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Level Up (A5E) Reworking ASI's and feats by giving "ASI" points every character level, instead of 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level.


This is idea to rework ASI's and feats and to rebalance them with a more variable cost than just "feat" and "half-feat".
Also cost of which ability is boosted will also change.

Instead of gaining ASI's at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, all classes will get 2 "ASI" points per level.
Fighters and rogues will get 8 ASI points extra at levels 6/14 and 10th respectively. Or those 16/8 points can be streched through 14/10 levels for more steady power gain.

Cost of of single +1 to an ability would be:

for current highest score(or tied for highest): would be 4 points. as you get 8 points over 4 levels, balance is kept.
for current lowest score(or tied for lowest), cost would be 2 points.
for all ability scores between highest and lowest it would 3 points.

Now for more difficult part... FEATS!?

We know that not all feats are equal, and it is difficult to balance them on a feat/half-feat balance tool only, so ASI points are much more granular in power cost.

Basic full feat would be 8 points(that would be in power level of SS, SWM, PAM, CE and similar power offenders).
No feat here has that cost, as most full feats are broken into several smaller in these suggestion.
Good half-feat is 4 pts:

You do not need to spend all ASI points on level up, but you cannot have more than 5 saved after leveling up a character.

Here is suggestion for ASI point cost of various feats;

Alert(3 pts): prerequirement; wis 12+

*You cannot be surprised while concious.
*Attackers do not gain advantage on attack rolls by being hidden from you.

Athlete(3pts): prerequirement; str 12+

*Standing upr from prone costs only 5ft of movement.
*Climbing and swimming doesn't halve your speed.
*You can make running jump without moving.

Actor(3pts): prerequirement; cha 12+

*You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.
*You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute.
*A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
*You gain proficiency in disguise kit, or expertise if you already have proficiency.

Armor master(4pts); requires proficiency with all armors

*You gain damage reduction vs weapon attacks that deal bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage.
*damage reduction depends on category of armor worn; light DR 1, medium DR 2, heavy DR 3. If you have a shield equipped increase DR by 1.


*When you take Dash action, you can make one melee attack as a bonus action or one shove attempt.
*If you move at least 10ft in your move in straight line you gain bonus damage equal to your proficiency modifier.
*If you chose to shove the creature and succeed, you push it 10ft away from you.

Cleave(4pts): requires; str 16+

*On your turn when you score a critical hit with melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 HP with a melee attack, you can make one melee attack as a bonus action with that weapon.

Close quarters shooter(3pts):
requires; dex 14+

*You do not suffer disadvantage when making ranged attack while in melee combat.

Crossbow expert(2pts):
prerequirement; dex 14+

*You ignore loading properties of crossbows.

Defensive parry(4pts): prerequirement; dex 14+

*When you are damaged with melee attack and you wield finesse weapon, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by amount equal to your proficiency modifier.

Dual wielder(6pts): prerequirement; str or dex 16+

*You gain +1 AC when wielding one melee weapon in each hand.
*You can draw both melee weapons as one object interaction.
*You can wield one-handed weapons in both hands.
*If you have Extra attack feature, you can make 2 off hand attacks as a Bonus action.

Dungen delver(3pts): prerequirement; wis 12+

*You have advantage on checks for finding traps.
*You have advantage on saves vs. traps.
*You have resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
*You can hide while only lightly obscured.

Durable(4pts): prerequirement; con 14+

*When you roll HD's to regain HP, you regain max amount.

Elemental adept(4pts): prerequirement; int, wis or cha 14+

*Choose damage type: acid, cold,fire, lightning, poison or thunder.
Your attacks ignore resistance to that type of damage.
Your attacks deal half damage to immune targets.

Elemental master(4pts): requires elemental adept, int, wis or cha 16+

*When dealing damage of the type chosen by Elemental adept you deal +1 damage per damage die rolled.

Fleet of foot(4pts):

*You gain +10 move speed.
*Difficult terrain does not slow your movement when you take Dash action

Grappler(3pts): prerequirement; str 14+

*You have advantage on attacks vs target you are grappling.

Healer(3pts): prerequirement; wis 12+

*As an action you can spend a usage of a healers kit to heal a target creature for 1d6+4 HP plus a number of HP equal to max number of HDs target has. Target cannot benefit from this healing again until she finnishes a short rest.

Heavily armored(3pts): requires str 16+

*You gain proficiency in heavy armor

Improved initiative(2pts): you can take this feat 2 times,

*You gain +3 to initiative rolls.

