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From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)

No, no, no. You gains Helioeides template, this is the Helioedes. I created Helioedes template as a quote and as a tribute to the Helioeides, using the guidelines under a post of Upper_Krust from years ago but MUCH enhancing it for my setting. The Elder Mythos are a separate faction compared to the standard divine progression (Immortal-> Sidereals-> etc.) which have a much greater strength than the standard deities (a basic Helioedes makes a First One cry and the strongest hold up comparisons with the Demiurge) but which have limited growth: they will never be able to reach 999 HD and Time Lord because their power depends on Azathoth itself. Moving forward, this only applies to my setting and I want to rebalance it with you so that everyone can use it in their setting.
Ah, I see, that makes much more sense. I was like, gd, why doesn't everyone just take this lol. That's pretty cool man, almost like an expanded Abomination/Entity/Anomaly thing.

That said and with those parameters in mind I think it looks bad ass.

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Again, balancing issues. I love the Helioedes and it's awesome seeing it fleshed out, but again the HP boost is overpowered. You can take Sunstruck as a Transcendental Ability giving you this template, but it's Trascendental Toughness ability makes the Omnific Toughness Omnific Ability moot, as they just get the same thing for free.

I don't think that's usable.

Likewise their stat boosts are insanely high. A Time Lord only gains +200 to all stats but this thing is able to gain similar stat boosts without the drawbacks of say Orichalcum Body and with 10x more abilities. I just think it needs to be walked back a but.

Otherwise I love it, I like the tentacle attacks per round and the Lovecraftian Horror element. I always thought IH was missing that, but I'd say look at similar leveled templates and rebalance it next to those, like the Amidah, or Orichalcum Body, because frankly this is way overpowered.

I'm not trying to be sour grapes though, I think these are both cool as shiit and it's obvious you put a lot of effort into these concepts, moreover these are both things I'm really excited about as I use a lot of Lovecraftian elements in my campaigns, so with a little tweaking in think these can be freaking awesome.
How we balance the Helioedes? Let's start by giving it +96 to all ability like the First One instead of the current boost?


Ok now they put Helioedes down but as Helioeides (what you get with Sunstruck) and let's try to fix it for everyone @Beefermatic

Helioeides (Sunstuck Ability)

AL: Any chaotic.

Size and Type:
The creature’s type changes to aberration (chaotic). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is increased by +20 (the creature, if in the canonical size range, change to the Mega-corrispondent).

Defensive Abilities: Immunity to ability drain, ability damage, death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, polymorphing, and poison. Not subject to death from massive damage. All-round vision, Amorphous and Regeneration, equal to HD/Class level x5 (divine with a domain/portfolio opposed to the helioedes).

Armor Class: Helioeides gain a bonus to natural armor of +75.

Speed: A helioeides’s speed increases to the speed of sound (6710 ft. = 1342 squares) or increases tenfold, whichever gives greater results (as per the Supersonic Cosmic ability) (do not stack with Supersonic).

Special Attacks
A helioeides creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:

Constant Insight (Ex): The helioeides is not affected by the miss chance that applies to attacks against a concealed target.

Dimensional Rip (Su): As a standard action, a helioeides can make a melee touch attack against a creature. If the creature fail a Will save, its teleported on the Material plane, the Dark Tapestry, the Dreamlands or Leng (helioedes choice), in a place decided by the helioeides. This teleportation has no chance of arrive off target. This is a conjuration (teleport) effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Gamma Ray Burster (Su): The helioeides can direct its intense radiation at an opponent. This has a range of extreme (1600 ft. + 160 ft./HD) and inflicts 1d100 divine fire damage per 2 hit dice of the helioeides. This requires a ranged touch attack. If the helioeides has the Sea or Winter Portfolio or other Portfolios that give Divine Cold or Perfect Divine Cold, this attack, Solar Constrict and Fiery Storm inflict divine cold damage instead of divine fire.

Mind Boggling (Su): Helioeides can warp space enabling her to use all her tentacles against a single opponent each round. This full attack action is resolved as a free action.

