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Recent content by Asimovian

  1. A

    Which table concerns do you consider the most significant?

    My son and I alternate as GM, each with a different system & campaign. We swap every several months or so.
  2. A

    Which table concerns do you consider the most significant?

    My main concern is scheduling - or rather, players' lack of commitment to attending regularly. We have one or two players who appear to ditch, often the day of or before our bi-weekly scheduled session. I think they're often either tired from lack of sleep discipline or they want to stay home...
  3. A

    Where i share my experiences with DCC (as a noob)

    So not the Hairy Tarantula. Too bad. ; )
  4. A

    Where i share my experiences with DCC (as a noob)

    Is the name of the Hairy Locust inspired by my favourite FLGS in Toronto?
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    GM Confessional

    Like some others have posted here, I have serious GMADD. Once I've started a game (always with lofty dreams of a years-long campaign) I get thinking about another game, and I end up wanting to abandon the one in favour of the other. My players joke about it and are very patient with me as I...
  6. A

    Pregnancy and newborns...

    With respect, I disagree with your comment. There are several posts in this thread which express chauvinistic attitudes toward pregnancy, and one post which does the same toward people of lower income. I'm done with being complacent about hurtful behaviour. We all have a responsibility to be...
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    Pregnancy and newborns...

    It's troubling - the mysogyny and arrogance expressed in some of the posts in this thread. I think some of us could be more considerate of others, and less judgemental.
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    Pregnancy and newborns...