Inspiring leader(5pts): prerequirement: Charisma 14+

*You can spend one minute giving inspirational speech to give yourself all creatures in 60ft radius amount of temporary HPs equal to your level plus your charisma modifier. Creature cannot gain thes HPs again until they finnish a short rest.

Keen mind(2pts): prerequirement; int 12+

*You always know which way is north.
*You know the number of hours left before next sunset ot sunrise.
*You can recall all information in past 30 days accurately.

Language proficiency(1pt): can be taken any number of times.

*You learn a language.

Language expertise(1pt):
can be taken any number of times.

*choose a language that you know and it is not your racial language. You can now speak that language a native. You know several or even all dialects of that language. If you choose Common language, you can speak it with every dialect in you playing setting.

Lightly armored(2pts): prerequirement; str 12+

*You gain proficiency in light armor.

Linguist(1pt): prerequirement; int 12+

*You can create written cyphers. DC to decypher them is your Intelligence score plus your proficiency bonus.

Lucky(2pts): you can take this feat 3 times

*You gain 1 luck point. You can spend your luck point to re-roll any d20 roll.
You luck point(s) recharge after long rest.

Mage slayer(3pts):

*When a creature in your reach cast a spell you can make one melee attack as an reaction.
*When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a spell, it must make the save with diadvantage.

Magic initiate(3pts): prerequirement; int wis or cha 10+, you can take this feat 2 times,

*Pick a class: bard,cleric,druid,sorcerer,warlock or wizard.
*You learn 2 cantrips from that class spell list. You must use same ability for spellcasting as those classes.

Magic adept(2pts): prerequirement; Magic initiate. Int, wis or cha 12+

*You learn one 1st level spell from a class chosen by Magic inititate. You can cast it once per long rest.

Magic expert(3pts): prerequirement; Magic initiate, Magic adept, level 5+. Int, wis or cha 14+

*You learn one 2nd level spell from a class chosen by Magic initiate. You can cast it once per long rest.

Magic master(4pts):prerequirement; Magic initiate, Magic adept, Magic expert, level 9+.Int, wis or cha 16+

*You learn one 3rd level spell from a class chosen by Magic initiate. You can cast it once per long rest.

Martial training(5pts):
prerequirement; str or dex 14+

*You gain one fighting style.

Martial adept(3pts): prerequirement; str or dex 14+

*You learn one Battle master maneuver.
*You gain on superiority die, it's value is 1d8 unless you have more powerfull dice. Then you gain one more of those.

Medium armor master(6pts): prerequirement; proficiency in medium armors.

*Medium armors gain +1AC while you wear them
*Medium armors do not give disadvantage to stealth checks.


*When you make attack on a creature, your movement does not provoke attack of oportunity from it.

Moderately armored(3pts): prerequirement; str 14+

*You gain proficiency in medium armor and shields.

Mounted combatant(3pts):

*You have advantage on melee attack on every oponent smaller than your mount.
*You can force any attack targeted at your mount to target you.
*While you ride your mount, it gains evasion.

Observant(3pts): prerequirement; wis 12+

*You can read lips.
*You gain +5 bonus to passive perception, investigation and insight checks.

Polearm master(4pts):

*When you make two handed Attack action with pole weapon, you can make one free attack with back side of the weapon for 1d6 damage. It deals blunt damage.

Power attack(5pts):

*When you make weapon attack with weapon you are proficient, you can take -2 penalty on attack roll to deal +4 damage or +6 damage with 2-Handed melee weapon attack

Rapid shot(6pts): prerequirement; dex 16+

*When you take Attack action with a ranged weapon, you can make one attack with that weapon as a bonus action.

Resilient(4pts): you can take this feat twice.

*You gain proficiency in one saving throw.

Ritual caster(3pts):

*You gain ritual book with 3 1st level spells with ritual tags.
*You can write in that book any ritual spell that is of a spell level equal or lower than half your level(round up).


*Enemies hit by your opportunity attack have their speed drop to 0
*Creatures entering your reach, leaving your reach or moving withing your reach, suffer attack of opportunity even if they took Disengage action

Sharpshooter(3pts): prerequirement; dex 14+

*You do not suffer penalty on ranged attacks due to range or cover

Shield master(3pts): prerequirement; str 14+

*You add your shield AC bonus to your reflex save.
*If you take Attack action with your melee weapon on your turn you can make one shove atempt with your shield as a bonus action against the same target.

