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Is a Kickstarter for this Epic Bestiary book a good idea?

Is a Kickstarter for this Epic Bestiary a good idea?

Hey all,

as I get closer to finishing this book I have been looking into the method of release.

I was initially going to just have it on Drivethru RPG. I have been very happy with their pdf service and now they do Print on Demand, so it all looked sweet. However, examining their POD service and the print cost of a premium (glossy page), colour 300+ page hardback is astronomical in the USA (which I am guessing is where 80% of sales will be). Plus looking at the reviews the Premium quality is just about 'okay'...ish.

If I did a Kickstarter I could charge less for each printed book, have better quality and (depending on the print run size* ) maybe even make slightly more profit to fund the art for the next book.

*which might be a few hundred I'd hope.

The big question is would I get enough backers to warrant a decent sized print run**, but even if I didn't I'd probably gamble I'd sell more over the following 12 month period and hope for the best.

**With the Printer I am researching (Print Ninja), a print run of 1250+ is where it all starts to be economically viable. But if I even got 250-350 backers of the print version (not just the pdf) then it would probably be worthwhile to print around the 1250 mark, fulfill the backers and put the remainder on sale at Amazon, with any remaining 12 months later being offered in another Kickstarter for the next book.

For the record I am not going to start a Kickstarter campaign until I have the book completed (at least up to the editing stage), so that is still not going to be within the immediate next few months.

Any thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea?

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The EN World kitten
I was going to say that I was wary of the idea, simply because I know you write slow and unfulfilled Kickstarters destroy reputations. But if you have all of the writing AND the art finished (basically, if you've already gotten the book done in terms of creative output, including editing), then you'll probably be okay.

I'd wonder if an Indiegogo campaign would be better, simply because they let you keep the money you raise even if you don't hit your target funding, but they have less exposure than KS. Also, you'll need to drum up a LOT of advertising online; Kickstarters for 5E materials are hot right now, but people can't pledge to a book if they don't know about it. Even then, over a thousand copies of the print book seems VERY optimistic.

Hey Alzrius mate! :)

I was going to say that I was wary of the idea, simply because I know you write slow and unfulfilled Kickstarters destroy reputations. But if you have all of the writing AND the art finished (basically, if you've already gotten the book done in terms of creative output, including editing), then you'll probably be okay.

Yes there is no way I'd start a crowdfund unless I had the book basically completed - I know my Achilles' Heel.

I'd wonder if an Indiegogo campaign would be better, simply because they let you keep the money you raise even if you don't hit your target funding,

Indiegogo has a lot of advantages over Kickstarter and if I was doing anything other than an RPG book I'd certainly use Indiegogo.

but they have less exposure than KS.

Exactly, plus most RPG crowdfunds are on Kickstarter which means people are already signed up to it

Also, you'll need to drum up a LOT of advertising online; Kickstarters for 5E materials are hot right now, but people can't pledge to a book if they don't know about it.

Exactly, this is the sort of thing that is easy for Youtubers, but I don't have the time or inclination for such a thing, plus it takes years to build up.

Even then, over a thousand copies of the print book seems VERY optimistic.

I certainly don't expect to hit that in a Kickstarter, plus even if I was somehow able to get 1000 backers you have to anticipate at least 40% of those are simply going to want the pdf.

One idea was to do this book via Drivethru RPG and then that would let me gauge how many books I could sell if I crowdfunded the next book. However, the ridiculous spike in costs for the Premium Colour Hardcover printed in the USA has really put me off that. Weirdly printing in the UK is only 40% as much as if I do it in the USA...but then won't most people suffer with postage, plus the printing could be location based, so it would be out of my control. I'll maybe email Drivethru and see what they say.

Hey Akira mate! :)

Not sure I fully understand the use of Patreon in this context. I don't need any money to bring this into reality. I could easily get 1250 books printed and have them fulfilled and shipped via an Amazon warehouse. I just don't want stuff going to waste.

Drivethru RPG would have been perfect to test the waters, but it looks like I'd have to charge about $75 a copy to see a slight profit, plus the quality is purportedly a bit 'meh'. Not sure if anyone here has bought a Premium Colour book from Drivethru RPG and can attest to the quality?

Might just have to bite the bullet and make it Standard Colour (matte pages) via Drivethru RPG, even though I really want glossy pages*. At least it means I can set it at an affordable price.

*I can always get myself a full glossy version printed out via a private publisher I guess.

I would say Kickstarter. This is the type of book I would be interested in but not through Drivethru. I may be in the minority but I find the print quality of drivethru to be below average in paper quality/thickness, ink saturation and brightness and binding quality. I have stopped buying PoD because I find it a terrible value in quality to price, and not fun to handle and view.

I would say Kickstarter. This is the type of book I would be interested in but not through Drivethru. I may be in the minority but I find the print quality of drivethru to be below average in paper quality/thickness, ink saturation and brightness and binding quality. I have stopped buying PoD because I find it a terrible value in quality to price, and not fun to handle and view.

Hey jerryrice4949! :)

Been looking into this all afternoon (think I have found an answer). Yes I agree the print quality at Drivethru is reportedly not up to much.

I may sell the pdf and a hardcover standard colour version via Drivethru, BUT have a limited number* of 'collectors edition' deluxe, high quality glossy/embossed/foil/endsheet copies that are signed by me (since I'd need to get them shipped to my house first) and feature a slipcase. Obviously this would be a more expensive option - but at least the quality would be fantastic and I have this really cool idea for a slipcase. ;)

*Lets say 100 copies.

I have stopped buying PoD because I find it a terrible value in quality to price, and not fun to handle and view.

Just to pick up on this further. I would much rather have a higher quality product that costs more, but its possible not everyone feels the same way?

Having a very low print run of 100-200 copies (with maxed out quality and a slipcase AND getting them shipped to my house first so I can sign them) is still cheaper than Drivethru RPGs premium service and the quality would be infinitely better.

Of course its likely I wouldn't get the same shipping rates plus I'd be shipping from the UK, so that aspect might be a tad higher. But it might be worth it.

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