Victoria Rules
Side question: what has your in-play experience been like with spell points?
- I drop the Vancian Magic from D&D whenever I can usually opting for a Spell Points system
I used spell points in D&D for well over 20 years and while they work fine at low levels they get completely out of hand at higher levels, particularly in a system where characters don't have to pre-memorize spells each morning (a mechanic I've come to rather loathe over time).
And so, for my current campaign I went back to slots; but using similar mechanics to the 3e Sorcerer (i.e. if you know the spell and have a slot left of its level, then cast away; but no up- or down-casting: the slot used must match the level of spell being cast). It's better, but I still need to tweak downwards the number of slots they can amass at higher levels.