• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Ashton09

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    Firebird #11 (she’s back!)

    Firebird #11 (she’s back!) Hello there and welcome back to Firebird. Does anyone remember my comic strip anymore? Sorry for the long, long delay- I got caught up in the regular minutia of life, well, not really minutia in this case- got another job and was busy with that. Unfortunately, even...
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    Firebird #10

    Well, Linda Park is back in the red & blue costume + I finally got #10 out! Though I can’t promise this will always be out on time monthly (even though that is my goal) I can promise that this will always come out- creating Firebird is a hobby that I love and plan to stick with for years to...
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    Firebird #9

    Firebird #9 is here, and this is the Chinese-Television Ghost, but there’s something more to her than meets the eye as you will all see soon enough. In #10 Linda is back in the Firebird costume! Thanks for continuing to read, and hope you enjoy this months episode~ -Ashton Link for larger...
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    FIREBIRD #8 (monthly comic strip)

    Welcome to Firebird #8, this was a tough one to get out and I'm running a little behind schedule on it. The first part of July I had a family emergency that completely took me out of the creative process (everything fine btw)~ didn't even get the script done until mid-July, then the last week of...
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    Firebird #7

    Thanks for coming back to check out another episode of Firebird, I really appreciate it. I've received a couple of inquiries as to when Linda Park will be back in her Firebird costume and my answer is very soon. I realize that because of its monthly format Firebird is a "slow burn" when it...
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    FIREBIRD #6 (monthly comic strip)

    Hello all, I’m back with another episode of “Firebird” and hoping for two things~ that you come back to read it again and that your gracious mod’s on the message board allow me to continue posting. It’s a lot of fun, but a lot of work too. My goal is to crank these out once a month and for...
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    FIREBIRD #5 (monthly Asian super heroine comic strip)

    hello all, my name is Ashton and I'm just a comic fan who likes to draw this crazy comic strip for fun. in the past I've been posting it on the laundry room for my kids to read but now I've decided to expand its exposure, not because I think its so great but just because its kind of fun to have...