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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Lord Zack

The Tesla Drive is a technology from Super Robot Wars. It is a flight system derived from Extra-Over Technology (which describes advanced alien technology, the source of which varies by universe). I actually statted it out a while back.

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Guess Korben is still driving a cab -- the rep gets him the occasional free beer and hefty tip, though. Leeloo... well, dunno... maybe is on the lookout for appearances of Mr. Big Bad Evil?

And Mammoth Tanks... well... they are a house-sized mass of "Eff You". Guess they are not 100% like Abrams tanks, although that's a good basis.

Dunno... maybe a specialized anti-mecha/Kaiju model with an augmented railgun or an anti-air model with about a dozen AA guns on its back (to hunt down planes and for dragon slaying)? Dunno. There's a few ideas...

Hmm... I'll look into those.. I'm avoiding heavy railguns on the mammoth as that'll make it a Mammoth 3 from later games.. but an AA unit is an interesting idea. I might make one with some 'lighter' energy weapons (heavy ion style weapon would be good for anti-mech and if a heavy stun setting could be used for anti-Kaiju or other large creatures)..


A few WH40K items.. I've got the start on Scout (two levels of difficulty) and Marine (two levels of difficulty) basic NPCs..

Scout Armour

Scout armour is a type of carapace armour, made of overlapping plates over a ballistic fabric body glove, providing good protection without reducing the wearer's movements, and being much quieter and less cumbersome than power armour. Although not environmentally sealed, it is designed to help the wearer resist chemicals, biological and nuclear hazards, comes with a back unit that provides power for a medical monitoring and drug administration system similar to Space Marine armour, carries a supply of air, water and nutrients with a rebreather unit that helps filters toxic air and connected to the air supply allows the user to breath in toxic environments. Also comes with a cameleoline cloak that allows the wearer to blend in with their environment.

Scout Marine Armour (PL6)
Type: Medium
Equipment Bonus: +4
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: +0
Max Dex: +4
Armour Penalty: -3
Speed (30 ft): 30
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 27
Restriction: Mil +3
Accessories: Military radio, air filters, 35 hours oxygen, IR vision, nutrient reservoir, targeting computer, medical system, magnetic boots, range finder, ammo belt (6 clips), waste disposal system, telescopic vision, gyro-stabilized boots, stealth systems.
Notes: +2 Fort vs airborne toxins, darkvision 120 ft, +2 Fort against attacks at could cause deafness, 10 days of food, +1 attack with ranged weapons, functions in space, +2 Fort against radiation, ignore penalties for low gravity environments, +2 Balance checks, +2 Move Silently and +4 to Hide vs electronic surveillance systems such as IR and motion sensors.

Cameleoline Cloak (PL6-7)

Cameleoline cloaks are hooded cloaks composed of a mesh backing, woven with thousands of ribbons of colour shifting and light-absorbing material, weaved for its durability and ability to hide the wearer. It can change its colouration to that of its surrounding, granting the wearer near perfect concealment. Those used by the scouts of the Space Marines are also lined with thermal insulation to hide them from thermal and IR sensors, and they are lined with sound absorbing material that helps reduce any sound the wearer might make while hiding.
Grants +8 to Hide checks, +2 to Move Silently checks, thermal and IR sensors suffer -4 to detect the wearer. While worn, the wearer gains +1 Deflection bonus to Defense as the material helps deflect and throws off the aim of anyone targeting the wearer.
Weight: 10 lbs
PDC: 21
Restriction: Mil +3

