Recent content by ajevans

  1. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    Yes, the root of the word is Greek. The overwhelmingly common usage of the word however predominantly refers to Tefillin.
  2. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    I think you're missing the point. It's most strongly associated with a people who have been the subject of serious persecution. Those terms aren't just used in Roman Catholic rituals, they're common across other denominations, and there's not the same history of persecution there. Most...
  3. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    Is it though? It's pretty solidly associated with the Jewish Faith, and it's origin's in fantasy appear to be D&D as far as I can tell. And then associating them with ancient evil undead creatures is not a great look. If WOTC accepts that it's depiction Orcs are racist, I feel that associating...
  4. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    It's not so much me shifting the goal posts, as my views not fitting your projections of them from my original post. I was commenting on the product that was being reviewed, not commenting on the review. I don't buy that the boxed set had nothing to do with potential sensitivity issues...
  5. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    I read the review I think it's fair to throw it around when they've done a half-assed job. I'm not a sensitivity reader, but having ran it, I can pick out a few issues. As it stands it still contains the misogynistic descriptor "Hag", and what I'd argue is the anti-semitic usage of...
  6. ajevans

    Strahd Returns with Curse of Strahd Revamped: An In-Depth Review

    I can't help feel that this was just a cheap excuse to cash in again on a product on the flimsiest of pretexts. I'm curious to know if they did a proper job or whether this was just a bit of "look at us, we're doing good, buy the same product again at inflated prices". Can someone who's got...
  7. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    Those games got to be popular because they had a wide release. What is your source on whether or not HeroQuest is in the same league as Betrayal? What figures are you using?
  8. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    Betrayal at House on the Hill wasn't a spinoff, and got to be hit by actually being available. And whilst I haven't got sales figures, I'd wager the original HeroQuest dwarfed Risk Legacy sales, given the former has widespread recognition outside the hobby for people of a certain age. Given...
  9. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    That's a circular argument. It's too niche, therefore we're only going down the limited route. We're going down the limited route, therefore it must be too niche. But not niche enough to not warrant a big splash advert on the front page of their corporate sites. You tend to put projects you...
  10. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    If it were that niche, Hasbro wouldn't have a big splash banner for it up on their corporate front page.
  11. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    Hardly, it's game for which there's a lot of love for, there was a big announcement that it was being released again and a teaser campaign. This built up a lot of excitement. Then it gets announced, and it's not getting a proper release, just a premium priced crowdfunded release for North...
  12. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    So basically it's a Hasbro decision. People aren't really complaining at the creators, this is a strawman of your creation, they're complaining about the Hasbro decision.
  13. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    That's a choice they make not a restriction they are forced to work with.
  14. ajevans

    Hasbro's Heroquest and Chaosium’s Role in the Board Game’s Return

    There's been some speculation, but zero pointing to actual sources so I don't think that's the real reason. Unlike the original game that was mass-marketed to the public and price accordingly this is purely aimed at the nostalgia market and priced highly accordingly (the price is not out of...
  15. ajevans

    Cheap minis UK?

    Either not fussed really