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Recent content by 1988Sander31

  1. 1988Sander31

    Podcast #122: Nazi Dracula Must Die! with Justice Arman

    They pretty much to go to Bad guys or violence or the basic blueprint it’s really nothing controversial everybody knows Natsu is a bad guys nobody likes Nazis seriously there is not a person that doesn’t know Nazis equals bad guys it’s actually kind of done to death by now but nobody minds more...
  2. 1988Sander31

    Podcast #122: Nazi Dracula Must Die! with Justice Arman

    The problem with something put in the history period is there always people that know a lot about these periods and they don’t like inaccuracies even if you flaver them with fantasy Also it looks just like a Nazi version of Strahd which is pretty unnecessary Because you can use the same themes...
  3. 1988Sander31

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's African-inspired Sourcebook

    Great to here. Hope they as divers as other places In Golarion so there is some diversity with Asian and Arabian or Indian styl people mixed in the larger city scapes
  4. 1988Sander31

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's African-inspired Sourcebook

    I hope the shows how diverse the setting is
  5. 1988Sander31

    D&D 5E You Can Now Get Minis For The D&D Combat Wheelchair

    Players always want to make some cosmetic affect some minor narrative things to useful tool to write convert or to handle difficult situations that’s just how do you think they will use a property like levitation for the AdVantage that’s just how the world works so you have to be very careful...
  6. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    On another question what is the average power level of the light cosmetic any major city in an RPG that has the actual population of adventure ask how do you deal with high-level adventurous? Is that outlined there if we have high-level line cops / police npcs and pieces I would thatis n the...
  7. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    After the critique on my writing style are used voice recognition on my phone this resulted in a double post If you refer to the context review says you’re more privateers than cups which is confusing What is the exact role and legitimisation after players action as any form of law...
  8. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    My main problem is that I’m not even sure you’re clean cups it says privateer so to make this clear are you law-enforcement employed by the city or not which rules apply have to bye-bye what are the new rules for the GM do we get suggestions how to instate city laws and punishments and how...
  9. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    I’m both second language and dyslexic I try my best
  10. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    The medieval excuses is not very valid golarion is only midieval in some aesthetic choices but Hase several modern moral concepts as well is very advanced via magical travel and communications Not like the medieval ages where the people 2 villages over where total strangers you miss trusted...
  11. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    Well other modern moral and societal Strukturs and ideals exist in that world like beeing openly gay or having interspicies couples (humans and elves ) with out having a bigoted society so it is not unreasonable to have a modern like law enforcement too
  12. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    How would alignment detecting spells impact every day live of law enforcement
  13. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    Sure but law has to be enforced to make sure that lvl 1 commoners are free to I’ve there lives in a world of powerful lvl 10 Mages and rouges A street patrol will not do to handle a bunch of roudy adventure How were casting spells on people and Marchands Handel in the past to avoid a „might...
  14. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    To be honest as a gay man I have to say the following if you cannot have it both ways you cannot say being gay is of any meaning if you make a send h to be honest as a gay man I have to say the following if you cannot have it both ways you cannot say being gay is of any meaning if you make a...
  15. 1988Sander31

    Devil at the Dreaming Palace: An In-Depth Review

    So does adventure path is not about being real policeman having to deal with the struggle between following the law defending the law and people who are just ignoring it but it’s about something else taking riches from them showing is sitting on the bed like the day you don’t even care to have...