Skill proficiency(2pts): can be taken 3 times.

*You gain proficiency in a skill.

Skill expetise(3pts):
can be taken 2 times

*choose a skill you are proficient. Double the proficiency bonus for that skill.

Spell sniper(3pts):
prerequirement; int, wis or cha 14+

*When you cast a spell that requires an attack roll, it range is doubled.
*Your spells ignore cover penalty to attack roll

Tavern brawler(4pts):
str or dex 14+

*Your unarmed damage deals 1d6 damage. Use str or dex for attack and damage
*You can make one unarmed attack,grab or shove atempt as a bonus action.

Tool proficiency(1pt): can be taken any number of times.

*You gain proficiency in a tool

Tool expertise(2pts): can be taken 3 times

*choose a tool you are proficient. Double the proficiency bonus for that tool.

Weapon proficiency(1pt): can be taken 4 times,

*you gain proficiency with one martial weapon or all simple weapons. If you take this feat 4 times you gain proficiency with all martial weapons.

Tough(3pts): prerequirement; con 12+, can be taken two times

*You gain 1 HP per level.

Warcaster(4pts): int, wis or cha 14+

*You have advantage on con saves on concentration.
*Instead of attack of opportunity you can cast 1 Action spell that targets only that creature.

Shield slam(4pts): requires proficiency with shields. Str 16+

*After you make an Attack action with onehanded melee weapon and have a shield equiped,
You can make one attack with shield as a bonus action. This attack deals 1d6 damage.
Use str for attack and damage bonuses. You are proficient with this attack.
Any enchantment bonus to AC from shield is effective as bonus to attack and damage.

Dragon fear(3pts): requires, Dragonborn

*Instead of exhaling destructive energy, you can expend
a use of your Breath Weapon trait to roar, forcing
each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you to
make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier). A target automatically
succeeds on the save if it can't hear or see you.
On a failed save, a target becomes frightened of you
for 1 minute. If the frightened target takes any damage,
it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
on itself on a success.

Dragon hide(3pts): requires; Dragonborn

* Your scales harden. While you aren't wearing armor,
you can calculate your AC as 13 +your Dexterity modifier.
You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
* You grow retractable claws from the tips of your fingers.
Extending or retracting the claws requires no
action. The claws a re natural weapons, which you can
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you

deal's lashing damage equal to 1d4 +your Strength
modifier, instead of the normal bludgeoning damage
for an unarmed strike.

Drow high magic(6pts): requires Elf(Drow)

*you learn detect magic spell and can cast it at-will
*You learn levitate and detect magic spell and can cast both once. You need to finnish a long rest before you can cast them again. Charisma is you casting stat for these spells.

Dwarven fortitude(5pts): requires Dwarf

*When you take Dodge action, you can spend one HD to heal yourself. Amount is same as normal healing from a HD

Elven accuracy(5pts): requires Elf

*When you attack with advantage, you can roll 3d20 and take the highest.

Fade away(3pts): requires Gnome

* Immediately after you take damage, you can use a
reaction to magically become invisible until the end
of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage,
or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you
use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.

Fey teleportation(4pts): requires Elf(high)

  • You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan.
  • You learn the misty step spell and can cast it once
without expending a spell s lot. You regain the ability
to cast it in this way when you finish a short or
long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
this spell.

FLAMES OF PHLEGETHOS(3pts): Prerequisite: Tiefling

* When you roll fire damage for a spell you cast, you can
reroll any roll of 1 on the fire damage dice, but you
must use the new roll, even if it is another 1.
* Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you
can cause Hames to wreathe you until the end of your
next turn. The flames don't harm you or your possess
ions, and they shed bright light out to 30 feet and dim
light for an additional 30 feet. While the flames are
present, any creature within 5 feet of you that hits you
with a melee attack takes ld4 fire damage.

INFERNAL CONSTITUTION(3pts): Prerequisite: Tiefling

*You have resistance to cold damage and poison
*You have advantage on saving throws against being

Prerequisite: Half-orc

*When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial
weapon , you can roll weapons base damage
an additional time and add it as extra damage of the
weapon's damage type. Once you use this ability, you
can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
*Immediately after you use your Relentless Endura
nce trait, you can use your reaction to make one
weapon attack.

