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Worlds of Design: Is Combat Now Passe?

In April 2020 my column was titled “Is Fighting Evil Passé?” Readers pointed out that it was a misleading title, and it was: my original title was “Is Fighting Evil the Focus of Your Campaign?” This time I want to address what the published title suggested.

What percentage of time in your RPG play (as player or GM) is spent in lethal combat?

In April 2020 my column was titled “Is Fighting Evil Passé?” Readers pointed out that it was a misleading title, and that's because the editor changed it [Ed note: Yep!]. My original title was “Is Fighting Evil the Focus of Your Campaign?” This time I want to address what my proposed title suggested.


Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

I’ve modified the question from “fighting” to “combat,” because fighting is going to occasionally occur in the lives of special characters who often have military-style training, if only in a bar-room or as part of the typical love triangles and other expressions of lust and greed.

So, is combat now passé? Keep in mind that virtually all of the original D&D players were wargamers. We were accustomed to playing games where there was a battle if not many battles. I’m using the term "combat" here to mean deadly skirmishes rather than scuffles, events where people/creatures get killed rather than they get a bloody nose or a broken limb.

But now the vast majority of new D&D players don’t play wargames; they may not play other (non-RPG) games at all. In that case it’s easy to imagine that many players are not much interested in combat. This reminds me of something my wife said the other day (keep in mind I met my wife through D&D and she played for about 15 years). She prefers the first book of the Lord of the Rings because she’s not interested in the battles that occupy so much of the other two books. Even in Moria, the Fellowship’s purpose was to get through without a fight, not to fight the Balrog.

Perhaps the change in science fiction and fantasy we’ve seen since 1980 has also made a difference. Stories now are far more often about people and their motivations and daily difficulties, more about shades of gray rather than black and white, and much less about Adventure with a capital “A.” That has conditioned people not to look for battles.

In a well-realized setting/world, there ought to be lots of things to do, including lots of conflicts, that don’t end with life and death fighting. Politics, business success, greed and lust (which seem to power most of the dramas you see on TV), exploration, there are lots of alternatives to adventuring and killing. This might not be satisfactory to the old guard D&Ders but may be fine for newer players.

Another approach is to have frequent battles that could theoretically result in death, but virtually never result in player character death, only the death of the opposition. I suspect that’s where a lot of campaigns have gone, just as the rules of the games have gone that way. I remember playing in the “D&D Essentials” games with the Fourth Edition rules, and being shocked when a couple of player characters died, because it was so, well, difficult to die! Yet Fourth Edition was all about combats and little else. (I always try to make sure everyone in my party (as a player) lives unless they do something really stupid, but I guess these two were behaving so foolishly I had to ignore them, or I might have somehow saved them.) When I first read the Fifth Edition rules I noted the rules and spells that made it difficult for anyone to be killed, such as the third level cleric spell Revivify. It’s “a far piece” from how it was with original D&D where you had to husband every hit point and often had to decide to run away or even leave the adventure for lack of hit points.

How does it work in your campaign? Let me know in the poll and in the comments.

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Lewis Pulsipher

Lewis Pulsipher

Dragon, White Dwarf, Fiend Folio
So, is combat now passé? Keep in mind that virtually all of the original D&D players were wargamers. We were accustomed to playing games where there was a battle if not many battles. I’m using the term "combat" here to mean deadly skirmishes rather than scuffles, events where people/creatures get killed rather than they get a bloody nose or a broken limb.

But now the vast majority of new D&D players don’t play wargames; they may not play other (non-RPG) games at all. In that case it’s easy to imagine that many players are not much interested in combat. This reminds me of something my wife said the other day (keep in mind I met my wife through D&D and she played for about 15 years). She prefers the first book of the Lord of the Rings because she’s not interested in the battles that occupy so much of the other two books. Even in Moria, the Fellowship’s purpose was to get through without a fight, not to fight the Balrog.

I think in this sense combat has been passe since about 1985 with the rise of the Dragonlance Saga, and Gygax being forced out of TSR. I'd go so far as to say that with the sole exception of 4e D&D has not had good combat rules since hirelings were deprecated and the low level experience moved from rules intended to cover a small platoon on the PCs side to the PCs having enough people for a strong fireteam or possibly a very very small squad. When you're dealing with an entire platoon having a single attack button is more than enough - there are a couple of dozen hirelings and you don't want to slow things down. Also Attacks of Opportunity being just for breaking out of the melee are fine. On the other hand for a single character walking forward and mashing A into a horde of enemies is reminiscent of nothing more than Double Dragon.

Another approach is to have frequent battles that could theoretically result in death, but virtually never result in player character death, only the death of the opposition. I suspect that’s where a lot of campaigns have gone, just as the rules of the games have gone that way.

