• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by angelababy

  1. A

    Invisible Edlritch Glaive Lock

    when you generate the invocation it generates an AoO like using all SLA does - but opnly when generating it - the EG creates an opportunity when invoked but not for the remainder of the duration.
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    Magic Targeting Square vs Concealment

    However, if you think he's in X square, you can still use a melee or ranged touch spell into that square and roll the miss chance and potentialy hit if he's actually there.
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    Huge size and AoO

    this example is the exactly opposite of your first example as I think it. Someone is in frond of the huge monster.
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    Do you use electrum pieces?

    Both at a loss of course. It's otherwise more trouble than it's worth to FORCE a non-decimal coinage system upon players, IME.
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    males playing females and the other way around, opinions?

    If somebody wants to play a character of another gender and act like a fool, they'd probably act like a fool regardless.
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    Do You Write In Or Modify Your Game Manuals?

    I never marked anything in a book. Then I started writing my name inside the covers after a player at a table claimed my book and denied it was mine.
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    Educational Benefits of RPGs?

    I was preparing myself to write about my experiences so far in medical school with role-playing being a pretty core activity in the curriculum. You should probably be able so cite these books with a tiny amount of stretching. which involves taking the part of a scientist putting proposals to the...
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    When PCs fail.

    This will be very, very, very bad for the people of the setting but that's the bad part of being the characters upon whom the fate of the world rests. A few times it has completely altered the campaign setting -- effectively the PCs endure a "fall of civilisation" event and focus shifts to...
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    Always with the killing

    It will achieve their ends faster and better than any other means.that's a big reason why they were so successful. Less violent RPGs, such as RPGs targetted at girls, have not been so successful, at most they are niche products.the low-level party encounters a powerfully ancient dragon in a dungeon.
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    Why is/was melee training so bad?

    These are heroes, they can have 10 strength on a piece of paper, but really they are well trained, proficient and strong enough to wield their weapons. That might stir up an "Expertise hornet's nest", but they're a special case, but that's the nature of the beast. If this is going to be par for...
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    Shadowfell Box set coming in 2011! (an other GenCon announcements)

    This thread is the first I've heard that this is actually happening. in the hope of pleasing more players. I don't see an issue here.things that some players thought were lacking before.there will be new updates to DDI, but nothing to announce quite yet.This book doesn't seem to have this kind...
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    The D&D Boss Fight

    At the end of the day a single creature is just a single creature and that's an inherent weakness - it can't spread out nor can it survive partially. While drawing in the necromantic energy, he provides a leader bonus in the form of say, an Aura 5. Any effects that last until the end of the...
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    Dragon Breath

    Dragon's are where they should be: higher hps, special abilities, multiple types of attacks, feats, etc. - scary. if it can cast spells, only up to 4th level. However, it does move fast: 90' ground, 250' fly. Now look at your standard high level 3.5 party: they fear a similarly high HD dragon...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 (D&D 3.5) Is Monkey's grip worth it?

    If you're starting at a low level and want to have an big friggin sword from the start, take monkey grip and use the substitution rules in PHB II to get a new feat when you can afford it later.However, if you are a fighter with a high Strength, weapon training and high to-hits could justify...
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    How come no one's publishing the old Corebooks?

    What incentive is there for the publisher? There's still scads of 3.5e stuff out there, both hardcopies and online references. there's no new Player's Handbooks, no new Dungeon Master's Guides, no new Monster Manuals.