Recent content by Aephix

  1. A

    See Live Action D&D Cartoon Characters In This Car Commercial

    The final commercial has been posted to YouTube...
  2. A

    D&D Movie/TV Casting Begins Soon For D&D Movie?

    Dave Bautista as Minsc might be worth it.
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    Pathfinder: Kingmaker Is An Isometric RPG Experience

    My biggest complaint right now is that I rolled a Bard (my fault) and the starting party composition ended up with 2 bards (me and Lini) and cleric and a barbarian. So we have a bit of healing, but not a ton of damage dealing. It got better once Valerie joined the party, but I'll do better...
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    Bulmahn on Pathfinder 2's Goblin Ancestry

    A fair amount of the pushback is just from folks who don't like "monsters" as playable characters, even if the creatures have variable ethics and morality that can allow them to be heroic. It breaks verisimilitude for them to see goblins as PC's, but honestly, I think that part of the appeal of...
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    A Crunchy Take On Conan From Modiphius Entertainment

    Yes, player characters can learn to do sorcery (in addition to petty magic, alchemy, and other forms of magic). Sorcery requires characters to permanently lose Resolve (basically mental health) to learn spells and temporarily lose it to cast spells. Failures on Sorcery checks can incur...
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    What's Green Ronin Up To In 2018? The Expanse, Lazarus, & More!

    It is uncrunchy. It's not quite as "lite" as Fate or Savage Worlds, but it is in the neighborhood. There is a pair of episodes of Tabletop where Chris Pramas runs the players thru a session of Dragon Age if you want to get an idea ( for the first one).
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    What's Green Ronin Up To In 2018? The Expanse, Lazarus, & More!

    It is using a version of the AGE system (used by Dragon Age, Fantasy AGE, and Blue Rose).
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    Wizards of the Coast Completes Acquisition of TSR Inc

    I don't even vaguely remember a BattleTech TCG.
  9. A

    New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 4th December 2017

    Oops...totally missed that.
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    New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 4th December 2017

    I think the Star Frontiers module is just a Drive Thru RPG release....that module has otherwise been out of print for about 35 years...
  11. A

    Numenera 2: The Kickstarter Is Live!

    Yeah, the Kickstarter commenting system is not a good means to try to interface with the fiction (they really need something that allows message threads if they want to do that). I check in the comments periodically to see if there are any campaign announcements, but other than that I've...
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    Dragons Conquer America - A Preview of Burning Games New Historical Fantasy RPG

    A lot of the stuff outside Western Europe that was historical (and not made up for the sake of dragons) to me read a lot like the author had lightly researched it, but hadn't actually communicated with anyone either from the cultures or who were more intimately familiar. The Incan, African, and...
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    Dragons Conquer America - A Preview of Burning Games New Historical Fantasy RPG

    Very Temeraire (particularly Crucible of Gold), although this seems a bit more well developed (I liked the Temeraire books, but they felt less well developed when they left western Europe).
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    Numenera 2: The Kickstarter Is Live!

    Thanks for digging that was in a cluster of about 10 comments that I had completely overlooked when I had scrolled thru. Its unfortunate that they feel that way, but I'm really doubting (at this point) that the campaign will reach a sufficient level where the $100 level will be worth it...
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    Numenera 2: The Kickstarter Is Live!

    The last purely Numenera KS campaign they ran (for Into the Ninth World) had about 3300 backers for sourcebooks (so we can assume most were already Numenera supporters), so it is probably a fairly safe bet that we'll have at least the same amount on this campaign (maybe more since this is for...