Solar Constriction (Su): The helioeides gains the constrict ability (same damage of the tentacle). In addition to normal constrict damage, each successful grapple check deals 1d20 divine fire damage per 4 hit dice of the helioedes and permanently drains 1d4 points of Constitution. At the same time, the helioeides regains 50 lost hit points.

Special Qualities: A helioedes retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.

Beyond Morality (Ex): Helioeides are beyond the comune morality and lower dilemmas do not touch them. Helioeides gains the Apostasy Cosmic Ability and Beyond Morality Mythic Ability.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The helioeides gains DR/— equal to 8x her HD.

Dimensional Mastery (Ex): A helioeides is immune to any effect that suppresses teleportation or planar travel abilities unless it comes from a First One or equivalent in power.

Fiery Storm (Su): The helioeides is surrounded by a flaming aura with a radius of 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD; all creatures within the aura take 1d6 divine fire damage per 8 HD of the helioeides per round.

Ignore Reality (Ex): The helioeides does not suffer size penalty to attack rolls, armor class or skill checks.

Mad Mind (Ex): The helioeides use her Charisma score instead of Wisdom for Will saves and use Charisma for all Wisdom-based skill checks, rolls, prerequisite and ability (like the Unknowing Mind divine ability). Anyone attempting to access the helioeides mind (whether through telepathy or spells such as Detect Thoughts) is stunned for 1 round instead of succeeding and must make a Will saving throw or become insane like the spell insanity. If you use the sanity rule, this deal 1d10 sanity damage for every HD of the helioeides, with a Will save for half the damage. This is a mind-effecting and insanity effect. The saving throw is Charisam-based. Creature immune to mind-effecting or insanity gain +4 to the saving throw.

Madness Aura (Su): The helioeides' hyper-intense perceptions warp a large area around it (400 ft. + 40 ft./HD); all creatures within the aura suffer a insight penalty equal to the helioeides divine rank on all rolls as mad perceptions and patterns bombard their minds. Creature inside the aura must make a Will saving throw every round or are reduced to stammering masses of madness. This combine the effect of feeblemind and insanity. If you use the sanity rule, this deal 1d6 sanity damage for every 2 HD of the helioeides, with a Will save for half the damage. This is a mind-effecting and insanity effect. The saving throw is Charisma-based. Creature immune to mind-effecting or insanity gain +4 to the saving throw. Creatures that see the helioedes must make the save as if they were inside the area.

Madness Sovereign (Su): A helioeides ignore the immunity to compulsion, insanity, or mind-affecting effect of creature of lesser divine rank of itself.

Perfect Casting (Su): The helioeides cast all of her spells, spell-like abilities and effects thet replicate spell (like Alter Reality) as if they were modified by the Devastating Spell and Greater Intensified Spell [E] (removes the maximum cap) feats. This does not increase their level or casting time. An helioeides of 750 HD replace the Devastating Spell feat with the Doomsday Spell and Unreal Spell feats but keeps the Greater Intensified Spell. This still does not increase their level or casting time. ???

Reality Shift (Su): A helioeides, as a move action, can shift between the Material plane, the Dark Tapestry, the Dreamlands and Leng. A helioeides senses extends into this planes at a distance of 10.000 miles from the plane where she currently is, as long as she is in one of these four. She can attack and target with effects creatures on either of these planes normally, although such creatures are treated as having cover (constant insight does not work for this), as long as she is in one of these four. This ability does not function if the helioedes is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect (if that spell/effect overcome her immunity to non epic effect).

Starflight (Su): A helioeides flies through outer space at incredible speeds. Although the exact travel time will vary from one trip to the next, a trip within a solar system normally takes 2d4 rounds, and a trip beyond normally takes 1d6 hours (or more, at the GM’s discretion).

Telepathy (Su): A helioeides has telepathy with range equal to her cosmic consciousness.

