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Recent content by auspexRex

  1. auspexRex

    Pathfinder 1E New Pathfinder character generator coming soon

    It looks good so far, and that's more than I can say for any of the other generators I've seen. A nice, clean user interface is what could make this win out over the rest (assuming of course that it functions properly, etc).
  2. auspexRex

    FFG's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

    Since you found the FAQ, you probably found the "living index" too. Just in case you or other readers did not, there's an index online in downloadable, printable .PDF format. It's updated after every WFRP release to include all the books, so it's a "living" index. Also, the GM's Toolkit...
  3. auspexRex

    FFG's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

    Solid review overall. I like the system, but agree it's got some flaws in the execution and could have really benefited from more editing. The core rules aren't that confusing once you figure them out, it's just the way the rules are revealed to the reader that is sometimes vague. My only...
  4. auspexRex

    FFG's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

    I don't know if this is what you meant, but just to clarify in case anyone misinterprets: You typically attack and defend in the same round of combat. Your active defenses are actions that can be used when it is not your turn (if they are not recharging). When someone attacks you, you can...
  5. auspexRex

    How to respectfuly disagree with EGG?

    This. I think if the argument comes down to what EGG thought or what his opinions or intentions were, there's little point in continuing the discussion anyways. People can quote specific sources, but outside of that, it's going to be a discussion rife with assumptions about what people want...
  6. auspexRex

    D&D 3E/3.5 WFRP 3E full Gen Con seminar movie (dice mechanic and character sheet)

    Very likely true. I've never paid even close to FFG's suggested retail price for one of their games so far. Typically you can find their stuff 15-30% off.
  7. auspexRex

    D&D 3E/3.5 WFRP 3E full Gen Con seminar movie (dice mechanic and character sheet)

    Surely there's a limit to how many players you would allow in a game, depending on the game of course? Would you allow 10? 15? I dislike that out of the box the game is very much limited to a hard number of players. However, if it's because everyone gets nice, full-color components then...
  8. auspexRex

    D&D 3E/3.5 WFRP 3E full Gen Con seminar movie (dice mechanic and character sheet)

    Looks great, well worth the price for everything you get and knowing FF, the components will be top-notch. Glad they seem to be trying new things and actually attempting to innovate. Will buy this and give it a fair shot at the very least. If I don't like it out-of-the-box I'll tweak it or...
  9. auspexRex

    Movement vs. Entering - Interesting CustServ Response

    It's certainly not "as clear as it gets".
  10. auspexRex

    Online (MapTool) - D&D4E - Seeking 3 Players

    This Thread/Game is Currently Closed We've filled the party out now. I'll post back here if we have a slot open up in the near future.
  11. auspexRex

    Online (MapTool) - D&D4E - Seeking 3 Players

    My friend and I are interested in starting another online D&D 4E game. Our main group consists of people with busier schedules than our own and we want another group that can play more frequently. We have a DM and one player but would like to get three more players, four tops. We use...