Purity Seals

Purity seals are borne by Imperium troops, applied to weapons, armour and vehicles. They take the form of wax seals and parchment inscribed with declarations and prayers, prominently displayed and symbolize that the wearer is uncontaminated by the slightest taint of Chaos.
Each purity seal is different, and only ever awarded by the Chapter's Chaplains, bestowed onto the marine before battle as the Chaplain bestows a blessing onto the ranks of space marines. Unlike other honours, a Purity Seal comes only after a space marine has worn it in battle and proven his courage to live up to its ideals. Typically a Chaplain will bestow a Purity Seal on a marine with a specific blessing, such as killing a certain foe, or number of enemies for the Emperor, or completing his duty even when mortally wounded. If the Space Marine returns successful, he has proven the blessing true. He is considered to have the favour of the Emperor and is granted the right to wear the Purity Seal on his armour permanently so that others might recognize his faith and devotion.
Each Purity Seal carries with it a different invocation of blessing as devised by the Chaplain depending on his assessment of the Space Marine own purity, and is chosen when the blessing is bestowed. Common blessings include such things as no xenos blade shall pierce the brothers flesh; once within the brother's sight, no enemy shall live to see another day; or the brother's boltgun shall never grow cold from firing or his chainsword dry from blood once the enemy is encountered.
The effects of Purity Seals can vary, common effects include one of the following: +1 to attack rolls against a single target the bearer designates until destroyed, then a new target must be picked; +1 to all Saves against alien attacks that allows saves; +1 moral bonus to Defense; +2 to save vs massive damage and able to act normally even at negative hit points until dead; +1 to melee damage against specific enemy race; others are possible.
Anyone bearing a Purity Seal gains +1 to Reputation, gaining additional +1 to Reputation for every 5 Purity Seals.
Weight: -
PDC: Special reward from Space Marine Chaplain.

A special communications device that allows the user to access a myriad of useful battlefield targeting data and pass that information on to their companions, allowing for more accurate and coordinated fire. Available to Techmarines, Devastator Sergeants and Techpriest Enginseers of the Imperial Guard. They are even more useful when paired with the interconnected autosenses of a squad of Space Marines, allowing them to strike their foe with deadly and inescapable coordinated precision.
Grants the user access to all allied communications within 100 mile radius, and grants all allies within 50 ft radius a +1 bonus to attack as an Aid Another action. IF all allies within 50 ft have sensors or autosenses, such as those in Space Marine power armour, linked to the Signum, none are considered flanked if one isn't, if one ally is aware of a target, everyone is, and all gain +1 to attack rolls for every 5 allies attacking the same target.
Weight: 12 lbs
PDC: 18

Auto-Sense Goggles
A set of bulky goggles, often worn by Space Marine Scouts that provide a number of vision enhancements. Grants the ability to record video and take still images, 5x optical enhancement (act as binoculars), 5x micromagnification (microscope), integrated laser range finder, nightvision, and provide protection against flash grenades (+4 bonus to Reflex saves against flash-bang grenades, or gaze attacks).
Weight: 5 lbs
PDC: 17

Lord Zack


I've been considering how different empires from Stellaris would fit into Coreline. A few quick ideas:
* The Blorg are very friendly, having particularly good relations to the United Nations of Earth, United Federation of Planets, and, due to their shared love of Earth culture, the Junkions funnily enough. The thing is that they are quite repulsive in form, which deters potential friends and they don't respond well to rejection. Wars have broken out over certain "misunderstandings", in particular with the Tzen'kethi and Quintessons.
*The expansionist Tyznn Star Empire lies to the south of the Dominion. However, they have not yet come into conflict with that power. The Tyznn have instead set there sights on the neutral territory between the borders of the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. The Cardassians have pressured the Federation to prevent further Tyznn forces from moving through the wormhole, but Starfleet has been attempting to resolve things diplomatically first. However, they have been building up forces near Bajor and reaching out to the Typhon Pact to oppose Tzynn expansion into the Alpha Quadrant.
* The Kel-Azaan Republic are noted for their anthropoid forms combined with their culture of citizen service that gives rise to such monikers as "Bugship Troopers." However their brave soldiers have provided considerable assistance to the forces of the Alpha Quadrant Alliance, fighting in such battlezones as the Solanae Dyson Sphere and the Gon'Cra System.


Two levels of Adeptus Astartes Space Marine Scout NPC for your use..

Space Marine Scout

Space Marine Scouts are the new recruits of a Space Marine Chapter who have advanced far enough in the early stages of their training and biological transformation to take part in battle with the rest of the Chapter. Given lighter armour and weapons than full Battle Brothers, they are used to range ahead of the main force, preparing the way for the main advance by infiltrating enemy lines, sabotaging and gathering intelligence, or even assassination.

All Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes start as a scout, with a period of several months or longer, under the tutelage of a sergeant, learning to use all the weapon of the Adeptus Astartes and learn the skills at every aspect of war. They act as skirmishers and infiltrators, relying on stealth rather than brute force, due to their weaker bodies and lighter equipment. Scouts receive their final implant, the Black Carapace, when they are deemed ready to join the Chapter as a full Battle Brother, marking them as a full Marine and allows them to interface with a suit of power armour.

Low-Level Scout (Strong Ord 1/Tough Ord 1, Adeptus Astares Space Marine, Phase 1 to 6 implants)
These scouts have advanced enough in their training and the first six implant phases are stable, they are joining their battle brothers in combat, putting their training to practical use.
Type: Adeptus Astartes Human
Size: Medium
CR: 3
Hit Points: 1d8+6 plus 1d10+6 +5+20; 47 hp
Mas: 22
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, 13 Touch, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +2 Class, +4 Space marine scout armour)
BAB/Grp: +1 / +6
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: unarmed strike +7 melee 1d8+5, or knife +6 melee (1d4+5 slashing), or Space Marine Sniper Rifle +2 ranged (3d10, 120 ft), or Bolt Pistol +2 ranged (2d12+4 + 2d6, 60 ft)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Adeptus Astartes Implants Phase 1 to 6, Hypo-chemical therapy, enlarge form, DR 3, marine scout training, Codex Equipment Training
Allegiances: Imperium of Man (or Chaos if Chaos Marine), Chapter (Chapter belongs to)
Saves: Fort +12, Reflex +1, Will +4
Reputation: +0
Abilities: Str 20 (originally 14), Dex 12, Con 22 (originally 15), Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Occupation: Blue-collar (thug, class Skills: Drive, Intimidate)
Skills: Craft (mechanical) +5, Drive +5, Gather Information +3, Hide +4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Profession +2, Read/Write English, Repair +2, Speak English, Spot +2, Swim +3
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency
Possessions: Space marine scout armour, bolt pistol, knife, Space Marine Sniper Rifle, 6 grenades (typically frag or frak depending on mission), 3 reloads per weapon, military radio, auto-sense goggles. May be assigned Astartes Assault shotgun, Cameleoline cloak or other weapons and equipment as necessary.

Adeptus Astares Implant Bonuses:
Ability bonuses (factored in stats), save bonuses (factored into saves), reduces time the marine would be fatigued or exhausted by half, enlarged form (considered large when beneficial to the character), +2 HP / level, +4 to endurance checks (swim, marching, holding breathe, against extreme temperatures of hot and cold, starvation, thirst), automatically stabilizes at 0 hit points, not doesn't die until -20 hit points, continuing damage from bleeding such as from Wounding weapon abilities automatically stops next round, only needs 4 hours of sleep, can

Hypno-Chemical Therapy
The Space Marine undergoes multiple Hypno-Chemical Therapies that strengthens the Space Marine's mental defenses against fear, possession and their resolve in their Emperor. Some chapters alter the hypno-chemical therapies with differing effects.
Benefit: +4 Will saves, additional +2 vs Fear and Mental Possession or Suggestion type powers/spells.

Marine Scout Training
Scouts are trained in stealth, information gathering, sabotage and assassination. Gains Demolitions, Disable Device as class skills, gains +3 to Gather Information, Hide and Move Silently.

Codex Equipment Training
The marine receives training and instruction in the use of all Adeptus Astartes Codex equipment, including all bolt weapons, scout marine armour, marine power armour, laser cannons, assault cannons, combat, storm and boarding shields, as well as vehicles including rhinos, combat bikes, and other vehicles in the Codex. The marine is considered to have the relative proficiency and training for those weapons, armour and equipment, and for the vehicles. Other weapons not in the Codex (or later approved by the Adeptus Mechanicus), the marine is not proficient and suffers normal penalties for non-proficiencies.