Tentacle Mass: The helioeides gain one primary tentacle attack with the grab special quality for each 5 HD the creature has. A helioeides’s natural weapons gains +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 HD and are treated as chaotic and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Unnamable Doom (Ex): The helioeides is the quintessence of wrongness, her very name becoming a danger for mortals to utter. The helioedes is aware of any creature on the dimension where the helioeides is currently located that speaks its name, becoming able to see and hear the creature and its surroundings through a magical sensor for 1 minute similar to the greater scrying spell (but with no saving throw allowed). Creatures which speak the name also gain a penalty equal to the helioeides on saves against the helioedes abilities for 24 hours.

Unspeakable Form (Ex): The natural form of the helioeides is a grotesque, tentacled mass (or another appropriately gruesome form). As a free action the heliodes can make its tentacles obtained from the template disappear or reappear (she can decide how many tentacle disappear or reappear).

The helioeides can as a swift action re-shape in a form much better for the mortal mind. This work like the Change Shape (shapechange) universal monster ability but even when take a “normal” form the helioeides can chose to maintains some original characteristics. When this ability is active the fiery storm and madness aura are suppressed. True Seeing does not automatically pass this ability but if for any reason a creature passes it, it must immediately make the Will save for madness aura.

Unspeakable Grip (Ex): The helioeides' can grab creature normally immune to grab, like creature under a freedom of movement spell.

Abilities: +96 Str, +48 Dex, +96 Con, +36 Int, +36 Wis and +48 Cha
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Ok now they put Helioedes down but as Helioeides (what you get with Sunstruck) and let's try to fix it for everyone @Beefermatic


AL: Any chaotic.

Size and Type:
The creature’s type changes to aberration (chaotic, mythos). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is increased by +20 (the creature, if in the canonical size range, change to the Mega-corrispondent).

Defensive Abilities: Immunity to ability damage, ability drain, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification and polymorph. Immunity to enchantment, illusion and transmutation magic. Not subject to death from massive damage. All-round vision, Amorphous and Regeneration, equal to HD/Class level x5 (divine with a domain/portfolio opposed to the helioedes).

Armor Class: Helioedes gain a natural armor bonus equal to their Hit Dice, or +400, whichever is better, a deflection bonus to armor class equal to her Charisma modifier and an insight bonus equal to her Wisdom modifier.

BaB: A helioedes has BaB equal to her HD, despite any class BaB or racial BaB.

Caster Level: A helioedes caster level, for all spell she cast (Alter Reality, spellcasting class, integrated class feature, spell-like ability, etc.), is always HD + divine bonus.

Hit Dice: A helioedes has d100s for hit dice, and always has maximum hit points. A heliodes has at least 320 racial HD and have octuple (x8) maximum hit points per die.

Speed: A helioedes’s speed becomes Superluminal (as the transcendental ability).

Special Attacks
A helioedes creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:

Alter Reality (Su): Helioedes are part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action they can duplicate any spell of a level equal to 9 + number of automatic metamagic capacity feats (CL=HD+Divine Bonus). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to their spellcraft check +20. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Constant Insight (Ex): The helioedes is not affected by the miss chance that applies to attacks against a concealed target and her attacks are resolved as a touch attack.

Dimensional Rip (Su): As a standard action, a helioedes can make a melee touch attack against a creature. If the creature fail a Will save, its teleported on the Material plane, the Dark Tapestry, the Dreamlands or Leng (helioedes choice), in a place decided by the helioedes. This teleportation has no chance of arrive off target. This is a conjuration (teleport) effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Divine Aura (Su): Long range (400 ft. +40 ft. per Hit Dice/Level). If the helioedes has at least 700 HD, this increase to extreme (1600 ft. +160 ft. per Hit Dice/Level).

Gamma Ray Burster (Su): The helioedes can direct its intense radiation at an opponent. This has a range of extreme (1600 ft. + 160 ft./HD) and inflicts 1d100 divine fire damage per 2 hit dice of the helioedes. This requires a ranged touch attack. If the helioedes has the Sea or Winter Portfolio or other Portfolios that give Divine Cold or Perfect Divine Cold, this attack, Solar Constrict and Fiery Storm inflict divine cold damage instead of divine fire.

