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D&D General #Dungeon23

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The final map for level 2:


These are the rooms not already described:

Room XV: Sauna

There is a lever on the southern wall, on the western side, in the up position. Any metal object coming into this room is subject to a heat metal spell. There is a low treasure of loose coins on the floor near the lever. It will take two actions to gather the coins, which are subject to the heat metal spell.

If the lever is pulled down and all the other levers in rooms XV-XVIII are down, everyone in the room is teleported to the southwest corner of room IXX.

Room XVI: They're Just Lizards

Two salamanders. Medium treasure and a lesser MacGuffin. There is a lever on the western wall, in the up position.

If the lever is pulled down and all the other levers in rooms XV-XVIII are down, everyone in the room is teleported to the southwest corner of room IXX.

Room XVII: Lever This, Baby

This room is empty except for a lever in the north wall, in the up position.

If the lever is pulled down and all the other levers in rooms XV-XVIII are down, everyone in the room is teleported to the southwest corner of room IXX.

Room XVIII: Oven

Opening the door to this room releases a blast of heat. The entire room is on fire, and the room is a wire mesh that doesn't look to sturdy. The flames are coming from below the wire mesh. Through the flames a lever on the eastern wall can just be made out. It is in the up position.

The flames and the wire mesh are an illusion. This is just an empty stone room with a lever.

If the lever is pulled down and all the other levers in rooms XV-XVIII are down, everyone in the room is teleported to the southwest corner of room IXX.

Room IXX: Hi There

Young red dragon, very high treasure.

There is a lever in the down position in the southwest corner, against the south wall. Pulling it up will teleport everyone in the room into the room where the last lever was pulled down.

There is a chimney in the northwest corner of the room. It leads to the surface.


This is the start of level 3, with is aligned with the Sphere of Earth. Environmental effects: You may not fly, and all walking speeds are halved.

The stream winding through this level is a moving rather quickly. It takes a DC 15 Athletics check to swim in without being swept away. Each time it goes out of a room or hallway, or goes near a sturdy object like a bridge, the character can make a DC 15 Dexterity save to stop their motion, and then a DC 15 Athletics check to drag themselves out of the water. If they fail that Athletics check by 10 or more, they are swept away again.


Room I: Ankle Biters

Two Xorn are hiding under the earth here. They will wait until everyone is in the passageway before rising up and attacking the straggler. No treasure. There is a shaft here, 10 feet up in the ceiling. It goes 60 feet up to Level 1 Room XVIII. The hatch at the top can be opened from below.

Room II: Bridge to Upstairs

This room has a quick moving stream running through it, with a bridge over it. There is also as shaft here leading up to the northern Hallway XIV or level three.

Room III: Pull My Finger

In the southwest corner of this room is a sword sticking into the wall. If the sword is pulled on, the ceiling collapses (DC 20 Dexterity save for the puller, DC 15 for anyone next to them, 4d8 damage on failed save, half damage on success). It is DC 18 Perception to notice that the wall and the ceiling are unstable (Dwarves with stonecunning get advantage on this check).

If they set off the trap, they now have the sword, which is a greater MacGuffin.

Room IV: Old Bones

This room is empty except for some old bones in the northeast corner. It's not clear what type of bones they are, but they are very old, perhaps from a creature's lair long ago. A DC 20 Investigation check reveals that one of the bones has carvings on it. This bone is hollow with some holes in it, and works as pipes of the sewers.

Room V: Cairnyard

This room is full of stone cairns (24 or them to be exact). Each one contains the remains of an adventurer who died in the dungeon. It takes about a minute of work to move enough stones to get at the remains for any given cairn.


Finished level 3 today. I did one room of level 4, but I'm waiting to post that til next week.


Room VI: Haste Sand

The floor in the hallways leading up to this room is sandy, and so is the floor in this room. Any space that is not within 5 feet of a wall is quicksand (DMG p.110). However this is quicker than usual sand, and character's sink 1d6+1 feet on their first turn, and 1d6 feet each turn after that.

Room VII: Come and Get It

There is a shaft here, 20 feet up in the ceiling. It goes 50 feet up to Level 1 Room XVIII. Underneath it is a statue holding a stone chest above it's head. If someone tries to climb and get to the chest, it gets a surprise slam attack with advantage and double damage. If they attack it, it can throw the chest as an attack. Treat it as a slam attack but with a range of 20/60. You must use detect magic or another divination spell to tell it is a golem, no skill check can figure it out.

