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LotFP in financial dire straights?


By the sounds of it, it's done. The run is over. I never actually played it (not my thing), but as far as I can tell, this is the first semi-large successful Indie ttrpg to essentially fail in some part due to the COVID epidemic, (and in some part due to the Zak thing.)


This one is for all the marbles. As you're probably aware, LotFP has gone through a rough patch the past year and a half.

The tldr is we're about 90,000€ in debt, 60,000€ of which is due in about a month or we're done. And we have so much more to do.

So if you want LotFP to continue, you need to buy something, preferably a lot of somethings, and very soon, when the new books go on sale. If you don't want LotFP to continue, you don't have to do anything. You're good.

A more thorough explanation for those who will surely ask:

After a record 2018, webstore sales hit a wall in January 2019 (I assume because of increased Finnish postal costs; November and December 2018 were strong and then bam), but we were supposed to have a new US-based webstore opening in the early summer. So I was confident that I was in for a fifth straight year of growth and prosperity, and made plans to take care of that.

The exact same week the Zak allegations hit in February 2019, I received the last of series of business loans totaling just about 70,000€. These would cover a number of reprints (which sell slowly and thus take more time to recoup their costs, making them very difficult to finance from normal cashflow), and convention expenses for the year. I secured these loans based on the fact that I'd grossed over 250,000€ the previous year, had two new Zak books set to come out in 2019 (not to mention Red & Pleasant Land as one of the reprints), with a few other new books on the schedule as well.

The fallout from the Zak situation was that his upcoming work, and the Red and Pleasant Land reprint, were canceled. Everything else went into disarray and only one full-fledged (not limited edition) release happened all year, and that was a low-price short adventure. The US fulfillment center fell through and didn't get going until over half a year later than scheduled.

Even so, convention sales in 2019 were greater than 2018 (and we did one less convention in 2019!), retail distribution sales was about even year-to-year, PDF sales were down a bit... but direct webstore sales were down 80% for the year. And direct sales are where we traditionally make most of our money. Webstore sales plummeting has almost killed the business: Gross sales were in total 40% down, and the profits (AKA my personal income) went from (rough numbers) 45,000€ in 2018 to 3,500€ in 2019. That's not a typo.

By last fall, I started falling behind in loan payments. By spring this year, just as the world at large was beginning to fall apart due to the pandemic, I started falling behind on royalty payments to the talent. There's only so long I can shuffle money and beg for patience...

And now with the pandemic, conventions for the entire year are gone (conventions accounted for 25% of last year's gross income). Distribution/retail sales (by far the biggest income source last year) were wiped out completely for a time due to shutdowns and at best will be weak for some time to come due to the pandemic.

And so here we are. Pretty much all of these new items were financed on credit, sparing no expense to make these the best books we could, and it's time for what just might be the last stand. It is my hope that not only can we clear this debt, but we can get a bit of a cash stockpile so we can make sure the next batch of books (and the next, and the next...) are up to LotFP standards of quality and deliver significant royalty payments to their authors.

It's up to you now.

Posted by JimLotFP at 12:28 AM


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I ran a game years ago, using the Peasants' War as a backdrop; however the earlier Jordan Peterson thing, Zak, and finally their claiming they needed security at GenCon; eventually I gave up.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Ya know, if they’d handled scandals with their talent with honesty and seriousness, I’d be inclined to check their products out, boost the signal, etc.

But they defended Zak S, and other stuff others have mentioned, and I’ve no interest in helping them.


Yeah, I had a feeling there wouldn't be a whole lot of sympathy here, but I didn't want to dog pile on the situation. He can't control COVID or conventions being cancelled, but part of it is due to making your own bed and not realizing how the culture is shifting to being more aware and progressive.

In that case...

James Raggi made a delayed, tepid lip service response, then continued to work with Zak S. on the sly. Or not even on the sly, really. If you look at the official LoftP Facebook group & page, Zak S. is still all over it. It's one of the few places online where Zak S. isn't banned. Normally I'd morn an RPG publisher in dire straits, but not this time.

"It's up to you now."


Yeah, I had a feeling there wouldn't be a whole lot of sympathy here, but I didn't want to dog pile on the situation. He can't control COVID or conventions being cancelled, but part of it is due to making your own bed and not realizing how the culture is shifting to being more aware and progressive.
Some game companies are doing ok during this time. The damage was done to this brand before the pandemic ever hit. I'm doing my part to support the companies I believe in. For my tastes LotFP, even barring their "behind the scenes" issues, has a repulsive product history.

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