Mind Boggling (Su): Helioedes can warp space enabling her to use all her tentacles against a single opponent each round. This full attack action is resolved as a free action.

Solar Constriction (Su): The helioedes gains the constrict ability (same damage of the tentacle). In addition to normal constrict damage, each successful grapple check deals 1d20 divine fire damage per 4 hit dice of the helioedes and permanently drains 1d4 points of Constitution. At the same time, the helioedes regains 50 lost hit points.

Special Qualities: A helioedes retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.

Beyond Morality (Ex): Helioedes are beyond the comune morality and lower dilemmas do not touch them. Helioedes gains the Apostasy Cosmic Ability and Beyond Morality Mythic Ability.

Cosmic Consciousness (Ex): The senses of a helioedes extend to the borders the current dimension she inhabit.

Cosmic Firmament (Ex): A helioedes is an Outer God, as such she is treated as if always within her godly realms, regardless of where she manifest.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The helioedes gains DR/— equal to 8x her HD.

Dimensional Mastery (Ex): A helioedes is immune to any effect that suppresses teleportation or planar travel abilities unless it comes from an Eternal or equivalent in power.

Eternal Return (Ex): If the helioedes is slain, her spirit lies dead yet dreaming at the center of the Dark Tapestry, in the Court of Azathoth, until a creature speaks her name again. The helioedes then stir from her dream. When the helioedes reforms, she is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor and health, with all all non-item consumable resources (such as rage rounds, spell slots or power points) totally refreshed. Only Azathoth can stop this. This ability replace the Transmortality Trascendental Ability for the Helioedes.

Divine Ability (Var): Helioedes gain a number of divine ability equal to 1/4 their HD and can select Divine, Cosmic and Trascendental ability. A helioedes does not need to meet ability, alignment, BAB, or divine rank prerequisites for the ability but other prerequisites must be met.

Divine Bonus (Ex): Helioedes add a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Fiery Storm (Su): The helioedes is surrounded by a flaming aura with a radius of 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD; all creatures within the aura take 1d6 divine fire damage per 8 HD of the helioedes per round.

Godly Realm: The helioedes godly realm is the entire Dark Tapestry (or Far Realms for standard D&D setting).

Grant Spells: Helioedes can grant spells of any level (the recipient must still be of sufficient power to cast the spell of course).

Ignore Reality (Ex): The helioedes does not suffer size penalty to attack rolls, armor class or skill checks.

Immortality (Ex): Helioedes does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Immunities (Ex): Helioedes is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells.

Integrated Class Features: Helioedes with racial Hit Dice gain class features of any class equal to half their Hit Dice. Helioedes with both Hit Dice and Class Levels do not count their Class Levels for the purposes of determining these integrated class features, only their Hit Dice. Caster Level for integrated spellcaster classes is always equal to the helioedes’s total Hit Die +48, it has nothing to do with the integrated levels.

Interdimensional (Ex): All attacks and effects against helioedes have a 75% miss chance. A helioedes can move through solid objects (even made of force) as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if the helioedes is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect. ???

Mad Mind (Ex): The helioedes use her Charisma score instead of Wisdom for Will saves and use Charisma for all Wisdom-based skill checks, rolls, prerequisite and ability (like the Unknowing Mind divine ability). Anyone attempting to access the helioedes mind (whether through telepathy or spells such as Detect Thoughts) is stunned for 1 round instead of succeeding and must make a Will saving throw or become insane like the spell insanity. If you use the sanity rule, this deal 1d10 sanity damage for every HD of the helioedes, with a Will save for half the damage. This is a mind-effecting and insanity effect. The saving throw is Charisam-based. Creature immune to mind-effecting or insanity gain +4 to the saving throw.

