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Recent content by Amratat

  1. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Assuming they are proportioned similar to a human: It is not unreasonable for someone 6ft tall to have feet 1ft long. Big feet, but reasonable for that height. This would give the emperor (who stands at 40ft tall) feet 6'8" long. That information is now taking up space in your memory. Your...
  2. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Well, the emperor is stated to be 40 feet tall, so maybe they just have really big feet. The size of something 3 times its height. Picturing the emperor of all giants requiring clown shoes kinda ruins the awe a little.
  3. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    This makes more sense, thanks! Though now I wonder, is the emperor's foot 10ft in radius...? Food for thought, if not for mechanics!
  4. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Well, this statblock was so huge, I had to put the legendary actions on a seperate page on the homebrewery!! While I feel elemantal aura has been explained as well as it can (no mean feat with its complexity), I do personally feel that the complexity may make it a bit too difficult to run...
  5. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!! What would be your thoughts on changing to work like a smite spell (bonus action, next time it hits with a weapon attack the effect occurs). Same effect, but less confusing for someone like me.
  6. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Question about fire giant duke (an older one, I know): Immolating blow. Is this like a smite spell, or an action that makes one attack with the additional effects? I'm not sure how it works as currently written.
  7. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Well, here is all of your Giant elites, converted to the homebrewery. No pictures, unfortunately. Homebrew Giant Elites
  8. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Hey Demetrios, would you object to me formatting all of these elites to the Homebrewery and posting a link to that here?
  9. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    What would be your thoughts on granting them uncanny dodge and evasion, just to differentiate it a bit more from Smiling Ones. I don't believe that would affect the CR too much (as far as I can tell, it is CR 12.5, offensive CR12, defensive CR13).
  10. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    Maybe a limited version of Leadership that only affects the hellhounds, and some Battlemaster abilities to move the hellhounds and give them more attacks?
  11. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    What about a fire giant that trains hell hounds? Maybe a sort of two-weapon beastmaster type? And, on another note, what about a frost giant wrestler/bare-knuckle fighter?
  12. Amratat

    D&D 5E Homebrew Giant Elites

    I love the idea of a monk stone giant, but I wonder: would they, flavour-wise, be better as dancers? The Stone Giant Ordning is built around art, and meditating for years doesn't seem to further that. Stone Giants who study movement and dance would still be rare, as it is such an impermanent...