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(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)


Titus is much richer than his ready-cash suggests. I would say that if you really want new armour, you can stop at a trade bank in Waterdeep and take out enough of your trust fund to buy it. Your father will hear of it, but he probably won't be offended. You might want to keep your magic expenditures secret though. You can scribe your Warlock rituals if they are on the Wizard list, sure.

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At the risk of being Abraham talking to God and continually asking for more, I don't suppose Plate Armor would be on the table? Splint is fine, Splint is great...but plate...

But that's 1500 gp. So feel free to shut me down. I just can't help but ask.


Honestly, I hate plate. Not just because the AC is so high, but because I think people would hate to wear it. If you're off to WAR, it's one thing, but to wander the countryside, even if you're looking for trouble? No way. I absolutely get that a good suit of armour is surprisingly comfortable, but you're an all-weather adventurer.

I know people don't tend to think too much about their character's comfort, but face it - real people like to be comfortable. It adds character, in my mind, to at least give it a bit of thought.

Also, Titus is rich, but not that rich. I mean, he probably has that kind of money, but it would be a serious blow to his fund. Dad would be pissed. Not to mention, in my mind, you can't just 'buy' plate mail. You have to have it custom made.

All this adds up to 'no'. Maybe not a totally hard 'no', but a pretty solid 'no'.


No, that's cool. I figured that's how it would be. I had to ask. Splint it is!

However, as far as Plate is concerned, this is probably why they have the Doff/Don times, and how you get exhaustion if you wear your armor through the night. However, I will assert that the same problems you bring up would be there if they wore a chain shirt, chain mail, or even leather armor. Armor just wasn't comfortable to wear. Splint Armor would be no better than full on Plate in that regard.

However, it would add a bit of realism if we had to deal with the consequences of wearing armor for extended periods of time, and had to deal with the Don/Doff rules. Say, if you wear your armor for more than a certain number of hours, you have to make a Con save or suffer a point of exhaustion. Make it, like, 4 hours for heavy, 6 for medium and 8 for light? Basically, you just can't wear your armor all day without having to roll. Assuming a 16 hour day and 8 hours of sleep, if you wore your armor through all 16 hours, Light armor would have to roll once (8+8=16), Medium would have to roll twice (6+6+6=18), and Heavy would have to roll three times (4+4+4+4=16). Increase the DC by five every roll, and Light Armor has more of an advantage than Heavy.

It's something more to keep track of, but it's not like it would slow us down anymore than we already are in Play by Post. I think I'm the only one who wears Heavy Armor, anyway. Not sure what Angis wears.

Also, using the Don/Doff rules would actually be a good reason to get the new Invocation for Warlocks in the UA, Eldritch Armor. It allows you to touch a suit of armor not worn by anyone else, and instantly don it (so, you're iron man.) You are proficient with it when you don it.

This is mostly for those Bladelocks who don't normally have access to Heavy Armor, and forces them to put more into Strength than Dex. Titus is already proficient, but he does have the Strength, and if we're going to use these rules for being in armor all day, then being able to don his armor as an action, rather than the 10 minutes to Don that Heavy Armor is supposed to take, then he can just not wear his armor, and keep it on his Horse or nearby while traveling. When they're attacked, he can touch it and instantly don it.

It may not be an Invocation I choose to go with, because that's a huge resource used up just to be able to skip a Con save or two, but you never know. It certainly would make it more appealing.


I once wore a chain shirt through a 2 hour martial arts class (the class was not armour-related, but I wanted to see what wearing armour was like, and someone had a chain shirt with them. It wasn't that bad. I was thrown in it, rolled, etc. I'm not remotely strong, or trained in armour. I think people who wear armour would probably get used to it.

As I usually find these things to go, armour is probably both far better AND far worse than we imagine it to be.

At any rate, I don't really want to play with the rules on it. I just don't want you wearing Plate. Yet, at least.


Cool beans! I’ll wait until I have the funding or opportunity to grab some.

But you did make Titus’ apparent Patron a Black Knight, decked out in full plate armor wielding a battle axe.

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