There is a high treasure in the chest, but it is DC 20 to pick the lock and DC 20 Athletics to force the chest open after it is unlocked (it is stuck closed). The chest is small enough that there is no way another person can help with the Athletics check.

Room VIII: Stone Cold Empty

This cave is intentionally left empty.

Room IX: Alice was Here

Creatures entering this cave are subject to a reduce spell for one hour. If they are searching for tracks and succeed on their roll, they will see very small basilisk prints right before they enter the room.

Room X: Mites or Tights

This cave is damp, and has multiple stalagmites and stalactites. These formations are very fragile and sensitive to sound. Anyone talking or failing a DC 12 Stealth check in this room has a stalactite fall on them (+5 attack, 1d6 piercing damage). There are three dead adventurers in this room. A search of the bodies results in a low treasure.

Room XI: Glare Gang

Three basilisks are in here. No treasure.

Room XII: Weakness

The banks of the river here are fake, and are designed to dump people in the river. Any jumps over the river that don't clear by 5 feet on both sides dump people into the river (DC 15 Dexterity save to grab the edge and pull yourself up). The fake edges are DC 15 Perception to find. The area cutoff by the river has a cairn. Inside the cairn is a dwarven skeleton with a medium treasure.

Room XIII: Won't You Come In?

There is an enchantment on this room that casts a suggestion to take a swim on anyone entering the room (DC 15 Wisdom save). There is also as shaft here leading up to the eastern Hallway XIV on level three.

When the river flows out of here, it starts to go down a slope and eventually a water fall dropping 10 feet to Level 4, Room I.

Room XIV: Whoa There

There are skeltons in the middle of the room, and treasure can be seen laying amongst them. Every five feet you go into the room costs an extra five feet of movement. You are already at 10 for 5 because of the level's environmental effects. So going 5 feet into the room takes 15 feet of movement, the next 5 feet takes 20 feet of movement, and so on. If you ever have to move your full speed to go 5 feet, you get stuck and can't back out.

The treasure in the room is a medium treasure.

Room XV: Sandstorm

This room has a sandy floor. Moving into the room causes a sand storm, making the room heavily obscured. When this happens the grimlocks from XVI will come in and try to attack the characters.

Room XVI: Grimlocks

10 Grimlocks with a small treasure.

Room XVII: Trash Heap

The grimlocks use this as a larder/trash heap/latrine. It's pretty rank.

Room XVIII: Cave Serpent

This room has a small underground lake. The flow off water in this room is slower, and characters can swim normally. On the west side is a rocky, muddy area above the water. In the lake is a cave serpent. Treat it as a behir, with no climb speed, but a 50 foot swim speed and amphibious. Change the lightning breath to a water jet with the same statistics but doing bludgeoning damage.

At the X is where the cave serpent keeps it's very high treasure. At the O is a hatch in the bottom of the lake. Opening it sucks in a bunch of water and forces it closed again. It is a DC 15 reflex save not to get sucked down with the water, dropping you 30 feet to Level 4, Room II. If you make the reflex save it is a DC 25 Athletics check to keep the hatch open (flooding the room below).

So I took my initial few weeks of this project (after which I gave up and moved on), and decided to reimagine it a bit. This (incomplete) module is set in a near-future London. Transport for London had maps of the stations; I didn't draw them myself. Really I used this as an excuse to start to learn Affinity Publisher


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Here's level four:


Environmental effect: Everyone becomes more watery, gaining resistance to piercing damage, the ability to move through occupied squares with no penalty (even with enemies), and no penalties for squeezing.

The general idea of this level is a bunch of circular pools of different depths. The hallways are damp and have puddles in them, but are not underwater. Each room specifies the depth of the water, but the water level is always the same as the level of the floors in the hallways.

Room I: What a Shock

If characters come into this room from the waterfall from Level 3, Room XIII, they take no damage because the room is flooded to a depth of 10 feet. Above the level of the water are four doors. If the door knobs on these doors are touched, the character doing so takes 1d6 electrical damage, as does anyone touching them, as does anyone in the water if the toucher or anyone touching him is in the water.

The walls are smooth and are DC 20 to climb with a climbing kit, and impossible to climb without one.

Room II: Splish Splat

There is a shaft here leading up to the hatch in level 3 room XVIII. If someone falls from above without holding the hatch open, they take 3d6 falling damage. If the hatch is held open, the room floods. When the inflow stops, drains in the bottom of the room start to pump the water out. Everyone must make a DC 15 Strength save or be sucked against one of the drains, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each of the three rounds the pumps are working. If you fail the save you may retake it after each round of damage.