Mid-Level Scout (Strong Ord 3/Tough Ord 3, Adeptus Astares Space Marine, Phase 1 to 15 implants)
These scouts have advanced enough in their training and received up to 15 implant phases and are stable, having proven themselves in combat, finishing their training and growth until they receive the last of their implants and become full Space Marines.
Type: Adeptus Astartes Human
Size: Medium
CR: 8
Hit Points: 3d8+18 plus 3d10+18 +5+20+8; 99
Mas: 22
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, 13 Touch, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +4 Class, +4 Space marine scout armour)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +10
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: unarmed strike +7 melee 1d8+5, or knife +6 melee (1d4+5 slashing), or Sniper Rifle +2 ranged (3d10, 120 ft), or Bolt Pistol +2 ranged (2d12+4 + 2d6, 60 ft)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Adeptus Astartes Implants Phase 1 to 6, Hypo-chemical therapy, enlarge form, DR 3, marine scout training, low light vision,
Allegiances: Imperium of Man (or Chaos if Chaos Marine), Chapter (Chapter belongs to)
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +3, Will +6
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 20 (originally 14), Dex 13, Con 22 (originally 15), Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Occupation: Blue-collar (thug, class Skills: Drive, Intimidate)
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +7, Craft (mechanical) +5, Drive +5, Gather Information +3, Hide +4, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (chemical +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Listen +6, Move Silently +3, Profession +2, Read/Write English, Repair +4, Search +6, Speak English, Spot +8, Swim +3
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Codex Equipment Training, Track (by taste), Point Blank Shot, Power Attack
Possessions: Space marine scout armour, bolt pistol, knife, Space Marine Sniper Rifle, 6 grenades (typically frag or frak depending on mission), 3 reloads per weapon, military radio, auto-sense goggles. May be assigned Astartes Assault shotgun, Cameleoline cloak or other weapons and equipment as necessary.

Adeptus Astares Implant Bonuses:
Ability bonuses (factored in stats), save bonuses (factored into saves), reduces time the marine would be fatigued or exhausted by half, enlarged form (considered large when beneficial to the character), +2 HP / level, +4 to endurance checks (swim, marching, holding breathe, against extreme temperatures of hot and cold, starvation, thirst), automatically stabilizes at 0 hit points, not doesn't die until -20 hit points, continuing damage from bleeding such as from Wounding weapon abilities automatically stops next round, only needs 4 hours of sleep, +4 Fort vs poisons, +2 Fort vs diseases, learns the memories/actions from the last 1d4 hours of the victim if eaten shortly after death, +4 Fort bonus vs airborne toxins, poisons. Does not suffer penalties for low oxygen environments, able to hold breathe for an incredible amount of time equal to 1 minute per point of Constitution, Able to enter near death state and suspended animation, taking 1d4 rounds of Concentration DC 21; +4 Fort save vs radiation, radiation based weapons deal 1 die less damage to a minimum of 1 die of damage; If the Space Marine fails a Fort save against a poison or toxin, can make a Concentration check DC 25, go unconscious for 1d4 minutes then awaken completely purged of the poison or toxin, not taking any further damage.

Hypno-Chemical Therapy
The Space Marine undergoes multiple Hypno-Chemical Therapies that strengthens the Space Marine's mental defenses against fear, possession and their resolve in their Emperor. Some chapters alter the hypno-chemical therapies with differing effects.
Benefit: +4 Will saves, additional +2 vs Fear and Mental Possession or Suggestion type powers/spells.

Marine Scout Training
Scouts are trained in stealth, information gathering, sabotage and assassination. Gains Demolitions, Disable Device as class skills, gains +3 to Gather Information, Hide and Move Silently.

Codex Equipment Training
The marine receives training and instruction in the use of all Adeptus Astartes Codex equipment, including all bolt weapons, scout marine armour, marine power armour, laser cannons, assault cannons, combat, storm and boarding shields, as well as vehicles including rhinos, combat bikes, and other vehicles in the Codex. The marine is considered to have the relative proficiency and training for those weapons, armour and equipment, and for the vehicles, including using autofire features of weapons without requiring the advanced firearms proficiency for those weapons. Other weapons not in the Codex (or later approved by the Adeptus Mechanicus), the marine is not proficient and suffers normal penalties for non-proficiencies.


