• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by ArcaneOverride

  1. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Special Arrows

    Why do Flaming Arrows cost 100 gp when Explosive Arrows cost 80 gp, do more damage, and don't need a bonus action to light. The only advantage I can see for Flaming Arrows is that they are compatible with Expertise Dice. It seems to me that Explosive Arrows should cost more than Flaming Arrows,
  2. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) What's your favorite thing about Level Up?

    The Eldritch Archer feat chain is amazing, and I can't wait to play a character with it.
  3. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Spells: Winners and Losers

    1 decide that your character's seen components are some manner of special effect not gestures 2 get familiar or pet 3 cast friends on it every round for several minutes before trying to use friends on the target 4 claim that the special effects are harmless and involuntary and are occurring due...
  4. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Training Skills

    I reported it right around the same time I made this thread.
  5. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Training Skills

    The Train downtime activity (Pg 432) says that a character can use it "to learn a new weapon, language, skill, or tool proficiency", but then does not seem to give mechanics for learning skill proficiencies like it does for the rest. Am I misunderstanding something?
  6. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Feats: Winners / Losers

    I think the Eldritch Archer feat chain is amazing! Its a huge improvement over the Arcane Archer from o5e. It gives abilities that are useful, very flavorful, and can be used most rounds. It makes the character a magic archer instead of someone who occasionally dabbles in magic archery The...
  7. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) What are "Subtle Changes" in LU?

    Doesn't this make the second benefit of the Battle Caster Feat (pg 380) redundant?
  8. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Distracting with Weapons

    The Flamboyant Weapon Property gives disadvantage to saving throws to resist being distracted by the weapon, but I can't find how you can cause those saving throws. Is there a Maneuver or some other action I missed that causes enemies to have to save vs being distracted by a weapon?
  9. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) So where do ya'll plan to start with LU?

    I will be reading the vampire feats, first. Then, after that, checking to see if there are any improvements to stealth mechanics.
  10. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) So where do ya'll plan to start with LU?

    What about a robot vampire werewolf revenant?
  11. ArcaneOverride

    Level Up (A5E) Choose a page: Adventurer's Guide

    Page 296, the first page of wizard archetypes, please Edit: Actually can we please get page 297 instead, the second page of the wizard archetypes