Recent content by Aranel

  1. Aranel

    Alraxian Tales

    Whether AnkhMorepork Guard mentioned it or not, the characters (excluding Akan, later Jyren) and most of the storyline for ‘Heroes of Another Kind’ were based on the middle and third book of a trilogy (Of trilogy’s O.o) which I am still in the process of creating. (Backwards. Trust me, it makes...
  2. Aranel

    Star Wars: Heroes of Another Kind

    You messed up the Mrrakesh. They're bigger therfore slower than 'Raxians. Not too bad a retelling, though you skipped a load of the probably more pointless stuff that happened-it was kinda funny though. Also, some of the bits you missed strengthened Shadow's character-oh well. People, the...
  3. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    ((Clone post))
  4. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    ((Clone Post))
  5. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    Aranel had bowed her head to the brothers as the cloak and broach were wrapped and then fastened around her shoulders. She'd been amazed at the quality and made a note to personally hunt down their mum and thank her for the effort put into such fine cloaks. She delighted in the brooches and...
  6. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    In a moment of understanding and agreement, Aranel smiled. "Where Telerin here he'd be down there with Fang, who would have been unable to enter. Still, I do not doubt he would have started off on a lecture about forests and green things and cats eating mice..." She trailed off in momentary...
  7. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    Aranel knew better than to look around like a guilty theif, grimancing she plucked the ring from the remains of the hand and wht was also likely an arm and looked to be poking about, she then stood up and slipped it in her pocket to be looked at later. Wandering back over to the troubled...
  8. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    Horrified fascination led Aranel to pick up a belt with the end clearly chewed off. In fact it looked like it had been used as a chew-toy... Mumbling to herself she pushed around a little more, looking for anything else that might be of interest or possibly worth something... Once she'd...
  9. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    Still with a slightly dazed air about her, Aranel gave Thurgan a warm 'thank you' smile and eyed the hole in the ceiling again. As though something just occured to her she grinned and turned to the guard captain. "Kind sir, thank you for your words, but if I were indeed a lady I would not be...
  10. Aranel

    (Adventure) In Service of Orussus (dpdx judging)

    ((Ok I fixed Karcer- some things are left the weight and size for her being a small character. O.o; Dunno how AMG missed that. Asides from him being blind and playing CoH non stop...)) IC: Karcer cackled as she finished off the human in her way, there was a lot going on but the list of...
  11. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    Aranel, now below Thurgan, heard a voice and peered down. She couldn't see all that much and her arm hurt. There were probably two dead cloaker bodies down there too. Hopefully they made for a soft landing. Aranel reached the rope, hooked an arm and leg around it and started to slide slowly...
  12. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    OOC: Oops on the stepping back, I don't think I read it properly, my bad ^^; IC: "Thurgan..." There had been a long silence while Aranel hung, blood dripping down her arm from the wounds and body twisting occasionally to bump against the rocky wall. She hadn't said anything for a while because...
  13. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    ((I'm back!! America was fun ^-^)) The elf had been about to ask 'How close?' before it got her. Aranel let out a shriek of pain as it bit deep into her arm. Desperate to get it off of her she twisted furiously until her good arm and the crossbow in it were facing the creature. With a frenzied...
  14. Aranel

    (Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

    OOC: AMG knows, I've been telling him a long time but he fears he may have lost interest in the character with all thats happening IRL right now. Incidentally, I'll be in Florida with him after May 2nd until July 2nd...>.< sowwy guys, we shpuld be able to post again (I will anyway. I shall kick...
  15. Aranel

    (Adventure) In Service of Orussus (dpdx judging)

    Karcer, who had a head under her arm, and was just about to kill another of the buggers had stopped and she was trying to clean her Axe on the dead creatures clothing, lovingly running the blade over their fabric and muttering to the severed head. She heard Sara call for help and looked around...