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RPG Evolution: "Why is the Tarrasque on the Table?"

Green rooms serve an important purpose in keeping actors out of sight before they go on stage, but they can serve a similar purpose for role-playing games.

Green rooms serve an important purpose in keeping actors out of sight before they go on stage, but they can serve a similar purpose for role-playing games.


What's a Green Room?​

Green rooms (named because they were painted green in the past), served as staging areas for talent before they went out into the public eye. It's here that the actors would get dressed, have a snack, put on makeup and otherwise prepare for their roles.

Green rooms also hide details from the audience that might otherwise give away key elements, such as a villain in a dragon costume preparing to go on-stage. Which is why green rooms can be so valuable for role-playing games.

The reason green rooms are important in role-play is the separation between player knowledge and character knowledge. Green rooms work both ways. Monsters in a green room are out of sight, but players in a green room can't see the "audience" or "stage" either. If you plan to surprise your character and want the players to enjoy being surprised too, keeping them in the dark beforehand with a green room is one way to do it. This applies to everything from maps to monsters.

Green Rooms in Role-Play​

If you're lucky enough to have a co-DM or non-players who will serve as NPCs, keeping them out of sight can be a challenge. Using technology can help; a role-player could be on the phone or type a message, thereby staying out of sight until required for the game.

Splitting the party into separate rooms essentially does something similar, by putting one group out of sight of the other. But most gaming locations don't lend themselves to this, and it's a significant strain on the DM to keep everyone entertained while they run from room to room. This kind of setup is more common in conventions where there's more space and more DMs to manage the separate play spaces.

Green Rooms in Tabletop Play​

If the tabletop is the stage, then miniatures are the actors. If the miniatures are accurate enough to identify an upcoming non-player character, like a huge red dragon, players are inevitably going to consider the creature's appearance in their plans. In theory, they should separate out player and character knowledge, but in practice this can be difficult.

Of course, it's not always possible to keep miniatures out of sight. This is one reason why DM screens are so valuable, as the appearance of miniatures can give away key plot elements or future encounters. Keeping the miniatures in a container or simply covering them with a cloth works just as well.

Green Rooms in Virtual Play​

Virtual tabletops like Roll20 usually have a means of hiding virtual tokens before they appear, but it pays to have a separate area where NPCs are prepared ahead of time. Conversely, you may want the PCs to not see the map they'll be playing on until game time, so a separate green room for the PCs works well to figure out spell tokens, level up characters, etc. You can see what our green room looks like in the above screenshot.

Additionally, I use a hypogeum, the name for the staging area under coliseums where animals and gladiators would be held before the games started. This is where I keep my NPCs so I can easily copy/paste them over to the relevant map when I need them.

With a little preparation, separating the physical and virtual player space from what their characters see can go a long way to ensuring you don't accidentally spoil the surprise. And it also keeps players from pointing at your tarrasque miniature behind you and asking, "What the hell is THAT?"

Your Turn: Do you use the equivalent of a green room for your miniatures or tokens?

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca


I have not put the players in another room in a long time, but I do use minis for effect. I do not use a DM screen much these days, but have placed minis on the table near me that will be used tonight and the players once meta-gamed about fighting a troll so we need to buy more torches and oil. So now I mix things up on them.

We had a campaign where this recurring bad guy kept foiling the PC by showing up and dropping a few hexes and spells but escaping before the PCs could organize and get her. The figure I used was a drow with a crossbow and each time I placed her on the table, all heads spun around and the players sat up in their chairs. I learned to place her on my sideboard and it had much the same effect on the players. They even asked me about having the figure out but not encountering her. I would just say that she was around but the PCs went another way.


Most of the times I have minis I'm going to use in a plastic tub with a lid, taking them out as needed. Occasionally though, I'll just have them set to the side out in the open as foreshadowing. It just depends. If the group has no idea what they could encounter they stay hidden. If they know they're likely to face giants, I'll have them set to the side. Everyone should be a little nervous when they see the fire giant dreadnought. :devilish: On the other hand, they have no idea they're probably going to face demonically possessed dinosaurs next session, so those will remain hidden.

When I was running games virtually, I used fog of war and kept all the monsters hidden until needed. Of course it also helps that I just got a 3D printer for Christmas so now just about any specific monster I want is just a click away. On a related note, while there are many sources for stl files (the files used to print), there's a guy who created stls for every monster in the MM and quite a few from other sources here.


Podcast host, 6-edition DM, and guy with a pulse.
It can be tough. My minis for the Tarrasque & Tiamat (Kanjira the Worldbreaker & Ma'al Drakar by the amazing Reaper) are too huge to hide. The best method for me at least is keep them on the shelf nearby at all times (bonus, they look cool)


Herr Doktor
I have an old shoe box by my side for miniatures I think I'm going to use in the current session.
Minis too big for the box are always visible on shelves around my apartment anyway, so when needed I can just walk over and grab one of them...


Interesting notion...

I don't play with miniatures, but the concept of a place (conceptual or physical) where my NPCs/monsters can sit on stand-by until their cue comes-up is something I should explore. In the past, many of my NPCs missed their entrance...

Some people think that "Green Room" is derived from "agreeing room", a juxtaposed room to the court hall (when town hall were used as venues to produce theatre) and were actors would get ready. Others say that the green room, being the closest to the stage, was where plants and greenery (of operas, mostly) were brought and kept overnight (green room then becomes akin to "greenhouse"). There are also reference to the curtains or furniture of specific early theatres in England. What most people agree on however, is that people started to paint their green rooms in green to match the name, rather than the other way around. [/theatregeekery]


One of my players accidentally caught sight of the larger Graz'zt monster card I had out for the session. It certainly earned a raised eyebrow from him.

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