Space Marine Sniper Rifle
The sniper rifle used by the Adeptus Astartes Space Marine Scouts is a heavy projectile weapon that is highly accurate and long ranged, fitted with a powerful telescopic sights. It fires a solid, powerful slug to delivery maximum kinetic energy on target. It can use rounds similar to those available to bolt weapons.

Space Marine Sniper Rifle (PL5 Personal Firearms, Adeptus Astartes Codex Equipment)
Damage: 3d10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 120 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Huge
Weight: 20 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 24 Mil (+3)
Notes: Mastercraft +2 to attack rolls, detachable electro-optic sight, integrated bipod, laser rangefinder.


Boarding Shield
Boarding shields are large shields used during boarding and siege operations, allowing them to absorb incoming enemy fire. Using the same field generator as the smaller and newer combat shield, its larger size allowed for better protection in the tight confines of a starship or in bunkers, although its size can also be a hinderance to speed. Designed with a grove in the side to allow the user to support their weapon and fire without exposing their body.

Boarding Shield (PL6-7)
Type: shield, large
Equipment Bonus: +3*
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: -
Nonprof Str Bonus: -
Max Dex: -
Armour Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 30%
Speed (30 ft): 25 ft
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 25
Restriction: Military (+3)
Notes: Energy Field, runs off a power pack providing only 30 minutes of power. Can be used partly as cover, providing half cover while mobile and hiding behind it. Designed to support two handed ranged weapons so user can hold the shield and fire the weapon without penalty.
Energy Field - While powered, the energy field provides the user with a +2 Deflection bonus.

Combat Shield
The combat shield is a medium sized shield that uses similar technology used by power weapons, to produce a field of energy around the face of the shield, used by many Space Marine chapters. Many chapters will have their own design of shield, which can vary in size and shape, from coffin-shaped shields of the Crimson Fists, cruciforms of the Blood Angels, while the Iron Fists' take the form of armoured gauntlets. The shields are just small enough that they can be strapped to the arm to free the hand to hold a weapon. Those used by the Space Marines will have a power link via induction or a power port on the arm of the armour, allowing the energy field to draw power from the armour's power source, otherwise they run off power packs, with a single power pack providing enough energy for 1 hour of activation.

Combat Shield (PL6-7)
Type: Shield, medium
Equipment Bonus: +2*
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: -
Nonprof Str Bonus: -
Max Dex: -
Armour Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Speed (30 ft): -
Weight: 10 lbs
Purchase DC: 24
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: Energy Field, can be strapped to arm. If strapped to the arm and the arm with the shield is used to attack, such as with a one-handed weapon, or holding a two handed weapon, the shield's bonus is not available that round, however if the energy field is active, the Deflection bonus is still applied. Takes a move action to activate or deactivate the energy shield. If connected to the power armour of a Space Marine (mk4 or higher), the Space Marine can activate or deactivate the energy field as a free action. If powered by a power pack, takes a standard action to change power packs.
Energy Field - While powered, the energy field provides the user with a +2 Deflection bonus.

Storm Shield
The storm shield is a larger and more advanced version of the combat shield, even larger than the boarding shield, used by terminator armour, Daemonhunters and a few others. It incorporates a more powerful energy shield, and is only powered by the power source of power armour. When the energy field is active, the shields shimmer with energy and when struck it emits crackling lightning, and is quite effective against both ranged and melee attacks.

Storm Shield (PL6-7)
Type: Shield, large
Equipment Bonus: +3*
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: -
Nonprof Str Bonus: -
Max Dex: -
Armour Penalty: -3
Arcane Spell Failure: 30%
Speed (30 ft): -
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 26
Restriction: Mil (+4)
Notes: Energy Field, can only be powered by induction or power port from space marine armour (Mk6 or higher), the Space Marine can activate or deactivate the energy field as a free action.
Energy Field - While powered, the energy field provides the user with a +4 Deflection bonus and DR 20 against physical and energy (plasma, fire, lasers, ion, electricity, unspecific) attacks, but can only remain running for 1 hour before requiring 20 minute cool down. The DR of the Energy Field stacks with any the wielder has from classes or equipment. When active the shield emits as much light as a candle, and when struck emits light like a bright light, making the shield not a good choice for stealth operations.

