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D&D General #Dungeon23

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For those who stuck with it (unlike me): anything you learned? Will you use all or part of your megadungeon/project for a game? Fun creative exercise?

I only kept up until March. I was spending a lot of time making the maps and such, and had a lot of grand plans. I started again in July for a bit. I think I would find it easier if making the dungeon/adventures was more concretely connected to an ongoing game.


For those who stuck with it (unlike me): anything you learned? Will you use all or part of your megadungeon/project for a game? Fun creative exercise?

I only kept up until March. I was spending a lot of time making the maps and such, and had a lot of grand plans. I started again in July for a bit. I think I would find it easier if making the dungeon/adventures was more concretely connected to an ongoing game.
I have a lot of inchoate thoughts. Off the top of my head:

  • I definitely want to play this, and put it out for playtest, maybe after a short break. Having gone to the trouble of writing up a draft of all 12 levels, I'd like to publish it, if only to say 'I made a megadungeon'!
  • Actually playing through the whole thing in order sounds a bit like a chore. I think the levels will be fun on their own, as vignettes, or as part of a campaign with larger-scale stakes and faction play encouraging exploration. I had a some vague ideas about this when I was writing up each level, but I think it needs another pass.
  • Expanding on the above: the dungeon absolutely has to have no concern whatever for being played 'properly'. Making sure there are plenty of shortcuts and external exits is another thing that will need another pass.
  • The most vexing question, since the beginning, has been which system(s) to adapt it to. I don't think 5e or Pathfinder are good fits. Something like OSE or Knave might work. Or even, Tunnels & Trolls! I'm also sorely tempted to make a bespoke system for this, since I think some of the features of megadungeons kind of demand unique designs. So far, I have successfully resisted this temptation.
  • It will be a long time before I shall wish to write another dungeon.


Still catching up, but at least now I reached December :D

Days 307-311 - Tavern cellar
K1 - Cellar entrance - 2d4 diseased giant rats
K2 - Connecting passage with wine barrels - 1 healing potion
K3 - Storage room with secret door
K4 - Storage room with window
A1 - Hidden altar


Days 312 - 317 - Tingle Tangle Toys

A map for my Christmas adventure.

Rooms from bottom to top, left to right: - Entrance area with sweets and cash register
  • Adventurous board game realm
  • Plush paradise
  • Enchanting doll's house
  • Mechanical wonderland
  • Warehouse


Days 318 - 334 - Skullhaven Ruin Level -1
The ruins of Skullhaven continue.
318 - Prayer room - Stairs to level 0
319 - Crypt
320 - Nest
321 - Crypt
322 - Hidden crypt
323 - 324 - Crypt
325 - Preparation chamber
326 - storage
327 - Crypt
328 - Stairs to level 0
329 - Workshop
330 - Secret room
331 - Warehouse - barricaded path to the harbour
332 - Warehouse - barricaded path to the harbour
333 - Workshop - path to mines
334 - Forge


Archive, Week 3

15: Face of Assignment
  • Stern marble face with jewels for eyes watches the hall. Scorch marks on the marble.
  • (!) The face fires disintegration rays at anyone whose face it doesn’t recognise.
  • Fist-sized jewels worth 500 coins each.

16: Living Collage
  • Human forms piled together and frozen in place behind some grey, waxy, plastic substance. You could have sworn you saw a limb twitch.
  • (?) Barrier is impervious to most weapons.

17: Spout
  • A funnel of jutting stone slabs, rising 100’.

18: Army
  • (!) 100 undead soldiers, silent and still, in silver armour.
  • An echoing hall supported by pillars in the shape of nude titans.

19: Death Masks
  • Hundreds of painted clay death masks line the hall.
  • (??) 2d6 are actually gold, worth 100 coins each.

20: Ceiling Pool
  • Fish swim in a pool on the ceiling, fed by water from the reverse hall (a 60’ drop).

21: Rotating Room
  • A single entrance/exit. A golden globe held by cherubs in the centre.
  • (?) Twist the globe to rotate the room in 90 degree increments.

Voidrunner's Codex

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