Madness Aura (Su): The helioedes' hyper-intense perceptions warp a large area around it (400 ft. + 40 ft./HD); all creatures within the aura suffer a -48 insight penalty on all rolls as mad perceptions and patterns bombard their minds. Creature inside the aura must make a Will saving throw every round or are reduced to stammering masses of madness. This combine the effect of feeblemind and insanity. If you use the sanity rule, this deal 1d6 sanity damage for every 2 HD of the helioedes, with a Will save for half the damage. This is a mind-effecting and insanity effect. The saving throw is Charisam-based. Creature immune to mind-effecting or insanity gain +4 to the saving throw. Creatures that see the helioedes must make the save as if they were inside the area.

Madness Sovereign (Su): A helioedes ignore the immunity to compulsion, insanity, or mind-affecting effect.

Maven (Ex): The helioedes have maximum skill ranks for each skill she know.

Might (Ex): A helioedes deals their HD as d100's for damage dice of all natural weapon, effects, and unarmed attacks and their damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than her HD. (An helioedes of 750 HD increase the d100's to d1000's.)?????

Mythic (Ex): A helioedes has Mythic Power (100/day, Surge +112d6) and counts as a 100th-rank Mythic creature. A helioedes can use any of its spell, spell-like abilities and Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell, spell-like abilities and effects.

Nova: When a helioedes is killed, it explodes dramatically, as its massive energies are no longer restrained by its will. A Table 1: Helioedes Nova details the amount of damage. Blast damage should be treated as divine bludgeoning damage.
The save DC is Constitution-based. The hp damage and radiation don’t have a saving throw. An Earth-sized planet would have roughly 122,880 hp and the medium damage, if the explosion is within 800 miles of the planet surface, its fully capable of destroy it. Even if it did not destroy it, there is a high possibility that a large part of the surface is burned to dust, the atmosphere totally torn apart or at least reduced to almost nothing and the few surviving creatures mutated by radiation.

Table 1: Helioedes Nova
RadiusTotally DisintegrationFireball
(divine fire damage)
400 milesDC X6.000d1006.000d100300
800 miles-6.000d1006.000d100200
3.000 miles-3.000d1003.000d100150
5.500 miles-2.000d62.000d675
8.000 miles-200d6200d630
13.000 miles-20d620d615
*Ability damage to Str, Dex and Con.

Omnicompetent (Ex): The helioedes know all skills.

Perfect Casting (Su): The helioedes cast all of her spells, spell-like abilities and effects thet replicate spell (like Alter Reality) as if they were modified by the Devastating Spell and Greater Intensified Spell [E] (removes the maximum cap) feats. This does not increase their level or casting time. An helioedes of 750 HD replace the Devastating Spell feat with the Doomsday Spell and Unreal Spell feats but keeps the Greater Intensified Spell. This still does not increase their level or casting time. ???

Portfolios (Var.): Helioedes gains the Double Chaos Portfolio and at least 1 other Double Portfolios (see Chapter 3 of the Immortal’s Handbook for more details on Portfolios) and as a First One but without the weakness registered under the Disciple and Elder One entry in the portfolio table (the helioedes ignore the portfolios prerequisite, the test of faith or the drawback of the demeanor). More powerful is the helioedes, more Double Portfolio has (Shub-Niggurath, 500 HD, has the Chaos, Fertility, Life and Nature Double Portfolio when Yog-Sothoth, 998 HD, has the Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, Space and Time Double Portfolio). An exception of this is the Law Portfolio, which cannot be obtained in any way by an helioedes. ?????

Reality Shift (Su): A helioedes, as a move action, can shift between the Material plane, the Dark Tapestry, the Dreamlands and Leng. A helioedes senses extends into this planes at a distance of 10.000 miles from the plane where she currently is, as long as she is in one of these four. She can attack and target with effects creatures on either of these planes normally, although such creatures are treated as having cover (constant insight does not work for this), as long as she is in one of these four. This ability does not function if the helioedes is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect (if that spell/effect overcome her immunity to non epic effect).

Starflight (Su): A helioedes flies through outer space at incredible speeds. Although the exact travel time will vary from one trip to the next, a trip within a solar system normally takes 2d4 rounds, and a trip beyond normally takes 1d6 hours (or more, at the GM’s discretion).

