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Besides RPGs and Video Games, What Do You Do For Fun?


Staff member
The few times I tried archery, I really liked it. I was never in a place where I could readily get into it seriously. Then, adulthood.

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I used to read alot as well. I just went to Lens Crafters last week and got a new eye exam and ordered new glasses. I couldnt understand why that for the last year I kept saying I cant see to read...? Turns out in their infinite wisdom even though they did an eye exam in 2022 when I bought new glasses last year, Lens Crafters used a Rx from 2017. So I've been walking around with a Rx that is outdated by 6 years. SMH.
My optometrist told me that my latest pair of glasses was going to be the last time I didn't need bifocals. And honestly, I can tell. There are some books with smaller fonts that just aren't comfortable to read.

I drink Pabst, its good and its cheap. Little known fact, there was no Blue Ribbon, they made that up for the late 1800s or early 1900s world fair to make their brand look better.

Don't tell Frank Booth that!


The few times I tried archery, I really liked it. I was never in a place where I could readily get into it seriously. Then, adulthood.
I never got into it seriously either, but have pretty much always had some sort of bow around since high school. The "serious" sorts always seemed to be stuck on compound bows and shunned people who like a simple stick with a string. The only place that I could shoot regularly, the shop where I bought my flatbow, closed down long ago. Being a leftie shooter tends to slightly complicate things like bows and gear.


My optometrist told me that my latest pair of glasses was going to be the last time I didn't need bifocals. And honestly, I can tell. There are some books with smaller fonts that just aren't comfortable to read.
I turned 40 and couldn't see, I was a mechanical design/draftsman and I woke up one day and couldn't see. Ive never got a good pair of glasses. Lets hope this next pair is the one.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
My backs been on the fritz for about two months. I just played my guitar for the first time in about 2 months. Played for like 3 hours, No FX, just straight into the tube amp. First I crushed the Butterscotch thru neck humbucker Tele, then the Weed-O-Caster, then the Epi LP Prophecy, lastly, ironically was my favorite, my Wine Red Epi LP, those pick-ups are great

I read comics, Spider-Man mostly, anything more costs too much with crossovers.

Other than that, watch the Sabres and Bills, even when they blow, drink beer, partake in the finer things in nature, and sleep. Eating is optional.
I play too, but its been a long time since I plugged in. Mostly just jam on the Martin Roadshow. My amp is on the fritz and im a little afraid to find out the cost to get it fixed. I got a piano during covid that im noodling with. I also collect records now and then (thats my boy Jax).


I read: science fiction, historical fiction, mysteries, thrillers, horror, and comic books, mostly. And EN World, obviously.

I write: my own 3.5 D&D adventures for the campaigns I DM, and Story Hours for the ones I DM and the other ones in which I'm a player.

I draw: nowadays, mostly caricatures as farewell gifts for departing military and civilian personnel at the unit where I work as a DoD civilian. (I used to draw comics for my own amusement when I was younger.)

I design: flat and stand-up tokens for my D&D games, the occasional 3D mini built out of craft paper, and board games (although I don't do a whole lot of the latter any more, since my nephew's grown out of board games and is more into video/console games).

I watch: nowhere near as much TV as I used to; nowadays it's mostly DVDs, passing down good shows/movies to my nephew (we're currently in Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, watching two episodes each Sunday while eating pizza for dinner).



My amp is on the fritz
If its a tube amp it may be as simple as changing the tubes. My current amp is a Bugera V22. It has 12AX7 preamp tubes and EL84 power tubes. I thought my amp was broken as it was cutting out here and there. I emailed their customer service and they said to change the tubes. I never owned a tube amp before this one and was always under the impression that tubes either worked or they just burned out, which isn't always the case. If you do change them out there's 2 schools of thought, one says you should wear latex gloves while changing them because the oils in your hands can damage the tubes, others say this isn't true, but I always have. If its a solid-state amp I'd remove back if you can and just check that there aren't any loose connections. If that isn't the case then find a local music store that isn't Guitar Center. Tube Depot is the cheapest place I found tubes, and Dan Erlewine has a series of books that are step by step guides to fixing and maintaining guitars and amps. I'll look tomorrow and see which book has what, I own 2 of them, may be something in there that can help you figure out the problem. I think he works at Stewart MacDonald, they're a luthier shop and sell all kinds of tools and parts.

Tube Depot
Dan Erlewine
Stew Mac


Cool to see so many other guitarists on here!!!

I wanted "all the gain" so grabbed a Marshall half-stack and a Peavy 6505+. Waaaaaaaaaaay overkill, but does sound pretty terrific, even at "house" levels.

I've since picked up a Fender Hot Rod IV and committed to using less gain (overdrives only) and really practice getting better rather than just spinning my wheels playing the same punk/metal I'm already good at.

My favorite pedals ATM:
Dookie pedal (seriously my favorite Marshall tone), MXR Shin-Juku Drive (Dumble tone), and the Tumnis Deluxe (Klon clone).

I own an embarrassing amount of pedals...


I've since picked up a Fender Hot Rod IV and committed to using less gain (overdrives only) and really practice getting better rather than just spinning my wheels playing the same punk/metal I'm already good at.
Theres an old trick to get an overdrive sound without a pedal. With the volume on your guitar to about 5, then turn up your lead channel to about 7 to the point to where the signal starts to break up, then if you crank your guitar volume all the way up and you'll get an overdrive sound, but the quality depends on your gear.
I own an embarrassing amount of pedals...
Same here. I probably have enough random pedals laying around to put together another pedal board. Some pedals there days can be pretty complicated, the Oceans 12 and Digitech Trio+ come to mind. I had various effects processors and a few Fender Mustang amps with built in effects, but they were a PITA to learn how to use to the point that I was spending more time learning how to use them than actually playing guitar, so I sold them. Now I just use guitar, amps and pedals. I was buying gear almost every other week the last few years but I've cut down and haven't gotten anything since the first of the year. There're a few things I have my eye on but going to wait until I have a little more extra money.

Voidrunner's Codex

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