Recent content by aboyd

  1. aboyd

    Paizo Announces New Irrevocable Open RPG License To Replace the OGL

    Isn't the ORC license just a legal framework for ANY game? So isn't this just "we will make a license for any game you want" and then sci-fi RPGs and fantasy RPGs and western RPGs will all be able to use it, if they wish. It won't be "here is Pathfiver." It will be "here is a license, and...
  2. aboyd

    Duskblade gets combat casting, then invokes that whenever damaged. Totally wrong, but I can't find rules to counter it.

    I have a friend playing a Duskblade. He got Combat Casting at level 2. That gives him a +4 to concentration when casting defensively. So, he cast next to a dire rat, the rat got an AOO, and hit for 4 or 5 points of damage. This causes a concentration check. The whole table of players says...
  3. aboyd

    Santa Clara, CA: Pathfinder mini-campaign, starts Saturday Jan 4, 2014

    I have a Pathfinder mini-campaign starting in Santa Clara, CA. It'll begin at 1 PM on Saturday, January 4th, 2014. It goes until 6 PM. It continues like that every other weekend for 5 total games (Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1). It's limited seating, so please don't claim a seat unless you really...
  4. aboyd

    Numenera Character Creator app is here!

    There are a couple of free character creation tools on the Web that seem to be easier and more useful. For example: Darkliquid's Numenera Character Generator Numenera Character Generator - with printable sheet
  5. aboyd

    Can we get Numenera added to the gamer finder?

    I just tried to use the gamer finder to find players for Numenera, but there is no option to select Numenera in the drop-down list of "Games I Enjoy." The site already has 8 players on their map, and they're tiny compared to En World. En World should be kicking butt on this...
  6. aboyd

    D&D 5E D&DN going down the wrong path for everyone.

    Does anyone know who this mystery person is? I'd like to steer clear of him/her in the future.
  7. aboyd

    D&D 5E D&DN going down the wrong path for everyone.

    And a couple of years ago I would have argued in favor of 3rd edition D&D being revitalized by D&D Next, but now I agree with you both, too. When Monte Cook came on board and lots of D&D 4th edition-isms were being crushed into dust, I was pretty happy to see that happen. I had huge animosity...
  8. aboyd

    Pathfinder 1E Need tips & info about Vault of Larin Karr and Lost City of Barakus

    I am about to DM the module, The Vault of Larin Karr. However, I am also at the same time, in the same game, running The Lost City of Barakus but without the lost city of Barakus. In other words, all the sandbox encounters and characters and towns from LCoB will be dropped into The Vault of...
  9. aboyd

    Big changes a'coming! Merging the D&D forums

    Meh. I haven't posted a lot in the last 2 months (lost my job, been distracted). I came in tonight to start up posting again, saw this. While I would be a fan of combining basic/1st/2nd/3rd/Pathfinder into one big group, mixing in 4th and 5th seems really bad. At the very least, 4th is...
  10. aboyd

    D&D 3E/3.5 (3.5) What can you command undead to do?

    For the OP, here is what I put on my private forum, for adjudicating interactions with the undead. Undead without Intelligence are essentially running off the creator's knowledge. For example, without Intelligence, a zombie has no concept of what a road is, nor any other basic thing such as a...
  11. aboyd

    Gygax: Beasts of Legend books, anything unique to the books?

    Hey all. I've just ordered a signed copy of Beasts of Legend (Cheap! Only $11 from Troll & Toad!) as well as a non-signed copy of More Beasts of Legend. These were the two monster books that Gary Gygax wrote for his Lejendary Adventures game, which was published by Troll Lord Games. My...
  12. aboyd

    D&D 3E/3.5 Stonesky Delve - from OSRIC to 3.5 edition

    5. The Gauntlet Note that from ground to ceiling is approximately 165 feet, which should be beyond most light sources and even darkvision. If your PCs somehow have enabled a way to perceive things that distant, you will need to modify the read-aloud text. Read-aloud text Standing at the base...
  13. aboyd

    D&D 3E/3.5 Stonesky Delve - from OSRIC to 3.5 edition

    4. Long Slide Read-aloud text The cave system meanders forward for a mere 25 feet, veering to the right, before dropping off into darkness again. Thankfully, you have about 8 feet of height in this passageway, and 10 feet of width. From what you can see, the colorations on the walls are...
  14. aboyd

    D&D 3E/3.5 Stonesky Delve - from OSRIC to 3.5 edition

    3. Mossy cave Read-aloud text You find yourself at an opening into the right side of a long chamber. The ceiling rises roughly 20' overhead, and the floor slopes steeply to about 25' below before leveling off. The walls appear to be discolored in red and green hues. Movement Whenever...
  15. aboyd

    D&D 3E/3.5 Stonesky Delve - from OSRIC to 3.5 edition

    2. Smooth passage Read-aloud text Here the passageway levels off, and extends into darkness. Unfortunately, while it remains approximately 10' wide, the smooth ceiling is only 5' tall at its highest point. Those blessed with good height will need to hunch over. Down here sunlight is hard to...