Room III: Hey, Rusty

This room is filled with water to a height of about five feet. Any non-magical metal that comes in contact with it rusts, and gives a -2 penalty to attacks and skill checks. The door to the south has stairs leading out of the water to it. The other doors are at the level of the floor.

Room IV: Just a Bath

This room is filled with water to height of about three feet. The western door has stairs leading out of the water to it.

Room V: A Little More Than a Bath

This room is filled with water to a depth of about four feet. The northern door has stairs leading out of the water to it.

The secret door is below the water level and is DC 20 to find, DC 25 for creatures not adapted to seeing underwater. It has a DC 20 lock to open, or it can be opened by the thin blue key from level 2, room XVI.

Room VI: Myrmur

The water in this room is three feet deep. This can be considered difficult terrain for walking, if you are tall enough to walk in the room.

At the bottom of the water where the X's are there are two sets of plate mail, each with a trident next to it. If either of them is touched, the two water elemental myrmidons wearing them rise out of the water and attack with surprise.

There is a secret hatch in the floor on the northeastern side of the room. It is DC 15 to perceive, DC 20 for creatures who are not adapted to seeing underwater. It is locked, DC 18 to pick. It contains the myrmidons' high treasure.

Room VII: In the Pool

This room is empty, except for water to a depth of one foot. The water has a decidedly yellowish tint to it.

Room VIII: Wave Pool

This room is full of water to a depth of 4 feet, and the water is full of waves. It costs 15' of movement to move 5', and at the end of every move action you must make a DC 10 strength save or be moved in 5' in a random direction. If this would move you through a wall, you take 1d3 bludgeoning damage. Creatures with a swim speed have advantage on the saving throw.

Room IX: Inverse

This room is a pool 6 feet below the level of the doors. The water in the room is on the ceiling however, about 6 feet above the doors. If the word "water" is said by someone in this room, the water on the ceiling drops to the floor, doing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to everyone in the room. One minute after the trap is triggered, the water (and any creatures in it) fly back up to the ceiling. Then any creatures in the water fall back to the floor, taking another 1d6 damage.

Room X: Just a Chest, Honest

This room is full of water 3 feet deep, enough for difficult terrain. There is a chest in the middle of the room (under the water) with a high treasure and a lesser macguffin. There are also four water weirds in the room.

Room XI: Trap Door

This room is full of water to a depth of 3 feet. There is a 20 foot deep pit trap in the center of this room. It's DC 15 to see, 20 if your race is not adapted to seeing underwater. It is a DC 15 reflex save to avoid falling in, but due to it being full of water, you just float gently to the bottom. However, when you try to swim back up, you get hit with four +5 spear attacks from the walls. Each one does 1d8+2 damage if it hits.

Room XII: Big Trouble

This room is full of water to a depth of 40 feet. There is a stone house in the bottom of it. When the characters come in, a storm giant comes out and says he will give him a prize if they can stump him with a history question. If they do, they win a small treasure. If they don't, he tries to kill them. If they do kill him, he has a very large treasure.

Room XIII: Foreboding

This is the gym for the stone giant in room XII. The room is full of water to a depth of 30 feet. Against the east wall is a huge statue, scored with the marks of a giant greatsword and several lightning strikes.

Room XIV: Lobster Tails

This room is filled with water to a depth of 8 feet. It contains 6 giant crayfish. At the bottom there are the remains of other adventurers, with a medium treasure.

Room XV: Emptiness

This room is six feet below the door level, but has no water in it. Every time they search the room, they will find a new secret compartment that is empty. The old ones will disappear as they find new ones.

Room XVI: Hose off, eh?

The water in this room is frozen solid. Inside is a frost giant practicing ice hockey. His skates give him 50 movement, and his hockey stick has a blade on it, replacing the standard great axe. Any movement or combat requires a DC 15 check or the character falls prone, unless they have appropriate foot wear. There is no treasure in here.

Room XVII: Neutral Zone

This room is filled with two feet of water. The two dotted lines are walls of force. The activate when someone walks into the room from the east, and deactivate when someone walks into the room from the south.

Room XVIII: Hmmm Mmm

This room has water to a depth of one foot, just enough to keep the two chuul happy. Medium treasure.


Oooookay. How's everyone doing? Now that July is over, I've been back at it, plugging away on July's rooms before I can move on to August. At this point, I think I'm doing it out of sheer bloody-mindedness, though I am enjoying myself again.

