Recent content by Akea

  1. A

    Kika's FINALLY baby

    *A small note is posted on the boards by an iron tack* Wait is over, Kika Ballanoco gave birth to a baby boy this day, visitors welcome to visit by her home! *stamped with a small symbol resembling a sun with many arms*
  2. A

    Murder in the Streets!

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Murder in the streets of Sigil! But a fortnight ago just outside of the Bazaar a gathering of the Githyanki was held, only to be ambushed by some unknown warriors that have only been described as wearing all black and a symbol of white on their backs. Nobody knows what the...
  3. A


    A tall woman ventures into the tavern with a sigh of content. Not having visited the establishment for a while, her gaze travels around to absorb the familiar surroundings with comfort, so glad not much has changed in her apparently long departure. She moves into the tavern with a steady gait...
  4. A

    In Loving Memory

    A note is left posted, coffee-stained parchment written in rather scriptive writing of black ink. A small droplet of blood is pressed onto one corner of the parchment, smeared at as if it was attempted to be wiped away. There's no escaping war's wrath, destroying everything in it's path. The...
  5. A


    Has there been any development on this, Nashie?
  6. A


    That would be it yep, we can do it whenever. I've had a few people tell me now that they would really like to see an event of any kind happen, using whatever suggestions.
  7. A


    *snuggles Nashie* So, I would very much like to encourage a ball of some sort. I think we've all browsed over my idea of insanity a little while ago, and it was a little nearer Halloween then. So maybe a bubble party instead? Eh? Water and bubbles. Or a celebration of the elements or...
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    I always think that they have no lips, black flesh pulled back a sickly amount to protrude the image of a snarlie, square grin, with jagged and sharp white teeth. Lots of drool, too, so when you smack 'em a little slobber flies through the air!
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    Her nickname could be Silly-and-a-burden. Did anyone else pick that up from that name? Maybe just me. I'm someone that will reach my hands out to everyone in a particular event to which I make aim to let all the people that have come together to interact and perhaps make new friends IC and...
  10. A

    Something New

    What about... *glances one way, then the other* ... a ball? Eh? And better yet.. a horror ball. Y'know, the kind of stuff where it's all scary and evil, instead of pretty and good. I find a consistency with the balls being times of merriment and things of that sort, but what if there was a...
  11. A

    Too many vampires

    O.O ... You obviously haven't met Jazzmyn yet then. Maybe she's then classified as a really badly played vampire, but uh, that will never make me change her into a mopey cry-baby (to which she has deliberately quoted those that fall into that category as pathetic) or stuck on the mortal plain...
  12. A

    Too many vampires

    Yep. It bites sometimes. *snickers* What we need more of is vampire victims! *raises hand* Jazz is still employable for your wonderful and random killings, apply today! Well, when I get back into rp'ing swings, that is.
  13. A

    Too many vampires

    Oh yes.. the age-long argument. Vampires can be seen as 'good' in the White Wolf spectrum, yes. They are still monsters, still need to feed off the life of others to survive, still have what they call Beasts that can turn them into frenzying psychopaths... but there's rules and morals set in...
  14. A

    Too many vampires

    'n not responding to the usual typical weaknesses can be justified, not always, but often. I've had my vampire around for ... well I've kind'a lost count of the years, and unlike Ariel, she spreads her 'gift' around to those she deems worthy and makes servants out of the rest that want it...
  15. A

    Absence, yet again.

    I was sitting here thinking about where it would be good place to post the latest news where I knew everyone could see, and figured here would be most suitable. That way I know everyone can get a chance to take a peek without me having to multiply repeat myself to the level of insanity. Gist...