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Cultural influences in roleplaying

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Interesting. My parents introduced my brother and I to both sci-fi and fantasy. Growing up in the 80s, it seemed like both were everywhere.

I wasn't actually much of a fantasy fan before I started playing D&D. An SF fan, yes, but if West Coast D&D fandom didn't have a fair bit of SF seeping into it, I'm not 100% sure it'd have caught me (though I was always interested in mythology and monsters, so it had that going for it).

Ah Excalibur. That soundtrack, the gleaming armor, the bombast! It wasn't until I watched it in middle school with my D&D group that I realized that the version I'd grown up watching was a TV edit. That was an eye-opener.

Obligatory mention of Boorman's Excalibur. My high school D&D group got together to watch it. Not that it actually inspired our game, which was thoroughly dungeon-crawly until I bought a few of the published modules, which landed like a wet towel with the group.

I love the aesthetic of The Seven Samurai, and also Yojimbo. But I don't think I've ever successfully incorporated it into RPGing.
We found this a general frustration of the era. Several of us had Bushido, by FGU, but despite its wonderfully written setting and background and evocative skill list, playing it didn't produce Kurosawa. We had Cyberpunk, but it's play didn't produce Gibson.

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