Lord Zack

I am wondering if navies on Coreline might recommission old battleships, like the Iowa-class and add newer technologies to make them more viable. I imagine defensive technologies like advanced armors, point defenses maybe even shields of some kind would be a high priority, but better weapons might also be added and maybe even something like a battleship-class Tesla Drive or repulsorlift to allow it to fly over land, allowing it to project power in a far wider range. Of course Space Battleship Yamato is an existing example of this sort of thing.


I am wondering if navies on Coreline might recommission old battleships, like the Iowa-class and add newer technologies to make them more viable. I imagine defensive technologies like advanced armors, point defenses maybe even shields of some kind would be a high priority, but better weapons might also be added and maybe even something like a battleship-class Tesla Drive or repulsorlift to allow it to fly over land, allowing it to project power in a far wider range. Of course Space Battleship Yamato is an existing example of this sort of thing.

Refitting older ships is not cheap.. particularly if not kept in good condition.. To make a battleship fly would require a lot of work... sure anti-grav/repulsor tech "could" make any old ship fly.. but they were not designed to 'float' on air. I'd say a dedicated design from the ground up for any flying boat designs is best, like the helicarrier from SHIELD, it's designed to fly and float.
I could see more militaries designing ships along the lines of a helicarrier, while things like the yamato would be another design philosophy of building them from the ground up for the purpose of entering space and flying.

Upgrading an Iowa with some newer weapons and equipment can be done.. although those 16 inchers pack a serious punch if you can get rounds for them (never underestimate the power of good ol' kinetic knockdown). But off the top of my head.. i think it might be hard to replace the engines with nuclear or other energy systems.. but maybe high efficiency diesel or flex-fuel would be cheaper and easier.. upgraded version during the cold war could use upgraded computer systems, radar, CIWS (mix of ballistic and energy weapons with portable generators dedicated for each energy weapon). MAYBE replace one of the 16 inch gun turrets completely with a missile launcher system to upgrade the number of missiles upgraded version got (tomahawks and harpoons during the cold war). the 5 inch and 40mm could be added or replaced with heavy energy weapons, again probably needing dedicated power supplies.

Shields on a water vessel is hard.. water causes a LOT of interference.. you'd have to design the shield to stop many feet above the water line, or the water will just drain energy from the shield, weakening it too fast. Now.. Something like the pin point barrier or force fields that only cover one direction (basically floating energy shield covering an area like above the ship for protection against artillery or missiles that attack from the top). This is a similar problem with any land vehicle with shielding.. but they can be set to only be a foot or so above the ground as the ground doesn't move move like water does.

Now you have me actually thinking about statting some upgraded naval vessels.. why do you keep giving me ideas!

There is also the Fog Fleet, from "Arpeggio of Blue Steel". Hard to tell why an alien (OK, their origins are still unknown AFAIK) bunch of A.I. super-transformer battleships with more firepower than the Death Star would decide to scan World War II ships of all kinds (subs, aircraft carriers, destroyers, the whole lot) and use them as their design baseline, but it's what they did.

In a nutshell: there's factions that design vehicles such as the Helicarriers and there's factions that bolt all the Fiction super-tech on old ships (and there's many thanks to the Vanishing dumping them on the oceans of the world in various states of condition) and there's factions that use ships that look old but are really hyper-tech (Fog Fleet and the various versions of the Yamato come to mind).

With all of the crazy that is going on, there's corporations that may also be making new battleships. Just imagine the "New Iowa" ship line, a hunk of Mega-Damage Class steel that owes some from the Yamato, with main guns being a combination powder and rail-accelerated shell delivery, multiple rockets, and a hell of a lot of AA guns.
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