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WOIN Where are the roll20 GMs and Players?

Mark Essel

A friend and I have been looking for WOIN games without much luck. I posted in LFG to gauge interest and potentially run a game and got 2 partial interest responses conditioned on timezone and availability.

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Mark Essel

You are missing out.
It's actually a bunch of fun and a great way to reach out to a bunch of players (with modules, built in rules, npcs/monsters) etc.

Mark Essel

Howdy knikpiw thanks for the heads up, I'm on Eastern time and unfortunately I'm usually still working during that slot. If you do any weekend times around then I'd definitely be interested.

Also I discovered the FantasyGrounds NEW + WOIN support + modules. Checking those out now as maybe I can run an intro game there.


There is a NEW West Marches game that I (Or other GMs) may start running again that would usually be Saturdays 7-8pm GMT 0.
I use Roll20 the whole time and run large maps on it.

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