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Do We Really Need Half-Elves and Half-Orcs?

[FONT=&quot]While pondering my Spelljammer setting I've been working on, I decided to ditch half-orcs entirely, to be replaced with full-blooded orcs, and I'm very, very tempted to do the same for half-elves. Granted, I'm using half-orc racial stats, because they're better than orc racial stats, but that's not the point.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]See, I don't get half-elves. Rather, I don't get the fascination with having half-elves and half-orcs be a thing, but half-dwarves or half-gnomes aren't. Or that half-anything races are necessarily half-human.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Half-elves and half-orcs are described often as anomalies or one-offs. That they're all searching for their place in society, or their parents don't accept them, or blah blah blah. Yeah, it worked for Dragonlance back in the 80s, but that was thirty years ago. Now it's not only cliche, but boring. Not to mention, half-orcs are portrayed a lot of the time as products of horrible assaults.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I'm pondering ditching half-elves completely for my games with one exception: Eberron. And that's because Khoravar (their name for half-elves) are a true breeding race separate from humans and elves, and even have their own dragonmark that only manifests on half-elves. They were given a real place in the world and, to my mind, are more elf-blooded than half-elves.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So do we really need half-elves? I feel like a player that wants to play a half-elf could easily enough play either an elf or a human, whichever half is more dominant for their character. So aside from thirty-plus years of tradition, are they worth keeping around?[/FONT]

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I don't see much point in them, personally, but along the same lines of thinking I find Tieflings and Dragonborn also pointless. I tried explaining to my current players that such races would likely NOT be accepted in human-dominated kingdoms, or at best eyed with mistrust and suspicion. But with two Tieflings and a Dragonborn in the party, the others followed selecting outcasts (Half-Orc, Drow Elf, and Duergar Dwarf) as well. So they are staying away from most settlements and such, making some adventures more difficult to manage.

I would have been happier as a DM with four humans (replacing the tieflings, dragonborn, and half-orc), an non-drow elf, and a hill or mountain dwarf. Maybe even a halfling or gnome to replace the half-orc.

It brings me to a problem with these newer races. They all have magical/special abilities and I am certain that is why my players picked them over the more common "boring" races. It is a pity IMO.


Lost in Dark Sun
I see no problem with removing half-__ PC races.

Aside from a homebrew half-dwarf PC race (think Goliaths with Dwarven Resilience), there are no half-humans in my home setting. The only reason I even included half-dwarves was that it made a better story for the dwarves to be extinct but their bloodline to survive via interbreeding with humans.


[FONT=&quot]Half-elves and half-orcs are described often as anomalies or one-offs. That they're all searching for their place in society, or their parents don't accept them, or blah blah blah. Yeah, it worked for Dragonlance back in the 80s, but that was thirty years ago. Now it's not only cliche, but boring. Not to mention, half-orcs are portrayed a lot of the time as products of horrible assaults.[/FONT]

Keep in mind that while they may seem cliched to you, that's not necessarily the case for new players.

[FONT=&quot]So do we really need half-elves? I feel like a player that wants to play a half-elf could easily enough play either an elf or a human, whichever half is more dominant for their character. So aside from thirty-plus years of tradition, are they worth keeping around?[/FONT]

We don't need any of the specific races, a D&D game can do without elves and dwarves if you really wanted that. As for the core game, yes they are worth keeping. Not everyone is as burned out on them as you. ;)


WWTS? "What Would Tanis Say", sorry couldn't resist.

If it makes life easier for the Game Master and it doesn't affect the fun of the players, than go for it.


I am partly with you and partly not. I agree you do not need the halfbreeds if you got the pure races going along with each other well, vanilla style kind of.

Otoh in a human centric party and with elves being remote and dwarves underground in a setting I rather ditch elves and dwarves and take halfelves who grew up in human society. If I got orc hordes roaming around like in the campaign I dm atm then also allow halforcs generated by the usual cliches, but also grown up in human society.

So for me it is all campaign specific.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I have a greater problem with non-Nentir Vale tiefling (My players have a hard time understanding: ''no, you're are not a sexy half-demon, your father wasnt a demon, no you're not a cute anime elf with horns'') but I also put a restriction on all exotic races of one per party to avoid the classic freak show adventuring party.

Voidrunner's Codex

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