Telepathy (Su): A helioedes has telepathy with range equal to her cosmic consciousness.

Transcendental Ability (Var.): A helioedes gains a bonus Trascendental Ability from the following list for every 100 HD she has: Dead Zone, Digestio, Evil Eye (as per the First One [Dimensional] Mastery, not the Trascendental Ability), Polymath, Transcorporeal (as per the First One [Dimensional] Mastery), Transfinite (as per the First One [Dimensional] Mastery), Transtemporeal, Transversal, Unreal (as per the First One [Dimensional] Mastery). . The helioedes does not need to meet ability, alignment, BAB, or divine rank prerequisites for these abilities but other prerequisites must be met. ????

Transcendental Toughness (Ex): If the helioedes has at least 500 HD, her Hit Die becomes d1000’s. ???

Spell Resitance: Helioedes gain spell resistance equal to their total Hit Dice/Levels +58 (10 + Divine Bonus Special Quality). Any spell which fails to penetrate the helioedes’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.

Tentacle Mass: The helioedes gain one primary tentacle attack with the grab special quality for each 5 HD the creature has. The helioedes can grab creature of any size instead of up of her size. A helioedes’s natural weapons gains +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 HD and are treated as chaotic and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Unnamable Doom (Ex): The helioedes is the quintessence of wrongness, her very name becoming a danger for mortals to utter. The helioedes is aware of any creature on the universe where the helioedes is currently located that speaks its name, becoming able to see and hear the creature and its surroundings through a magical sensor for 1 minute similar to the greater scrying spell (but with no saving throw allowed). Creatures which speak the name also gain a -48 penalty on saves against the helioedes abilities for 24 hours.

Unspeakable Form (Ex): The natural form of the helioedes is a grotesque, tentacled mass (or another appropriately gruesome form). As a free action the heliodes can make its tentacles obtained from the template disappear or reappear (she can decide how many tentacle disappear or reappear).

The heliodes can as a swift action re-shape in a form much better for the mortal mind. This work like the Change Shape (shapechange) universal monster ability but even when take a “normal” form the helioedes can chose to maintains some original characteristics. When this ability is active the fiery storm and madness aura are suppressed. True Seeing does not automatically pass this ability but if for any reason a creature passes it, it must immediately make the Will save for madness aura.

Unspeakable Grip (Ex): The helioedes' can grab creature normally immune to grab, like creature under a freedom of movement spell.

Abilities: +96 to all ability score
I think this Helioedes, if used as a obtainable ability, as by the Sunstruck Transcendental Ability, would need to be boosted to an Omnific Ability for this as is to be the Helioedes Template.

If these abilites Overlap and don't stack with what a Transcendent being already gets its less overpowered but as a basic template to just take via the Sunstruck ability, it's way too strong. I'll explain.

For 1, if it gets an upgraded version of Transmortality for free for taking a different Transcendental Ability, obviously that's grossly unbalanced for gameplay. Especially since you need a chain of abilities prior to taking Transmortality.

Since you asked earlier, I'll give you my assessment of what I think should be done to make it as a template usable and somewhat balanced. In terms of power to feat/ Ability allocation.

1) it's immune to everything, it can't just be immune to every form of attack. Immunity to ability drain, ability damage, polymorphing, disease, poison, Mind affecting and death effects I think is more than enough and makes sense for a Lovecraftian Old one type template. Wholesale immunity to everything, every status effect, that's far too strong.

2) +400 Natural AC makes no sense. That's 2 1/2 times Orichalcum Body's bonus and Orichalcum Body's only thing is it's strength and defense, I make Neutronium Body a Transcendental Ability and this is reaching to that level of power but with none of the drawbacks and many more abilities walking it back to say +75 is more than enough, but tell me your thoughts. If you think it should be more lmk.

3) Superluminal Speed, again why would it get another Transcendental Ability for free bundled in with the cost of a Transcendental Ability? This is too strong, granting the Supersonic Cosmic Ability would still grant a x10 stacking bonus to their preexisting speed. With starflight already, why do they need this and how is it balanced?

