful statements to you. If that is not the case, I think your statements are very inconsistent and seem to veer from anti-feminist anti-diversity arguments to pro-diversity arguments and maybe you think you are proving a point but I'm not seeing it. Maybe you really are trying to find a middle path, in which case, I wish you the best in that.

Gardens & Goblins

First Post
Poster decides do to some soul searching with regards to topics being discussed. Actual healthy change a possibility - at least, as much as we can all gain from a little soul searching*.

Attacks keep on coming.


And to clarify for those chomping at the bit - noooooobody can really know what another poster is wanting. They can express their beliefs, their conclusions and that's about it. And yes, I know we should need to type this out but hey... Anyway, I don't agree with the conclusion but I'll settle for folks taking a breath, reflecting and having a little chat with themselves.
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Blistering Barnacles!
Holy Schnike!!



First Post
Yup. Nobody's perfect. If I'm letting any sexist or racist biases influence me - and I am a 43 year old guy and have lived my whole life in the USA, so I am positive they do, in ways that I am not conscious of - I expect to be called out for it. That's an opportunity to be better, not a conversation-killer.

e: I mean, I think about the best possible answer to "Are you a racist?" is a genuine "I'm trying really hard not to be."

I guess for me this means that you're not racist. At some point a person's genuine intentions shines though saying something that was thoughtless or worded wrong - most of the time. That's assuming the conversation is held in good faith and not just to pick each other apart for disingenuous motivations. I don't really feel like living in the US makes you any more prone to racism than other places in the world (and actually it's a LOT less than some places).
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Poster decides do to some soul searching with regards to topics being discussed. Actual healthy change a possibility - at least, as much as we can all gain from a little soul searching*.

Attacks keep on coming.


And to clarify for those chomping at the bit - noooooobody can really know what another poster is wanting. They can express their beliefs, their conclusions and that's about it. And yes, I know we should need to type this out but hey... Anyway, I don't agree with the conclusion but I'll settle for folks taking a breath, reflecting and having a little chat with themselves.

I'm okay with somebody saying they need to take a step back and do some soul searching.

I'm not okay with that person insulting and disparaging the people they disagree with in the exact same breath.

The former is a genuine moment of self-reflection. The latter feels like an attempt to get the last word in, at best, and a giant middle finger on the way out the door at worst.

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