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My COVID19 Journey


1) I taught my goddaughter how to play D&D a couple years back, which was really awesome to see, especially when she decided to run a game for her own friends, and it remains one of their top activities.

2) I'm working from home, and my wife is showing upper respiratory symptoms.

1) That's great! For awhile, my daughter headed up a D&D club at school. When school gets back in (whenever that may be) she's supposed to be the leader of a miniatures painting club. Her teacher gets the miniatures and paint from my store, so it's a family affair!

2) Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Bronchitis is bad enough, frankly. I hope she's okay, whichever it is.

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I am glad you are on the mend and wish you a full recovery.

Out of a sense of community, and to keep me entertained in my quarantine, if you've got nothing better to do and you are inclined, please tell me about yourself. Where you're from, what games you like or dislike, what you do. I mean, you can keep it vague-ish (I guess I kind of did, even while revealing some personal stuff). It's up to you. But I wouldn't mind getting a conversation going here, other than just get-well wishes (which are nice). Any takers?

I am from Western Washington State. I enjoy 5E D&D, Savage Worlds, Vampire and I am interested in trying Torg Eternity someday. I would like to find a good metahuman/superpowers system but have not had much luck.

I was playing in two campaigns/groups before the coronavirus stopped everything. The first group plays weekly and is 5E. We actually alternate back and forth between two 5E campaigns so neither DM gets burned out. The first 5E party is 10th level. I am playing a female dwarven light cleric of Berronar Truesilver. The rest of the party includes a human wizard, dwarven barbarian/fighter, eladrin hexblade/divine soul and tabaxi ranger. It is a bit of a Monty Haul campaign. It is set in The Forgotten Realms but in the last session we played something weird happened and I think we are now in some different universe.

The second 5E party is 3rd level. We recently started that campaign and in both combats we struggled badly. I am playing a half-elven archfey warlock with pact of the chain. She mainly attacks with eldritch blast. Her invisible sprite takes the help action. One nice thing was the DM allowed all PCs to start with a bonus feat. I took elven accuracy. The rest of the party: a moon druid, ranger, life domain cleric and fighter.

The second group I am playing with only plays twice a month. It uses the Golarion (Pathfinder) setting but we are playing with Savage Worlds rules. I have not liked the campaign. My playing style meshes poorly with that group.
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Today is the first day of shutdown for Ontario. It's going to be a hard time for many as too many are living paycheque to paycheque. And the Ford gov't being the PC will not be willing to spend the money needed. I think the shutdown is the worst of two evils.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
@Umbran As someone prone to bronchitis myself, I share those concerns. I'm not showing anything like severe symptoms, though--just something that could be a little cold or allergies--but any little thing is enough to get me worrying.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm in New Jersey in the US. They closed schools at the start of last week, been pushing social distancing, and closed all non-essential businesses as of this past Saturday. New York, about 20 miles away, has the most testing so the most cases, but also the most deaths. My state is #2 in terms of cases, but we've had a lot less testing than NY so that number is likely low. We are the most densely populated state in the US, which is not a good omen.

Except for far too many store trips because the hoarders cleaned out toilet paper everywhere for a couple of weeks, we've been isolating here. All social events have been cancelled or moved online. I bought a Zoom subscription for high quality video conferencing (we were generating stress with the free options out there, and no one needs more stress). I'm surprised how just randomly chatting with people over video is a respite from the isolation - it has built up more than I realized, and talking to others helps keep that in check.

My wife is in multiple risk groups if she does get it, and she hasn't been sleeping so she's worn down which has traditionally left her more open to catch something. I'm medium-grade anxious all the time right now.

My kids are happy with school-from-home, especially since they shifted the time so it starts 2 hours later then physical school would. There's been several studies how getting up early for school is a bad thing for teens, and I now have some anecdotal evidence I could add to support that.

There's been growing political noise about "opening up the country" by Easter so as not to tank the economy, which makes no sense to me from what I am reading abroad about containing the virus and dampening the curve. The scariest comment I saw about that was that those at high risk are the least productive and most expensive to maintain members of society, as if rationalizing moving away from policies protecting the people was a reasonable move. Another was that grandparents should be willing to accept risks to preserve the economy of the country for their grandchildren.

Anyway, so far we don't believe we're infected, and we've been likely isolated for long enough for the incubation period (median 11.5 days) to have flipped to showing symptoms if we were. Hunkered down for the long haul. Hopefully.


Mod Squad
Staff member
@Umbran As someone prone to bronchitis myself, I share those concerns.

At least her doctor totally gets it. He remarked in a call today that there's a bunch of upper respiratory stuff going around right now. So a bunch of folks are home with less grave issues, being scared. And, a bunch have mild covid. And nobody knows which are which.

But then, there's no specific treatment for covid anyway, so knowing is of limited use... except for your peace of mind.


Today is the first day of shutdown for Ontario. It's going to be a hard time for many as too many are living paycheque to paycheque. And the Ford gov't being the PC will not be willing to spend the money needed. I think the shutdown is the worst of two evils.

As a Torontonian who spent the weekend in hospital for emergency surgery, I can assure you that the shutdown is not the worst of two evils. I share your views on Ford et al and think this really shows the need for functioning adults in government, but without a shutdown, things here would turn very deadly, very quickly. We only have to look to our neighbours to the south to see what happens when you don't take this thing seriously.


I'm in central Illinois. I have been running nightly D&D games for my boys and my other regulars via zoom. We were going to start a fantasy mass battle campaign, but that is delayed. We have been getting some miniature painting done. I am working on a large terrain project.

Our entire state is shut down. I teach as does my wife. So we are very fortunate to be working from home - posting lessons, etc, and still getting paid. My heart goes out to small businesses and hourly wage workers. I feel very lucky from that point of view.

Tomorrow I have to take my 92-year old dad in for a medical appointment. It cannot be delayed. I am scared of going to the hospital for him and me, but there is no way around it.

I hope you recover quickly from here on in.

Eric V

Out of a sense of community, and to keep me entertained in my quarantine, if you've got nothing better to do and you are inclined, please tell me about yourself. Where you're from, what games you like or dislike, what you do. I mean, you can keep it vague-ish (I guess I kind of did, even while revealing some personal stuff). It's up to you. But I wouldn't mind getting a conversation going here, other than just get-well wishes (which are nice). Any takers?

Hey man, wishing the best for you (and all of us, really, during this bizarre time).

I am in my 40s and live in a suburb of Montreal. Quebec has seen a huge rise in reported cases, but that seems to be because of better testing (though I am sure stupidity on the part of "invincible" people plays a part). Last night, I felt just slightly warm in the forehead and, frankly, it freaked us out. Don't have a fever this morning, thank goodness.

I am a college prof, and have been playing RPGs since I was 12. Mostly D&D, though DC Heroes, Marvel Super Heroes, Robotech, Top Secret, Shadowrun, and others have all made appearances. Now, we are playing 13th Age and loving it. We use Maptool and Skype.

My son has already been accepted to college, so the bummer about no school is really just not seeing his friends. I am going to run a 13th Age game for them online so they can hang out. Their enthusiasm is great!

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