4) Eternal Return, this is the same as the free transcendental abilities as stated above, it gets an upgraded version of Transmortality for free, it's unbalanced and unusable. Even getting the equivalent of 6 Cosmic Abilities would be considered strong, look at the Atomic Effect Cosmic Ability compared to other cosmic abilities in that similar vein for reference. Though I like the concept of this, for a template stacked onto a Transcendent being, their preexisting powers make this very strong and borderline impossible to negate for even timelord level threats.

5) Interdimensional, see above, free Transcendent Abilities are overpowered for a Trascendental level template, compare it to the Amidah, Prime, or Orichalcum Body for reference. In order for it to be a usable ability, it needs to be in line with other abilities of it's tier otherwise it's an "I win" button.

6) Death Throes, I think this is unnecessary as it will already have death Throes from any Portfolio is has, moreover this is a Neutronium Golem ability, just giving this to it for free seems too strong and cheapens the Neutronium Golem's specialness. Otherwise just make it less powerful, an Omnific or high Transcendental threats Starquake ability should be a Transcendental Ability in and of itself.

7) Portfolios, the portfolios give them just flatly waaaay too much power, double portfolios stack all the way up to First One Levels of power and as such it would gain 2 to 4 whole portfolios of abilities, this by itself especially with no drawbacks is entirely too strong. As no being without Transcendence that is to say a Demiurge or above can generally take Transcendental Abilities, just getting a bunch of free powers gives them entirely too much as it stacks with the already huge amount of abilities they gain from their basic divine progression

8) Transcendental Abilities, does it really need additional Transcendental Abilities for free? For the cost of a single Transcendental Ability? For the Monster variant you presented above I get it, if it's a replacement for divinity it makes sense, but for a God who already has a massive amount of divine abilities, literally hundreds potentially at this point. Why wouldn't everyone just take this and recoup their losses and gain a bunch of new powers immediately?

9) ability scores: I think 96 to all scores is too much, if it's stacking with a God's preexisting powers, I think 96 to some makes sense but to all scores makes it far outclass the Amidah which it's supposed to be peers with. My personal opinion, roughly speaking, 96 Str, 48 Dex, 96 Con, 36 Int, 36 Wis and 48 Cha is more than enough with all it's other existing powers.

These are what need to be walked back down to Cosmic levels to be considered a viable Transcendental level template. Ultimately, it's your creation, but that's my feedback.

As I said, I love the concept and will use it in my campaigns, but as is, I'll mainly use the Helioedes as the monster variant or replacement for divinity or however you want to define it above, but not as a template for the Sunstruck Ability. For that I'll definitely make it more in line with the above stated criteria to make it not just entirely game breakingly overpowered, I'll trade out the Transcendental Abilities with Cosmic versions and nix the free portfolios and free Transcendental Abilities. Primarily. But may walk back other aspects as well, I love the visual of it though, quite literally a Shub Niggurath ill begotten spawn of the stars type monster, terrifying.

Otherwise, this is by a large large margin the most powerful template in the game that I've seen that I'd consider using in a campaign, I think it is pretty impressive, and very creative. I'm going to use it for the main bbeg in my current campaign. Vlitra.

If you want, I'll post Vitra once it's complete. I think it'll be pretty OP. 😈
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Since you asked earlier, I'll give you my assessment of what I think should be done to make it as a template usable and somewhat balanced. In terms of power to feat/ Ability allocation.
@Beefermatic let me know for the new version for the Sunstruck ability.
There are some points that still baffle me, some abilities need to be nerfet, to overpowered:
1) Perfect Casting
2) Tentacle Mass


Otherwise, this is by a large large margin the most powerful template in the game that I've seen that I'd consider using in a campaign, I think it is pretty impressive, and very creative. I'm going to use it for the main bbeg in my current campaign. Vlitra.
For Vitra you will use the version toned down (no Double Portfolios, no free Transcendental Abilities) or the full version?

Voidrunner's Codex

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