PRODIGY, deleted

SECOND CHANCE(2pts): Prerequisite: Halfling

*When a creature you can see hits you with an attack
roll, you can use your reaction to force that creature to
reroll. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again
until you roll initiative at the s tart of combat or until
you finish a short or long rest.

SQUAT NIMBLENESS(3pts): Prerequisite: Dwarf or a Small race

*Increase your walking speed by 5 feet.
*You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics or Athletics
skill (your choice).
You have advantage on any Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check you make to escape from
being grappled.

Wood ELF MAGIC(6pts): Prerequisite: Elf(wood)

*You learn the magic of the primeval woods, which are
revered and protected by your people. You learn one
druid cantrip of your choice. You also learn the longstrider
and pass without trace spells, each of which you
can cast once without expending a spell slot. You regain
the ability to cast these two spells in this way when you
finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
all three spells .

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The beta stargate rpg (useful thread) has a similar system for feats. 5 level classes with some that basically give a bonus feat from a thematic subset of feats at various levels as you progress through those five levels. After that you build up points towards feats you can buy at differing costs depending on the feat & every 5 points spent on feats nets you some hp. It makes for a much more interesting system that allows characters to quickly feel like a $whatever & nab some specializations before the campaign is wrapping up. It makes sense for feats to have different costs though, does anyone in their right mind think something like actor is worth the same as warcaster spell sniper or great weapon master?


It makes sense for feats to have different costs though, does anyone in their right mind think something like actor is worth the same as warcaster spell sniper or great weapon master?

It is simpler to use, but problem is that simpler does not always mean better.

If you spread feat costs from 1 to 6, you get much easier job in creating feats than when you have only 1-2 cost.


I think it’s a really neat idea that I would find fun, but honestly I think it’s too complex for general usage. Not everybody is going to want to manage a pool of potential benefits between levels.

I think a really nice middle ground would be to keep the ASIs where they are and just rework the feats similar to what you have done above, but into only two categories: +1 equivalents and +2 equivalents. Then players can simply apply the ASI in any combination of points or point equivalents.

Also I really like some of the “half feats” you suggest above.
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I would rather gain larger, meatier things with impact, than gain a level and think "I will just save these points up for later".

This is basically dead levels as a design policy. (Sure, you can inject features into those dead levels, but if saving up 6 levels for a big feature requires 5 levels of meh, that sort of sucks)

If you can't balance big, meaty choices, don't shred everything into coleslaw and open a salad bar that charges by weight. Learn to balance the meaty choices better.


I would rather gain larger, meatier things with impact, than gain a level and think "I will just save these points up for later".

This is basically dead levels as a design policy. (Sure, you can inject features into those dead levels, but if saving up 6 levels for a big feature requires 5 levels of meh, that sort of sucks)

If you can't balance big, meaty choices, don't shred everything into coleslaw and open a salad bar that charges by weight. Learn to balance the meaty choices better.

there are no dead levels. Most classes get somethnig at every level that has no ASIs.

And you would get dead level only by your own choice at current ASI levels if you want to save for something bigger for next level as you didn't save something from level sooner.

And feats are balanced better if you have room for more variable cost, rather "take it or leave it".


Craft homebrewer
Or stick with the simplicity idea and have lots of half-feats and alternate them with single +1 ASIs. So you get something each level and ASI doesn't compete with feats. Not my idea - lots of discussion led by others in early discussion boards - but I still strongly support.

Ideally also allow pre-requisites (e.g. level/class) on those feats (essentially Warlock invocations currently function as a separate stream of Warlock-only feats and they work pretty well). And there's a ready-made bunch of half-feats read for martial classes by way of fighting styles and maneuvers.


Or stick with the simplicity idea and have lots of half-feats and alternate them with single +1 ASIs. So you get something each level and ASI doesn't compete with feats. Not my idea - lots of discussion led by others in early discussion boards - but I still strongly support.

Ideally also allow pre-requisites (e.g. level/class) on those feats (essentially Warlock invocations currently function as a separate stream of Warlock-only feats and they work pretty well). And there's a ready-made bunch of half-feats read for martial classes by way of fighting styles and maneuvers.

I did write once variant about all feats being in "half-feat" value.

Then when you get ASI's from your class you can take:
+2 to ability,
+1 to two abilities,
+1 to ability and a feat
2 feats,

But, that still requires having all feats balanced, and that is hard(impossible) work.
Having feats cost from 1 to 6 makes design a whole lot easier.

Voidrunner's Codex

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