Recent content by alleykatt

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    D&D 5E Do You Think Spare the Dying is a Problem?

    What the hell would be the point then, seriously, just dump the spell if you want it to work like that. A round is six seconds, so you tie up your healer for stopping someone from dying, in the middle of combat. Like it has been pointed out unless your a grave cleric, who can cast it at range...
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    Nnnooo.. I refuse to give up my creations identities.. oh.. wait already did that to some extent... if you would like a full list please contact the .. old age club, and ask them if they have found my marbles yet pretty sure I left the names written on them.. and just maybe perhaps probably.. I...
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    That I take a break for awhile.

    I am taking an extended leave from ISRP, I'm going through a transitional time in my life and I need to clear my head of the other voices within it. These are my charcters that I was currently playing: Alleykatt Arachna Remmie Eric_Flames Syghlince You can always contact me through my email...
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    A Sinister Shadow

    *stops to read the notices on the cork board, and is startled by the crystal ball, blinks a few times and looks it over, carefully attempts to remove the crystal ball from the board using a glass jar to place it in and an iron knife to cut the net, " i have to give this to Jard.. it will crack...
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    as if I ever needed Val's permisson, ... *Steals Than
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    *kidnaps you as well.. mwahaha
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    *sneaks through grabs Neo, WIllow, Veleria, and runs off with them for her own reunion.
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    Too many vampires

    Ok maybe I stated things wrongly, I was talking about the *new* vampires, yes there are a *few* vampires that do follow a set of rules, even if they aren't the ones from the setting they are playing in. At least they have some, while others don't. Alleykatt has actually been charmed by a vampire...
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    Too many vampires

    Well I am not a vampire, nor do i have a vampire charcter but I imagine that with the popularity of vampire romances and thier ilk that many people think it is cool to be a vampire. Since 90% of them do not follow any limitations of true vampires in accordance with the literature they are...
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    Memories of Ka'yn and Alyysssa

    A place to laugh and reminisce about the good and the bad times we had while playing with her. A place to indulge in the happiness that she shared with us, so that we might retain that happiness of her for all time. A long time ago I said that Jackson who I truly miss and adore, would have to...
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    How many old players are still out there

    I'm old.. so old its unbelievable sometimes when I think about it.. Of my orginal charcters I still play two of them. Ghostling, who being an intelligent tiger, is not allowed almost anywhere, so is only seen behind the scenes.. Alleykatt, who was a wild and very open minded girl, an now has a...
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    What's the real reason we RP?

    I come because these people inside of me make me.. thier stories want to be told, an they need others to keep them alive as well
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    I miss.... I miss so many people I could never list them all.... .... Jackson.. Lavine ... Quindibo.. Adisil .. (spelling might be off its been ages) the player of Lavine's husband who killed himself..(the husband not the player or god I hope he didn't ) I miss Jard even though I know where the...
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    hmm.. Pretty sure I'll be there, its not often I come around but can't miss this.
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    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    Just to let you know though I wasn't mentioned I'm also not lost.. just not around there.. I'ld have to say for some of the same reasons as Donnie for charcter absentism