To prove I haven't been idle, here's the first half of July. Part two will be coming in a few days!

New Level: Health Spa! (aka the womb of monsters, but don't let that trouble you!)

1: Foyer
  • Leads to the pomegranate doors. Dark, musty. Floor mosaic of a spiralling ouroboros.
  • (?) Periodic, rumbling, groaning sound from the North.

2: Hall of Titans
  • Vast hall of echoing white marble. Titanic pillars sculpted into godlike nude men and women hold up the roof. Natural light falls from high windows on the East side.
  • (?) The distant wails and groans of a hurt child, somewhere within.

3: Sacrificial Mouth
  • An empty room with a circular, flower-like pattern in the centre of the floor. Glyphs are carved into the walls. Faint rotting smell.
  • (!) Trap: Stepping into the centre of the floor causes the stone petals to iris open, dropping whoever is standing 30’ down into the digestive sump, where they will be knee-deep in opalescent, magic-inhibiting, slowly damaging ichor.
  • (??) Faint seams between the petals in the floor.
  • (?) Mule demons come here periodically to deliver sacrifices to the pit.

4: Storeroom
  • Gloomy cellar with rusted iron restraints drilled into the walls. Cracked amphorae on the opposite wall.
  • (?) One amphora is intact, with a bunch of dried lotus petals in the bottom (2d6 doses).

5: Crumbling Facade
  • Marble reliefs cracked and shattered, revealing complex, oozing, pulsing biomachinery.

6: Changerooms
  • (!) Lair of a pile of dozing mule demons, guarding the way to the baths.

7: Baths
  • Lit by oculus skylight. Sound of babbling water.
  • Gorgeous domed bathhouse of white marble, with cascading fountains spouting blood from the mouths of frolicking statues. The blood runs down into terraced baths and troughs, lapping and spilling across the floor.
  • (!) Lair of the caterpillar demon, queen of the spa, who sleeps beneath the blood when she is not visiting the prince. One hundred soft sticky hands, one hundred teats, one hundred cruel bony spines, one hundred teeth.
    • Needs: human sacrifices to keep the prince alive, to provide nourishment for her young (raiders in the city currently assist)
    • Wants: to open the locked Imperial Doors to the level above.
    • Fears: magic that is not her own
    • Knows: the layout of the city & the surrounding countryside
    • Treasure: the prince’s protective amulet, a clutch of demon eggs

8: Ventilation Shaft
  • This room runs up/down 60’. The walls are sheer marble with no incline.
  • (??) Prints of blood and viscous fluid on on side, as if made by (??) a hundred little hands.

9: Caldarium
  • Steamy bath of bubbling blood.
  • (?) Bath is filled with human bones.

10: Frigidarium
  • Doors blocked from the inside with stone tables.
  • Chilly room filled with rank and frigid water. Several human skeletons in rotted rags.
  • (??) Skeletons hide knives and a gilt water pitcher worth 10 coins.
  • (?) The water is dirty but not notably harmful.

11: Capillary Trenches
  • Cramped hall with walls of bone and pulsing biomachinery, winding and sloping in 3 dimensions. Floor is sticky with viscous goop and scattered with occasional human bones.
  • (?) Some rooms are divided only by fleshy membranes which can be cut open.

12: Trenches: Ichor Pits
  • Rotten smell. Knee-deep in opalescent, corrosive ichor. Magically potent, disruptive to spellcasting.

13: Trenches: Pit Beneath the Mouth
  • Another ichor pit, surrounded by fleshy membranes that can be slashed. Every turn, there is a chance some mule demons will come (the membranes part for them) to bring victims to the sacrifice wall.

14: Trenches: Demon Creche
  • A writhing mass of larval mule demons, loudly moaning for food when disturbed.

15: Trenches: Armoury
  • Rows of bizarre organisms feeding from teats in the walls.
  • (??) These are bioweapons – spine launchers, acid spitters, and claw-grapnels.
  • (!?) Each is a parasite that bonds to its host’s hand when touched, grabbing on and biting in (the pain fades after a minute). To remove the parasite, kill it. It increases your hunger instead of using ammunition.

16: Trenches: Sacrifice Wall
  • Row of figures behind translucent membranes set into the wall. There are a few vacant orifices in the row.
  • (?) Closed orifices are filled with clear viscous liquid, and can be slashed open.
  • (??) Only one figure shows signs of life, feebly kicking at the membrane when someone approaches. This is Dima, a goatherd abducted from his village by shrike demons (or maybe he is someone the PCs are looking for?).

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