Again, 1985. When the low level experience involves an entire platoon of hirelings then putting death on the table for the NPCs is fine. And even if the fighter dies we've got a ready made pool of NPCs right there and waiting. DL1 meanwhile had the "Obscure Death Rule" to protect low level characters.

Yet Fourth Edition was all about combats and little else.

I assume that this is about how Fourth Edition wasn't about spellcasters? Because it was the only edition to have defined rules for problem solving (replacing the long-missed XP for GP rules from 1e) and set structures to enable the DM to handle task as opposed to action resolution. 4e also does great capstone fights but not so good incidental fights.

It’s “a far piece” from how it was with original D&D where you had to husband every hit point and often had to decide to run away or even leave the adventure for lack of hit points.

Very far from D&D-with-hirelings. But not far at all from the Obscure Death Rule from Dragonlance.

To sum up combat isn't passe - but the game hasn't been about teams with hirelings for a long time. Combat is a desert not the main dish it was in the wargamer-dominated era.


The High Aldwin
For me, no. Combat is the best part of D&D. It is by far the most exciting, but without a good story to support the battles, it would feel just like a series of combat-simulations. So, I voted about 65% or roughly 2/3 of our game time revolves around combat, with the rest being story, exploration, NPC interaction, etc.


Back in the day most game communities were isolated to a table or local gaming group. Conventions allowed some overlap of groups but that game play was 2-4 hours so you didnt have time to RP really. The rules of the more common rules were all combat focused leaving RP as a subchapter buried past all the combat rules. Skills were an afterthough, if even in a set of rules so having a challenge other then killing something was harder. Sure a GM was free to add in rules but generally your average GM has a lot going on without having to invent rulesets. I enjoy that sort of thing but I don't know if your average GM across the gaming population really does.

Then Critical Role happened.

Now the general gaming population has a direct example of adding story and RP into a combat focused ruleset with video example of what to do and what not to do. It also brought in non gamers without previous TTRPG experience or notions of what to do.

Note: Please don't tell me how you and your specific game table have RPed over combat forever so therefore I am wrong. It always happens here so please don't be that poster for once. I'm talking more of the general overall population.


41% - 60% for my group. It's been this pretty consistently for about 30 years of playing D&D (though we skipped 4e for PF1e, 4e just wasn't our cup of tea).

We enjoy combat a great deal. We enjoy the romanticized, fictional portrayal of combat, like something you might see in Star Wars or a swashbuckling film. There are times we enjoy it to get gritty, dirty and downright ugly, but for the most part, those elements only come into play during combat that serves the narrative in some form (establishing villainy, eliciting emotional reaction from the PCs, etc).

I try to have at least one major combat encounter per session, but sometimes the PCs are having plenty of fun solving puzzles, interacting with NPCs, mapping out a dungeon, etc that it's sometimes not missed during play...though often once the session ends, they'll vocalize their eagerness to fight some baddies next session.


Rotten DM
I assuming lethal you mean a dead pc even if a spell brings him back afterwards. As of Tuesday my AL games have 35.27% lethal chance if you enter combat. For Season 9 modules 18 pc killed to 399 monsters. For Descent 5 PC killed 235 monsters killed. 19 captured 7 escaped. Things that throw my numbers high. Bad group tactics but great individual tactics. Occasionally they leave me with only one valid target. Two regular players not caring if their pc dies. And in my first year lack of game knowledge to know when to pull blows or switch targets.
Back in 1E I had pc die before the erasable ink dry. But back them I could create a pc in 3 minutes if non caster. 5 if caster.


About half of our table time is used up in combat, but that usually translates to about 10% of the "story" time being combat. It's just the nature of round by round action to eat more real world minutes than negotiations with the king or exploration of the tomb or whatever.

I answered the 1-10% because of one word - "Lethal" - 90% of my gaming is Super-hero genre. Lots of combat, but very little of it is lethal - which matches the tone of the comics we emulate with our game. Stakes are high, losing can result in catastrophe, but death is not the only failure state.

When I'm not playing supers, I've been playing Numenera - which repeatedly states that it is not combat based, down to system rewards "killing things does not give XP, but discovery and exploration do".


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I have sessions that have no combat, and I have sessions that are almost entirely combat. I'm running 5E and most of the character abilities are combat-focused, so I like to make sure the players get a chance to use the shiny new, but combat isn't the only way to solve every problem.

Depends on what we're playing. In fantasy settings, probably about 1/3 (hence my vote for this), in my current Cyberpunk campaign, probably 10% or less (open fight is generally happening only as a last resort).

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